WordPress 2.8 will be released today (maybe) and I thought we should celebrate with another super easy contest to win a free upgrade.
Yeah, yeah – I know the auto-upgrade works for everyone but me and three of my friends so if you don’t want the upgrade you can have an hour of my remote time. I’ll do some customizations, add some plugins, make recommendations, optimize and backup your database, or implement other tweaks and features.
But it can’t take more than an hour.
If you would like to enter the contest, all you have to do is leave a comment below saying you would like to be entered.
It would be awesome if you also joined my facebook group or sent a tweet about this contest using the button below but it’s not required.
And just like last time, everyone who enters wins! Well, sort of. All other contest entrants will win 10% of any of my services. Yay, right?
The contest will run for one week and end on June 17th. All entries will be placed in a hat or some sort of container and the winning name will be drawn by my daughter and announced on June 24th. The winner and other entrants have until July 31, 2009 to schedule the project.
Here are some of the sites that I’ve worked on before. [nggallery id=2 template=caption]
So let’s celebrate WordPress 2.8, my kid’s upcoming 7th birthday, and heck, even my birthday, which will be next month.
Thanks for playing :-)
Consider me in, like sin! Thanks, Kim!
I will Tweet this, for sure.
And am I really first commenting here? Whoo-hoo.
Jannie Funster´s last blog post – Got Gravatar? No? It’s Easy!
Yes please, do enter me.
Unfortunately, I don’t yet see 2.8 as being available and it’s already 8:30am UK time…
Hi David – Yeah, I changed the wording. I’m sure it will be released soon. (maybe) ;-)
I would like to be entered. Thanks.
Natural´s last blog post – Why Wait, Buy Now!
Please enter me, and then pick me! I’ve got the auto-upgrade, but if you pick me to win I promise I’ll let you do freaky-cool stuff with our blog! And then I promise to let you talk about it, promote your business, whatever reciprocal thing we dream up! Not that it should improve my chances or anything…but I thought I’d mention all that right away! Because, you just never know. Please? LOL
Betsy Wuebker´s last blog post – FROM THE ROAD: INTO THE YUKON
LOL – Last time I had a contest the very first person who entered ended up being the winner.
Kim —
The auto upgrade never works for me, either. Guess I know what I’ll be doing this week …
Don’t enter me in the contest. I just wanted you to know that others share your pain.
Regina Fried´s last blog post – Stolen Websites: How to Protect Your Site
Hi Regina – Oh good – now it’s me and 4 other people ;-)
Yep – I am in. Thanks Kim.
Rick Morgan´s last blog post – Do You Have Courage?
Well i wish all the best to all contestants. And of course happy birthday to you and your daughter (but i guess we will get to say it on the appropriate time ;) )
stratosg´s last blog post – Member Of The Month: May
Contest? Some professional help upgrading to 2.8? I’m in, please!!
Rick´s last blog post – Computer Boot Camp – June 2009
Since you just finished working on my site, I’ll hang back and let someone else win. Of course, if the upgrade goes badly, as it has in the past, I may be calling on you anyway. :-)
Dot´s last blog post – Happy Birthday to Us
Hi Dot – You could still enter and schedule your time way in the future. Or give it as a gift to a friend … LOL
I just visited wordpress website and did some search, they have released wordpress 2.8 but they called it “candidate-1 ” you can see it here: http://wordpress.org/development/2009/06/wordpress-2-8-release-candidate-1/.
It is like a beta release I think they want people to check for bugs and looking for feedbacks than may a formal one will come out. Digging it now, and find a good article here : http://clintmaher.com/wordpress/seven-reasons-why-wordpress-28-is-better-than-ever/.
Chinese Girl´s last blog post – Photo Zhuhai Pearl Amusement Park
Well the process of releasing software most of the times follows the scheme: alpha (1,2, etc) -> beta (1,2 etc) -> release candidate (1,2 etc) -> final – stable.
Alpha mostly means unstable/unpredictable with much of the functionality even missing. Beta means it has most of the functionality (if not all) and it has bugs. Release candidate means it is most likely to be released that way but they are still looking for some hidden bugs. Hope this clarifies things…
stratosg´s last blog post – Member Of The Month: May
Happily entering myself into your contest. Great idea.
I want to enter too :)
Count me in!!
I dont know why, but I am feeling lucky :D
Raju´s last blog post – Top 10 Free Online PDF Creators
I’m in! Thanks for the contest and discount!
carla | green and chic´s last blog post – Giveaway: Matt & Nat Takumi Vegan Handbag
sign me up!
Hi Kim,
Great idea for a contest. An hour of your time is really a great prize for those of us that know just enough about WP to really muck things up!
Tumblemoose´s last blog post – Children’s Book Publishers – How to Wow Them With a Perfect Query Letter
Thanks for the notice!
Cool contest, too!
Now I’m going to send a few people your way and also Google WordPress 2.8 to see whether I want to upgrade.
Gib Wallis´s last blog post – Redirecting your feed to maximize revenue potential
I’m in, of course… and will shortly tweet this. :)
Cool. I’m in. Thanks for the offer.
Bamboo Forest – PunIntended´s last blog post – The Meaning of Life
I forget too say , ” I am in” am I late?
Chinese Girl´s last blog post – Photo Zhuhai Pearl Amusement Park
Hi – It’s not too late. People will have a week to enter.
Here’s my entry comment, and I just tweeted too! It’s super awesome of you to offer an hours worth of your time in lieu of the upgrade, if someone prefers. :)
~ Kristi
Kikolani´s last blog post – Benefits of Blogging – Gaining a Worldwide Audience
This is a great contest!
I never seen any contest like this before.
Auto upgrade is working for me but I am having a problem with most of my plugins so I don’t really like to upgrade my platform.
Paul / Palabuzz´s last blog post – Geneva Cruz is Philippines Sexiest Vegan Celebrity
Sounds like a sweet contest…could use a critical eye over my setup…the backend is very unefficent…have to start applying more of what I preach(ed)
Donace´s last blog post – Parasite hosting
Hi Donace – I do that too. ;-) Make all sorts of recommendations before I stop and implement them for myself.
Hi Kim,
Please enter me in the contest. I would love to utilize your services for free if I win, but I still will utilize your services if I don’t ;=)
I would love to enter but in lieu of a word press upgrade I would like for you to just spend an hour telling me I am awesome. It would like empower me and such to more glorious bloggery.
Tracy´s last blog post – People who need pupa are the pluckiest people
LOL – I almost added something like that to the article – “heck you can just chat with me for an hour if you like …” ;-)
Great idea. Please enter me to win. :-)
Lisa Whelan´s last blog post – 75 Great Mobile Twitterers (#FollowFriday)
Thanks for the email Kim – count me in. I’ve already figured out the install and theme change. Diggin around – will be contacting you soon I’m sure.
Thanks again!
I would love to win the contest. I now i will be too lazy to upgrade.
Madhur Kapoor´s last blog post – AvancePaint is a Microsoft Paint replacement
Hi Kim,
Looks like you have lots of friends you’re working with. Good for you. You do good work. Thanks for entering me in the contest.
Sandy Reed´s last blog post – The secret to business and life longevity…
Thanks for this wonderful contest! Love you work so would be nice to win an hour of your time ;~D Have a great week!!!
Just came across your anti-social site :) Seems like a great resource on WordPress and the intrecacies of *good* social integration.
Thanks for running the contest – I ceremoniously throw my hat into the ring.
Jinglicious´s last blog post – Away We Go – All My Days, Alexi Murdoch
Dear Kim,
U R 2 cool, thanks. I so wanted to have my posts up, but editing ain’t EZ.