In today’s world, the internet has dominated other form of marketing in such a manner that many of the well know advertisement printing industry has shut down over the years. There is web marketing, digital marketing, using SEO to market to which you can see this great post to read and understand its significance. So while I write many posts and advertise various legit bands, but there are times I have taken a break just to enjoy life outside the digital world. I’ve seen a number of articles saying that you shouldn’t write a post apologizing for not writing new blog posts.
So, I won’t apologize. Plus, I’m not all that sorry because I’ve been so busy with work, getting back into shape, and enjoying life.
But, I didn’t realize how long it had been since I last posted until I was asked on Facebook why I had stopped blogging. I thought, “wait, I haven’t stopped blogging”. And then I realized so many months had gone by that it must appear that way. I knew I was lazy about answering and even moderating comments but in my mind I had just written a new post (even though I really hadn’t).
Breaking Habits
It can be so hard to make something, such as writing articles or exercising a habit. And it can be so easy to break that habit. I regularly posted 2-3 times a week. Once I stopped doing that it was hard to get started again. “Oh, I’ll write a post for Thursday.” or “No, I’ll write a bunch or articles over the weekend.” But more and more time went by. Since, I’ve finally made exercise a daily habit (and I am loving the hour long bike rides) it’s time to make posting a habit again too.
I’m Sorry. No I’m Not.
Plus, I’ve been collecting so many great WordPress tips, ideas and plugins, which I really need to start sharing again.
So, this is my non-apology apology and a more “normal” posting schedule should resume soon. You know, just in time for my summer vacation ;-)
photo credit: kaizat
Nothing to apologize for as I see it.
A lot of bloggers get out of the habit of blogging — and, before they know it, they’re not really bloggers any more. I used to read the posts of a lot of different bloggers. Most of them seem to have disappeared from blogging. I still see some of them, but it’s mostly on facebook, though some of them do publish a blog post occasionally.
I’m mainly a photo blogger, sharing my own pictures as well as vintage images that I’ve found on-line, though I do occasionally have commentary. I’m currently trying to publish something every day for a whole year on Exit78.
For me, blogging regularly is more than a habit. I have to plan for it… and then do it.
Hi Kim,
It is good to sometimes stop and recharge the batteries for new forces and ideas. Why should you have to apologize, it’s up to you when you have time to write articles, sometimes come the family before and that they should always do.
I don’t think u should be apologized for anything, it’s everyone’s rights to take a break for family and enjoying the life, good post.
Welcome back, Kim. And on a related note, when I click your byline it goes to an author page for Veronica. Is that your middle name?
I was just poking through your Goodreads and thought I’d pop by for a visit.
Don’t feel bad, I haven’t posted in since Sept. 2012.
I’m getting the itch to start writing again though.