My regular ‘Stuff This in Your RSS’ article has been preempted by my guest post about Tweetdeck at Darren Rowse’s new site about Twitter, TwiTip.
I wrote an article about Tweetdeck, when it was first released last July, called All Hands on Tweetdeck. I had been thinking about updating the article because many of my cons of using it had been corrected. When Darren asked for contributors for his new site, I emailed him and offered to write a review of Tweetdeck and he graciously accepted my offer.
I discovered a couple of things from the comments. There is a Linux version of Tweetdeck; I thought it was only available for Windows and MAC. It also seems that that the Linux version doesn’t have the memory issue that I reported having in Windows.
Additionally, Tweetdeck was updated to version .20 beta today. The best new feature is the the addition of a + sign next to the avatar, which allows for easily adding the user to a group.
So, check out my article, give Twitter a try if you still aren’t using it, and try Tweetdeck.
If you aren’t already subscribed to TwiTip, I have provided the link to the RSS feed below. It is, after all, supposed to be RSS feed recommendation day.
Hobnobbing with A-list bloggers now, are we? Very nice.
Dave’s last blog post – Marketing trick 103: make your customers smile
Hi Dave – It’s either hobnobbing or providing free content for them ;-) Seriously though, I’m glad he accepted the article.
Hi Kim,
Great job on the article and congratulations on the guest post. :-)
Ron Obvious’s last blog post –…
Hi Ron/Jim – Sycophant ;-) Seriously, thanks!
Hi, Kim! I’ll do an “official” congratulations via comments rather than on Twitter. It is a good review. I learned some things about TweetDeck I didn’t know!
Mike Nichols’s last blog post – HONcode Certification Earned by Anxiety, Panic & Health!
Hi Kim, Nice job on TweetDeck. And Congratulations for Guest post at TwiTip. U r review helped me to get a good tool , not to login in always to twitter
It musta given you some traffic boost as well as more subscription :)
I visited Darren’s new site a few days ago… It looked very bland so, I left the place in a jiffy. Will check out again
Ajith Edassery’s last blog post – Ten unethical blogging practices
@Mike – Thanks again!
@Hemanth – Great! I hope you enjoy using it.
@Ajith – The site is running Thesis without any real enhancements to it yet. The guest post seems to be giving me more twitter followers than anything else.
I’ve subscribed to TwitTip, and am planning on downloading that software for my Mac tonight. Thanks for the great review! :)
~ Kristi
@Kristi – Sorry about the commentluv upgrade notice in your link. I’m not thrilled with being forced to upgrade. **Edit – I removed the message.
I would be really curious to find out if you discover a memory usage problem using Tweetdeck on the MAC.
Great review, thanks very much. Been having better tweetDeck performance since paying attention to API and learned a thing or two.
Jo Golden’s last blog post – research is Code for: Finding Fun, Saving Money & Saving Time
@Jo – Thanks for visiting and commenting. I used to have a lot of API issues with Tweetdeck but seem to finally have it under control.
Yeah.. congratulations!!
Soon you will be the next problogger ;-)
Nice post Kim. Currently i am using Twitterfox along with Twhirl. I have heard a lot about TweetDect. Will give that a try too.
Madhur Kapoor’s last blog post – Remove Partial Software Installations with Windows Installer Cleanup Utility
@kuanhoong – I really doubt that is going to happen but thanks for the vote of confidence :-)
@Madhur – I haven’t used Twitterfox – I’m assuming it integrates with Firefox. I used to use Twhirl and really liked that program but now I pretty much only use Tweetdeck and search.
I’ll have to try that. The earlier version was good, but wasn’t quite there for me.
Jim´s last blog post – Mysteries to Solve…
@Jim – When Tweetdeck first came out last summer it had a number of issues that kept me from using it full time. Most of the problems have been corrected.