A couple of months ago I wrote an article about how to get people to like your fan page by offering content that is only available to fans. This uses the fbml visible-to-connection tag.
Inbound Zombie is using this code to offer an free ebook that is only available to those that like their Facebook page.
And the ebook is excellent!
The Complete Facebook Guide for Small Non-Profits is useful for any business or individual. It’s over 100 pages long and includes and Introduction to Facebook, Setting up a Page, Customizing Your Page, Your Facebook Community and more. I highly recommend this free Facebook resource.
So, go ahead and Like Inbound Zombie on Facebook and grab a copy of this valuable resource. If you need assistance with customization you can view my Facebook Portfolio and contact me.
Disclosure: I am a Quarterback on the Inbound Zombie team but was not involved in writing this ebook.
photo credit: MacRonin47
Kim – you are the best! Thanks for blogging about the guide. Talk to you soon! ;-)
.-= John Haydon´s last blog ..The Limits Of Calculating Social Media ROI =-.
Thanks for making it available John! :-)
thx for the info.. gotta try it at once
.-= rainer´s last blog ..Windows 7 God Mode =-.
Hi Rainer – Hope you enjoy it.
I wonder how up to date the book is? I’ve noticed the free information for social media how-tos are often times out of date. The technology the information for social media seems to change almost weekly.
.-= Colleen´s last blog ..104 South Idaho Street- Kennewick WA 99336 =-.
Hi Colleen – It seems to be current. Of course, with Facebook, it’s often best to write instructions in pencil ;-)
thanks for the share..i run a small online site and this will be a great help for me :)
Hi – I’m glad it will be useful for you.
Hey! thanks! all this is so very useful!!
Just wondering where can I source the free facebook ebook .. can u pls provide the link :D
Hi – If you follow the link to the Inbound Zombie facebook page and like the page, you will find the ebook on one of the tabs – it is only available when you like the page.
Informative post. Thanks.
Can anybody advice me on how to change the url of the facebook fanpage? I saw many pages like facebook.com/pagename and facebook.com/pages/pagename/989898983 something like this as well. How to do this?
Go to facebook.com/username You need to have at least 25 fans to get a custom username.