I have another website, eleblog, which is a site for elephant news and information. I have been running it for almost 6 years and as of today it contains 3,895 posts. Each post is simply a link to an elephant related news topic, such as poaching, culling in South Africa or breeding in zoos. I do not write articles or offer opinions, although obviously I love elephants and am upset and angered by many of the articles that I read. I am simply going through all of the elephant news and posting the best articles.
Since I am linking to news, many of the articles are temporary and I quickly have dead links on my site. When the site was smaller, I would go through links for the month once a month and delete all posts with broken links. For example, in April of this year I went through all of the posts for April of every year; April 2007, April 2006, April 2005, etc. As the site grew larger, this started taking more and more time and I could not keep up. It is also a boring task so it was hard to motivate myself to work on it. In the back of my mind I kept thinking that there must be a wordpress plugin or an external program that could check the links for me and provide me with a list of all broken links so I could delete the posts.