May is flying by – it really is true that the older you get the faster time goes by. This week I have some information about WordPress, photos, plastic, a lake monster, cleaning and more. Enjoy!
WordPress Flash Uploader Fix for the HTTP Error
Last week I mentioned that I was having problems with comment moderation since upgrading to WordPress 2.7. Well, I was also having trouble with the flash uploader. I would get an error and have to use the browser uploader. Not a big deal but it annoyed me and slowed me done because I could only upload one image at a time.
So, I also decided to tackle this when I did my WordPress spring cleaning and I found a solution that worked for me.
Smiley Bug: Comment Moderation Problem in WordPress 2.7
Since upgrading to WordPress 2.7, I’ve had an annoying issue with comment moderation. It wasn’t a showstopping problem and I was able to work around it but when I did my personal WordPress spring cleaning last weekend, I decided to find a solution to the problem.
So, what was the problem? Well, comments were going into moderation that shouldn’t have been based on my Discussion settings.
How to Style a Sticky Post in WordPress 2.7
On Monday I finally found the sticky setting and on Wednesday I showed you how to add the post class to your template so that your sticky post would actually show up on the page.
Today I am going to show you how to style the sticky post. You might want it to look different from the rest of the posts, stand out in some way or not include the date.
Since we have already added the post class to our template, styling the sticky post only requires a little bit of CSS in the style sheet template.
How to Make a Post Sticky in WordPress 2.7
A sticky post in WordPress is one that stays at the top of the page no matter what gets posted after that. This is useful for a post that you want to highlight or for an announcement.
Way back the best way to make a post sticky was to fudge with the date – I would make it a date way in the future so it would stay the top post.
Then the WP-Sticky plugin was created, which allowed me to make a post sticky and gave me some control over styling. For example, if the sticky post is an announcement, I don’t want the date to be included because then it looks like a regular post.