While I try to be a patient, tolerant and kind person there are a number of things that totally drive me up the wall.
Although many of my pet peeves are related to rude and inconsiderate things that people do rather than my own personality quicks.
Anyway, here’s the list of things that push me over the edge.
Pet Peeves
- Whistling – I don’t know why whistling bothers me so much and I’m not sure when it started bothering me. I remember being excited when I learned how to whistle when I was a kid. But, it just really gets on my nerves and I never view it as a happy carefree sound. It didn’t help that I had a coworker who would whistle Christmas Carols in July.
- People who don’t pick up their dog’s poop – C’mon! If you are going to have a dog in the city, then you have to pick up it’s poo. Part of being a responsible dog owner is providing it with the right CBD nutrition, getting it regularly checked up and most importantly “Picking up its poo”. The city can be dirty enough without having to deal with this. Admittedly, I’m not a dog person and wouldn’t even consider having one in the city but if I did, I would clean up after it.
- Squirrels – Yes, they are pretty cute but they are way too clever about figuring out how to get into my attic. And how are those little creatures as loud as hippos doing ballet?
- Door slamming – I don’t understand why some people can’t close a door without slamming it. It’s takes maybe 5 extra seconds to close it tight quietly. I have a neighbor who does this repeatedly and it really stinks for the rest of us in the building. I totally understand the occasional door slam for emphasis when you are mad but not as a normal way of closing doors.
- People who refuse to take responsibility for their own actions – You know the type. No matter what happens it is never their fault, even if it is. When I asked the woman who always slams the door downstairs to stop, she said it wasn’t her and that it was the door. Really? The door slams itself 10 times a day? Amazing! I’ve found pretty much anything you ask her to do or not do is somehow not her fault. Personally, I prefer to take responsibility for my own actions rather than acting helpless. And sounding like an idiot.
- Car horns – Occasionally, there is an appropriate use of a car horn, such as trying to avoid an accident but it seems like they are used more out of frustration than for safety reasons. People blare on the horn if a car doesn’t zoom away from the light as soon as it turns green, to scare people riding bikes, and to express displeasure at being in a traffic jam. I think car horns should have a time limit – you get 4 or 5 per month and then it won’t work again until the next month.
- Music blaring from cars – I live on a busy street and I understand that there is going to be more noise than on a side street but if you are blaring music out of your car at 6am, you’re a jerk. If your music makes my apartment windows vibrate than it is too loud at any time of day. I think noise pollution is an ignored health hazard and excessive noise stresses me out.
- Car alarms – When you hear a car alarm, do you think a car is being stolen or you think it’s just some moron who doesn’t know how to use his car alarm properly? I’m seeing a pattern here with my pet peeves being related to cars – and it’s true, I am anti-car and I don’t own one nor do I drive.
- Stairway to Heaven – I really like Led Zeppelin but if I never hear Stairway to Heaven again I will be thrilled. The song is much too long and repitive and I’ve heard it too many times. It does have interesting lyrics but what is a bustle in a hedgerow? I also feel the same about The Beatles – yes, their music is great but I’ve heard it over and over and I’m sick of it. Part of the problem is that I’ve had the kitchen radio set to the classic rock station for a couple of weeks to help drown out the door slamming from downstairs (see #4).
- Bicyclists who don’t follow traffic laws – I’m pro cycling and I get really annoyed at all the bikers who don’t follow basic traffic laws. If they don’t, they will never get respect from the people in cars and things will not become more bike friendly.
How about you? Does anything on this list really bother you? Or do you have completely different items on your own list of pet peeves?
photo credit: marionenkevin
Hi Kim,
Fun list, but you should not move to Spain, all honking all the time a lots with the windows down and loud music with the latest top song so that everyone will hear that they have the CD disc.
I visited Spain a long time ago and I remember Madrid being noisy. I guess the smaller towns are probably quieter.
Kim you should come with me to Delhi some day – you will just love the lovely music all the car horns make all times of the day throughout the year.
I would love to visit India but not for the car horns ;-)
You really need to relax! haha
I share a lot of those pet peeves! Car alarms have to be at the top of my list. They go off so randomly at the slightest jiggle or noise sometimes and there’s no one to turn them off for minutes on end while you’re trying to work or sleep! I also get peeved at motorists who hog the fast lane going at half the top speed.
Jean, you are probably speeding/exaggerating because I’ve never seen anyone go 50km/h in 100km/h zone.
What’s the rush anyway? You will just miss your life if you speed through it.
Car alarms that keep going off for several minutes without auto shut-off are annoying though…
Well, if I am in a rush, like due to an emergency, I will not want to go as fast as the speed limit atleast and it’s not nice if someone is travelling at half the speed limit on the fast lane where the only alternative is passing him on the wrong side.
I agree with a lot of what bothers you but I am a big fan of whistling. In my defense I normally only do while I’m alone.
Hi Kim!
I feel like you and I are made from the same fabric! I would also have to include chewing with your mouth open or loud enough so I can hear it! Drives me up the wall!!!
I agree your point kim. This list is very useful to everyone and thanks for sharing this post with us.