I seems like I’ve been talking about moving for months – and I actually did lease the new place in May with an August move in date.
When I was younger I moved a lot – almost every year – but I’ve been in this place for over 10 years. And this is my first move with a child so it isn’t just my belongings but hers as well. I do think I have more but she sure has a lot too.
But now we are down to the last couple of weeks and I am all packed except for things I need like clothes, dishes, this computer and soap.
Since so much is already packed I’ve realized something about STUFF. If it’s packed and I don’t miss it or need it, do I really need to keep it? I feel like I could give away almost all of my non-essential things, like DVD’s and computer games. And we had a yard sale and sold a lot and I’ve given a lot away too – I put boxes of things that we don’t want that aren’t really valuable out front and people who do want it take it away. I’ve tried to do this with as much as possible so we don’t have to move it but I think the same things is going to happen as I unpack at the new place. Why did I keep and pack this?
I think having too much space allows for the accumulation of stuff. Our new apartment isn’t too much smaller but it has a lot less storage space. This place also has access to a full attic. So, instead of deciding if we had space for something, it got tucked away in a random closet and stayed there – out of site, out of mind. Or I would hold on to things that might be useful someday – like old calendars – maybe my daughter will want to use the pictures for a collage or other art project. Actually, the old calendars makes me laugh – on The Simpsons Homer has a collection of old TV Guides – “you never know when it’s going to be 1984 again.” ;-)
So, I’m glad the new place has less storage – it will help keep things from accumulating. I’m not especially sentimental about things and am inclined to recycle of get rid of a birthday card and other mementos pretty quick. My daughter, however, is the opposite and is a total pack rat. It’s been a bit of a struggle getting her to go through things and decide if she really really needs to keep it. Select art projects and drawings are good to keep but everything you’ve ever made? I wouldn’t.
I’m also hoping that moving and setting up her own room will help my daughter become more organized. While packing I located two shirts and a graphic novel that she has been looking for for ages that we not in logical places at all. I think I will need to help her with this – if I let her do it all on her own, she will be tempted to hurry through it, stick stuff wherever, and be done with it. It’s odd that she’s like that with her belongings because she is always organizing my things – like the kitchen cupboards.
Anyway, I know I haven’t been posting like I used to but between my paid work, getting ready for the move, and feeling drained from the heat (I don’t like summer), I just haven’t really had the time.
So, from the move and packing I’ve learned two big things:
- Be more organized (and try to teach it to the kid).
- A big chunk of what I own is completely unnecessary and I can probably get rid of it without noticing any difference in my life. Yeah, and ice cream maker is nice, but it’s useless to me if I never use it.
photo credit: j_benson
Hi Kim,
I usually have attic and basement cleaning every two years, plus I’m not a collector of old things. I clearing my wardrobe every spring and fall. My movements usually go very easily.
I’ve always been good about my own stuff but this is my first move since having a child. I let her belongings get out of control …
It’s hard moving if you have some stuff. I remember when I was in college I always moving from one place to another. That requires a lot of time though. But now, to lessen the burden, I’m not keeping small stuff, you know girls love those small little things and its accumulating in duration of time. I realized that I don’t need those. So I need to clean my stuff from time to time and through
I’ve been thinking about a quarterly and yearly organizing plan so it doesn’t get so out of control again. Since the new place is smaller with less storage space I think it will be easier – I will have to make immediate choices rather than sticking things in a closet to deal with later, which ends up being never.
I guess, it’s that time of everyone’s life when you actually get to take a good loook at the ‘mess that was so far well organized and stored’. When I shifted to my new apartment 18 months back, I was surprised to see the leftovers after I moved all useful things. The bills, waste paper/magazines, shoes, unused sports accessories, clothes, broken toys, kids’ toddler time collections etc amounted to no less than 200 pound – apart from the some of the old and broken furniture that had to be thrown away :)
In a way, moving is a good introspection :)
By the way, in 18 months, I am sure I have stored more mess already…lol
I know! I still had baby things that I hadn’t need for 8-9 years, like a broken high chair. Right now I live on a busy street so if I put things out front – even broken things – someone picks them up in 5 minutes!
Hope you’re happy with your new place!
I had to downsize a ton when I lived in Florida and I found as you did, I didn’t miss most of the things I got rid of. I was so proud when I was able to fit everything I own in my car.