Typically, I don’t time travel in order to wish people a Merry Christmas from decades of holidays past but the image and video that I located were just too much fun to not share.
I graduated from high school, attended college and became an “adult” in the 80’s. At the time I couldn’t stand the fashion, most of the music or the politics. But now, looking back, it seems like a gentler time.
Or maybe that’s just from wearing glasses that 20-30 years older.
But don’t worry – I’ve got another Merry Christmas post for you tomorrow.
I don’t know about you, but I think this photo shows how much fun the White House Christmas party was in 1983. Any time I need a good laugh I just think about Nancy Reagan sitting on Mr. T’s lap. This photo would make a great holiday card.
A holiday song from Run DMC – Christmas in Hollis.
Christmas Vacation: Aunt Bethany Says Grace – This one just barely squeaked by because the movie came out in 1989 but I think the Vacation movies say 80’s regardless. And this is a funny clip.
Thanks a lot! Now I’m singing the theme song from The Golden Girls in my head! :-) Used to watch that show all the time. Happy Holidays to you Kim.
.-= Davina´s last blog ..Haiku, Take Me Home =-.
Hi Davina – I’ve had the song in my head for days – ever since I wrote the post. I’m kind of regretting including them ;-)
Happy Holidays to you too :-)
This is dripping 80’s goodness.
I think no picture could better sum up the 80’s as a decade than Nancy Regan sitting on Mr. T’s lap. :-)
Hi Jim – LOL at 80’s goodness.
I just keep thinking that that must have been quite a Christmas party.
All of my favorite people today have shared/posted Christmas in Hollis. It’s a sign!
Hi Tracy – Is the sign that we should all move to the Bronx? ;-)
We’re about the same age… I feel the same about the eighties. Thanks for this!
.-= vered | blogger for hire´s last blog ..Twitter: Where Do You Draw The Line of Privacy? =-.
Hi Vered – Yes, I am slightly older ;-) The 80’s seem so tame now …
Aunt Bethany indeed. ;)
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..The Final “Official” Post For DSWM! =-.
Hi Dennis – I pledge allegiance …
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..The Final “Official” Post For DSWM! =-.
Haa that pic of Nancy Reagan on Mr. T’s lap is too funny!
Hi Shelly – Finding that photo is what inspired me to write this article ;-)