I bought an electric piano about 1.5 years ago and my daughter has been taking lessons for a year now.
She is slowly improving but grumbles about taking lessons. She is under the mistaken impression that she can teach herself how to play – “just like Tori Amos.” I tell my daughter she needs lessons because Tori Amos is a genius at the piano and my daughter is no Tori Amos.
I took lessons from 10-15 or so. I then barely touched a piano for 30 years. When we got the piano I spent quite a bit a time with it but quickly got frustrated because I thought I should just be able to sit down and pick up where I left off. I also got distracted with work and life and was happy enough with the piano being something my daughter was learning.
Recently, however, I decided I was going to take the piano more seriously and practice at least 30 minutes a day. I would set an alarm for 30 minutes and make myself do it. Now, I usually want to keep practicing and am really looking forward to the time that I spend at the piano. I don’t know if I’m improving but I am enjoying myself. Well, I’m improving a little because I’m getting better at reading the music and remembering the notes. I wish I had never stopped playing when I was a teenager but we are so dumb sometimes when we are kids.
So, I’m no Tori Amos either but I love her music and am slowly obtaining collections of her sheet music. Scarlet’s Walk, however must be out of print because even used copies are almost $100 on Amazon and Ebay. If anyone reading this has a copy of this sheet music that they would like to sell for a more reasonable price, please contact me! I’m such a completest that it’s going to drive me crazy until I locate this. ;-)
photo credit: greengirl24
Hi Kim,
It must be possible to find online a free down load a copy somewhere. I will put out a request on my wife Facebook page, she is a singer and all her friends (a couple thousand) are musician and singer.
Hi Kim,
I just checked Amazon and you can buy a used copy for $24.95 + $3.99 shipping:
There are lots of other used copies for sale there for only a little more so hopefully it’s not as hard to get a copy as you feared.
I found a copy here for $3.99 , it says anyway…