My maternal grandparents, Luce and Ludolphe (yes, Ludolphe, but everyone called him Doc) were married on September 4, 1933. Today would have been their 80th wedding anniversary. They were married for 55 years before my grandmother passed away and I remember their 50th anniversary party, they had the best linens for wedding I have ever seen.
While I was in Vermont this summer my brother and I were going through photos and I came across their wedding photo. I’m not sure how it was colorized but a friend told me that back then they were usually hand-colored.
This is the only photo of my grandfather that I’ve seen where he has hair. In all other photos he is bald – I guess he got married and all of his hair fell out.
Recently I saw a news article about a couple that was celebrating their 65th wedding anniversary. They must have been young when they got married and what are the odds of both of them living so long (and staying together that long). I’m pretty amazed that my grandparents were together for 55 years.
Looking at the photo brought up a lot of questions, such as “how did they meet?” Things that I wished I had asked when there was still someone around who would know. My guess is they met at church but it could have been through friends or … who knows.
Do you have family members who were together a long time? Do you have photos of them?
photo credit: 64738468@N00
It’s so funny that I should come upon this post at this particular time. Just recently my husband and I were finally getting around to finishing up the master bedroom, which means painting and new furniture, etc. And I came across a collection of old family photographs. Some were of my great grandparents, and one was of my grandfather’s entire family when he was just a small child growing up on the reservation out in Oklahoma. He was one of seven but I had only known him, his sister Della and his brother Raymond. It was interesting to see the whole family that I had never known. My grandfather is gone now, but he was married to my grandmother for 53 years…and my grandmother (now 93) still celebrates their anniversary every year. It really does amaze me that she never has remarried or even found a friend even though he has been gone for twenty years now. It is inspirational…making me want to work harder on my own relationships.
Great post! So glad I saw it today.
That’s amazing! My grandfather always insisted that the names and the dates were written on the back of photos – I’m so glad because otherwise I wouldn’t know who a lot of people were in the photos I found. My grandfather was the oldest of 12 kids and my grandmother was one of 6. My grandfather lived 10 years longer than my grandmother but he did have a female friend that he played cards with, etc …
Hi Kim,
My parents were married for 58 years before my father passed away 2 years ago, they came together when the 21 year old and they were always together.
Wow! 58 years.
And I’m sorry about the loss of your Dad.
That’s amazing! My grandfather always insisted that the names and the dates were written on the back of photos – I’m so glad because otherwise I wouldn’t know who a lot of people were in the photos I found.