It has been one year since I left my full time job and started freelancing full time. The one year anniversary is actually tomorrow but I don’t post on Tuesdays so this is going to have to be close enough. ;-)
I can’t believe it’s been a year already. I’ve had some ups and downs, some good months and some really crappy ones. But, a year later, I can say that I made the right decision for me professionally and for my relationship with my daughter.
So, in honor of this special one year anniversary, all services are 12% off for the entire month. Why 12%? I don’t know – I just kinda like the number 12.
This special does not apply to projects already in progress but does apply to any scheduled by May 31st. The project doesn’t have to occur by May 31st but does have to be scheduled by that date. Please mention this special when contacting me.
Thanks for all of your support. Tell your friends, neighbors and pets. And here’s to year #2 :-)
photo credit: legalnonresident
Wow! Congrats! That went by fast, and you survived just fine!
Hi Dot – Time goes by SO fast. Thank you :-)
Congrats on the full year Kim! May there are many more to come, happy, with less downs and much more ups!
.-= stratosg´s last blog ..Twitter’s RT vs everything else =-.
Hi Stratos – Thank you SO much :-) And a lot of it I would have never been able to manage without you …
Congrats Kim! I’m so glad this is working out for you. I’m not surprised at all – you are professional, honest and trustworthy – people value these qualities. I’m sure I’m not the only one recommending your services to others.
.-= vered – blogger for hire´s last blog ..Vaginal Rejuvenation Awareness Day? Seriously? =-.
Hi Vered – Thank you so much! Honesty is SO important. A lot of people I talk to have been told a lot of crap and it amazes me what others try to get away with.
It was a fast year!
Awesome news and I am so happy that such a fine and honest person is progressing and showing off her talents. You Go Girl!
Thank you for all your good comments and energies in my direction – greatly appreciated.
.-= Patricia´s last blog ..A True Kentucky Derby Story =-.
Hi Patricia – Thanks! And congrats on 2 years.
Hi Kim,
Congratulations on one year of independence from your employer :-) Looks like things are working for you in the freelance world…
.-= Ajith Edassery´s last blog ..How to remove Date stamp from Google SERP description? =-.
Hi Ajith – Thank you! There have been some rough patches and I’m certainly not getting rich but overall it’s working out great.
12 months in a year, there ya go! lol
.-= Dennis Edell | Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..Updated: Do You USE Aweber? I Want Your Affiliate Link. Part 2 =-.
Hi Dennis – LOL :-) You are so clever. That was exactly the reason … I just couldn’t remember ;-)
Congratulations on your first year!
.-= Carla´s last blog ..“But, but, but…!” – Responses to your MS news. =-.
Thanks Carla :-)
Wow – that flew by. Congratulations Kim.
Hi Cath – I know! I really can’t believe it’s been a year. :-)
Good for you making the decision! And congrats on your apparrent successes. I’m still building up to the point of being able to quite my day job, but things are looking up as they say.
.-= Jonathan´s last blog ..How to Choose a Tarot Deck: The Limelight Way =-.
Thanks Jonathan :-) Sometimes you just have to decide it’s the right time – I find we can always find a million reasons to wait.
Congrats! Pretty impressive considering the state of the economy last year, nothing should stop you now! I was thinking of doing the same, but I’m not sure I could bring in the same amount of mulla I make with my current employer. Any suggestions tips, or words of wisdom from the experienced?
Thanks Neil – Earning the same income can be difficult. I am on this un-consuming, not needing stuff quest. I’m seeing how little I actually need and don’t really need all that much money to be perfectly comfortable. For example, I don’t own a car or have any debt except for a small student loan.
Words of wisdom? I think it’s good to have at least 6 months salary saved and to start freelancing PT before doing it FT – then you have a good idea whether you can get enough clients. Another issue is benefits – insurance can be costly.