It’s amazing how fast 6 months can go by!
Last October I wrote an article about when FBML would completely end and we would now longer be able to use it.
We knew last Fall that this would happen in June, but now we have an exact date. FBML will no longer exist after June 1, 2012.
If you are using FBML or have custom tabs powered by FBML they will need to be converted to iframes or a 3rd party application. After June 1st, they will no longer be accessible and they won’t work.
If you need assistance converting your FBML tabs, please contact me for a quote.
photo credit: benny_lin
That is a good thing and a bad thing. I am not looking forward to converting things.
The ones that I have left over I’m just letting die. Via con dios.
I’m just curious about FBML works made for offline clients. It can be an incredible waste of money if companies don’t have asked for enough information before!
Hi Kim,
Do you know something else that shall change or ending on Facebook? Just so I do not miss something and get problem.
Nothing major has happened since FBML died.
I got a feeling the Facebook itself will slowly die down or make way (or even get acquired) for something else. Social Media sites have a very low life span. FB has been rather strong compared to others and might last longer than others for sure.
Hi Ajith – I think so too – it’s going to be away for friends and families to keep in touch but I think it’s use for businesses has already reached it’s high point. Since Timeline you can’t have a Welcome page anymore that really dropped the use of custom welcome pages. I know I’m not doing many of them anymore except for existing clients.