This giveaway is now closed. Topher Simpson was the winner. Thanks to everyone for participating.
My good fortune is your good fortune!!
Last week I won a pdf copy of the very awesome and new WordPress book Digging Into WordPress by Jeff Starr and Chris Coyier
But I already own a pdf and print copy of this book.
I asked Jeff and Chris if it was ok to transfer the prize to one of my readers and they said “Absolutely!” Yay!
So, if want to be entered to win, leave a comment and I’ll add you to the list. You have until 11:59pm EST on January 19, 2010 to enter. Next week on Jan. 20th, the names will be put into my magic truck stop hat, the kid will pull out a name, and I’ll let you know who won.
Please note that I’ve had two contests in the past and both winners first names started with the letter “R”. I don’t know if that means anything – I’m just throwing it out there.
I’ve been meaning to write a review of Digging Into WordPress but my reading of it has been slow-going. This is not an indication of the quality of the book it is rather an indication of how busy I’ve been. I suppose I don’t need to read the entire thing before reviewing it but I’m a little stubborn that way.
So far, I’ve found the book to contain great information for beginners and for more advanced users. Sections include:
- Setting Up WordPress
- Anatomy of a WordPress Theme
- Working With RSS Feeds
- Search Engine Optimization
- And so much more!!!
So all you have to do is leave a comment with a valid email address. If you want to send a tweet, post on Facebook, or fan my Facebook page that would be great, but it isn’t required. ;-)
photo credit: Creativity+ Timothy K Hamilton
This book would be amazingly useful, I’m sure! Unfortunately, my first name doesn’t start with an ‘R’ =(
It does END with an ‘R’ though… I feel a new trend coming on (come on Kim’s kid, pull out Topher!)
.-= Topher Simpson´s last blog ..Dear Roomie #3: Cleanliness is next to… well just be clean won’t you? (pt 2/2) =-.
I have an “R” in my middle name. Does that count? And maybe this will help …. ” I ‘are’ a writer.” :)
I’d love to read this book… I have already read the sample and it’s looks great!
Thank you!
I’d love a copy, if I’m chosen. And, yes, my name starts with “R”. :-)
.-= Ruth Marie Sylte´s last blog ..How to create/change/update your Facebook URL =-.
Oh I’d love a copy! My name doesn’t start with “R”, but I’ve had some great luck lately, maybe it’ll spill over here!
.-= Christine´s last blog ..Nikon P90 and Eye Fi =-.
What luck for me, I am popping by by way of the Funster’s blog to say Hi and now I see I can enter and maybe even win a book.
and please draw my name from the hat as winner…it starts with a P but that sorta looks like the letter R
I too would like to win it.
.-= Madhur Kapoor´s last blog ..Happy New Year 2010 to All Readers =-.
Great idea to transfer it! Thanks for the chance!
I’d love a copy!
Well, my name CONTAINS an R… :)
.-= vered | blogger for hire´s last blog ..Clutter Free Home: Six Useful Tips =-.
My name starts with an R, can I just have it based on that? ;)
I read the WordPress for Dummies, which was helpful but of course horribly dated. I’d love to see what this one has to offer.
.-= Mrs. Micah´s last blog ..Why I Don’t Want to Retire Early =-.
Hi Kim – I would certainly love to have a copy of this book. I too have been searching for some updated wordpress info… although there are some great tutorials online, there is something about holding a real live book and reading about it! Joni (but you can call me Jonir) : )
Hi Kim
I woud love to have a copy of this book.
My firstname and my name begin with R.
I keep my fingers crossed.
.-= Raphaëlle RIDARCH´s last blog ..Pensez stratégie éditoriale =-.
Thanks for giving me attribution for my photo, as required by my Creative Commons license.
Thank you, and thanks for using my photo.
In addition, you also followed the flickr rule that there should be a link from the photo itself back to the original webpage of the photo on flickr.
.-= Timothy K. Hamilton´s last blog ..WideNature – Part I =-.
Hi Timothy – Thanks! I make it a point to credit the photo and link back to it – I almost always use flickr and start my search on ones that allow use with credit.
Do you want to be entered in the contest? I wasn’t sure about that from your comment.
Hi Everyone – So far we have 13-14 entries. Let’s keep them coming so this is a lot more fun – the giveaway runs for a week. :-)
Ok, I am in. Let’s see if luck is something valid for Preachers!
Not in the name, but I have always thought you a Really awesome peRson!
I haven’t even heard of the book until now (interesting in itself) but after reading up on it a little, it should prove quite useful!
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..7 DAYS ONLY – ProBloggers-31 Days To Build A Better Blog- + 3 Awesome Bonuses! =-.
I too like to hold a real book, and something reasonably recent about Word Press would be great. With ebooks I don’t have to print them all out, but at least I can print out the sections that I need to mark up and refer to. My name doesn’t start with an R, but what was it that Clint East wood said? “Do ya feel lucky, punk?” Yeah, I feel lucky!
Stopping by because of your twitters. Always nice to see you being creative with contests and other ways of getting people involved.
I would love a copy of the book!
If it’s not too late, I’d like to be included in the drawing. Sounds like a book I could learn a lot from. Thanks for offering it.
.-= Dot´s last blog ..Comment on Best Laid Plans by Davina =-.
Hi Dot
Nope – it’s not too late. People have until next Tuesday to leave a comment and be entered in the giveaway :-)
This book would be very helpful to me. I’m in the process of changing some of my website to WordPress, so this contest is at a great time.
Yay for the opportunity to suck less at WordPress! ;)
I’m always trying to learn more about WordPress. I’ve themed my own site before, but I’m still weak with the loop and other slick custom features.
The book would be great!
Yay! More entries :-) I hope they keep coming in.
Pick me! No, me! Meeeeeeeee!
.-= Radrenalynn´s last blog ..At this point I don’t even know if I should laugh or cry. =-.
Thank you for such an opportunity. I guess I am more eligible to ebook than hard copy. I am from Uzbekistan. I have a blog about advertising, particularly guerrilla advertising, but i am newbie in wordpress, so it will be great to have that book as a reference.
Hi Kim,
Contest coolio.
The more I can learn about WP, the better. Then I don’t have to keep bothering you with silly questions!
Reorge Rangus ;-)
.-= George Angus´s last blog ..Smashwords Means Ebooks Galore! =-.
My last name starts with an R. :D
I would love to read this book.
.-= Andrea_r´s last blog ..WPMU trac now read-only =-.
Great! More entries. I hope they keep coming in.
Neat giveaway. I’d be interested to know if this advances beyond the WordPress for Dummies book.
Hi Laura – I haven’t read WordPress for Dummies but I believe this book does. It has a combination of beginning info and more advanced techniques – I think there’s something for everyone.
I love this blog and learning little tips and tricks. Now I get to win things from it too!! Awesome! Thanks Kim! : )
.-= Sara Carbaugh´s last blog ..So You Want to be a Creative Entrepreneur =-.
Hi Sara – Thanks! Good luck.
WordPress is like learning Spanish: once you get the basics, it goes fast from there, and I am still learning the basics/intermediate. I’m a power readers and would love this book to enhance my site!!
My first name ends in “r” can we switch things up a bit? LOL
.-= Jen @ Eco-Office Gals´s last blog ..Guest Post: A Green Office is a Happy Office =-.
Just got asked if I was able to help on the wordpress blog that is part of the textbook I’m editing, so yes please, count me in.
.-= Kirsten´s last blog ..You Live the Life You’re Given =-.
I’m only doing this because you keep tweeting about it :)
I came close on several occasions to pull the trigger on buying this book, in whatever form I could get it. I know it would fill in so many gaps in my understanding — and forestall my pestering folks like you! Think of it that way. So, yes, please put me in your drawing. I write this as I avoid the slamming of the gate on your contest.
.-= RRRRRRRRick Wolff´s last blog ..The History Bug =-.
Free book? Yes, please.
.-= randymurd´s last blog ..Map Of South Australian Country Fire Service Incidents =-.
LOL – You are all much more clever than I am. I couldn’t figure out why so many of you were typing your name incorrectly – I thought “do they all have problems with the r’s on their keyboards?”
It wasn’t until randymurd’s entry that I realized you were doing it on purpose. +1 for brilliance :-)
I seem to have a love/hate relationship with WordPress…maybe this book could help me love WP more consistently? :)