Two weeks ago I wrote an article on how to exclude pages from appearing in your header or sidebar navigation bar. So, now that you’ve removed that page what do you do with it?
Vered, from MomGrind, wanted to remove her Legal page from the sidebar. She then added a link to the page in her footer.
I have a number of pages that aren’t in my header navigation. They are pages that I want to include on my site but aren’t important enough to warrant a prominent location. So, where are they? Most of them are on the sidebar under the headings “Bookmarks”, and “Lifestream”.
The list of links that starts at Bookmarks and ends with Tumblr are all links included in my Links or Blogroll section of WordPress. They are divided into segments because I have assigned categories to my Links. I know, I know – categories for links are different than categories for posts and using the same term for both is confusing.
Link categories are created under Manage > Link Categories and then categories can be assigned to your links (blogroll) under Manage > Links. You can also assign and create a new category when you are adding a new link.
So, back to the original topic.
How to Make a Bookmarks Page
- Create a new page. Call it bookmarks and then publish the page.
- Exclude the page from your navigation.
- Go to Manage > Pages and select the page that you just created. Right below the page title is the permalink to the page that you can use anywhere on your site. Copy the permalink.
- Go to Manage > Links > Add New
- Create a link from the page permalink that you copied and then assign it to a new category called Bookmarks
Ok, so now that we have a blank page called Bookmarks listed in our blogroll or links under it’s own category, we need to login to our delicious account.
- Go to Settings > Blogging > Link Rolls
- Fill out the information and select the various options
- Copy the script code at the top of the page
- Paste the code into your new Bookmarks page
You can view my bookmarks page here. In the delicious options when I was creating the script, I selected 50 and limited to items that I tagged WordPress
So, now you have you own bookmarks page and you have my list of WordPress bookmarks. I bookmark more on that topic than anything else so, if you are also interested in plugins, themes, and code snippets, bookmark my page. Or better yet, add kwbridge to your delicious network.
Note: If delicious is experiencing problems, your bookmarks page will too.
photo credit: deadeyebart
That is a nice idea. I have to organize my bookmarks there better. Most of the time when saving one, I don’t enter my own tags. Once I do that, it will be a good thing to share. :)
Hi Kristi,
I tag my bookmarks but I’ll be the first to admit that the tagging is inconsistent – I have plugin and plugins – things like that. I’d love to find the time to clean them up and remove the old / outdated ones that I’m never going to use.