I’m amazed I found any links at all this week. I’ve been busy finishing up projects, getting ready for the holidays, and getting ready to visit my family. I will be gone for a week but don’t worry, I have a couple of scheduled posts planned and I guarantee that they will be fun.
Social Media Marketing Best Practice – Article Round-Up
A couple of weeks ago I participated in Mitch Joel’s Social Media Marketing Best Practice Meme and wrote about reflect. I thought it was time to gather all of the entries that I have found so far and share them will all of you. If I was more motivated I would work them all into an awesome essay, but I just don’t have it in me right now. Please, if you know of any that I have missed, let me know and I will add them to the list.
The articles are in no particular order other than how I located them in my online bookmarks.
WordPress: How Has Blogging With WordPress Changed Your Life
Has blogging or using WordPress changed your life? Is the change a positive one?
As I mentioned on Monday, blogging with WordPress has raised my confidence, given me a supportive online community, and enabled me to earn some money freelancing.
These accomplishments, however, pale in comparison to how WordPress has changed Glenda Watson Hyatt’s life. I know this video has been posted in my places this week, but I wanted to make it available here as well, in case any of my readers haven’t seen it yet.
Hurricane Gustav – Social Networking Used for Disaster Planning and Relief Efforts
As Hurricane Gustav begins to bear down on the Gulf Coast, bright social media experts are quickly creating social networks in order to provide information, organize volunteers and assist those displaced from the storm.
Andy Carvin, along with a team of volunteers, has created the social network the Gustav Information Center on Ning.
The network includes just about every piece of information and media needed to assist with the hurricane. Some of them are; blog entries, links to other resources, a google map of evacuation routes, craiglists lists of volunteers, a twitter feed of hurricane information, photographs and videos from the Gulf Coast, and so much more.
If you want better information that you will get from Mainstream Media, join the network and obtain a more accurate picture of the situation. And, better yet, volunteer.
If we had had such robust social media tools three years ago, would we have used them to this extent? Or was the primary lesson learned three years ago from Hurricane Katrina that we can not count on our government and instead ordinary citizens must organize disaster relief efforts? Hurricane Katrina kicked me in the face as to how apathetic our government is toward ordinary citizens and I am SO glad that creative people like Andy Carvin are providing the resources and information that people need in times of crisis.