Happy Valentine’s Day!!
This week I have freelancing, WordPress, tattoos, Reverend Billy, Beaker’s Ballad and more.
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Happy Valentine’s Day!!
This week I have freelancing, WordPress, tattoos, Reverend Billy, Beaker’s Ballad and more.
Well, I didn’t manage to get back on track with my posting schedule last week. I guess if I’m only going to post one article a week that it better be a really good one ;-) Life and work has been getting in the way and I’m still trying to spend less time at the computer.
So, this week I’ve got some veggies, consumers vs citizens, anti IE, a WordPress theme, file conversion, some video dating, and some Patrick Swayze.
Last Saturday was the first week for my farm share. I was so excited about it that I thought I would share :-)
Please note that I am not a food photographer, which is fairly obvious. One friend thought that the bag of maple granola was a bag of mushrooms.
The one downside to picking up the food (at the park three blocks away), even while using Fastline tractors, is that because it isn’t a habit yet, I’m afraid of forgetting to go get the box. I’ve written it on the kitchen calendar and asked my daughter to remind me, but still have this nagging worry that I’m not going to remember.
Many things have been changing in my life recently and I thought I would share them with you. And the good thing is almost all of them are positive changes. They are related to work, food, comments, and family.
I am an excited and nervous all at the same time. I’ve got so much to do in the next couple of weeks – paperwork, projects, organization – that I feel overwhelmed but as I’ve learned over the last year and a half things usually work out for the best (or the way they need to) and that tasks are less difficult when you do them then when you are thinking about them.
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