Happy Post Earth Day and end of April. This week I have twitter, Facebook, bus stops, WordPress security and more.
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Happy Post Earth Day and end of April. This week I have twitter, Facebook, bus stops, WordPress security and more.
I’ve been writing about Facebook more than I used to and I’ve been creating custom Facebook tabs for clients.
After tediously emailing potential clients the links to Facebook pages I’ve worked on, I finally took some screenshots and made a portfolio of them using NextGen Gallery. I’m always working on other sites and rarely stop to update my own.
Recently Tara Cain got crazy with a scanner and posted photos of herself from the 1980’s. Foolishly, I mentioned to her on Twitter that I had a prom photo from the 80’s. Why I did that I will never know ;-)
I was not a fan of the decade while I was living through it. I like the 80’s more now as looking back things seemed gentler, although that may just be me getting older and thinking, “back in my day …”. I didn’t like the music, hair, clothes, politics, etc … I thought I had been born too late.
Anyway, I located the photo and scanned it in. I also scanned in some other photos from around the same time to demonstrate that I was not as much a product of the 80’s as the prom photo would lead you to believe.
Recently Freelance Folder posted an article called Should You Freelance During a Recession that contained lists of things to consider for current freelancers and for those who are considering freelancing. They also made the point that you can have a regular job and freelance – it doesn’t have to be one or the other.
Somehow I’m glad I didn’t see this article before I made my decision because I might have felt like I didn’t have all aspects in order. But the recession is what kept me from making a decision about whether I should freelance full time for quite some time.
April is almost over and I only have one more week at my day job – yay! I keep swinging between being really excited and being really scared but am hopeful and mostly confident.
I was really busy this week (as always) but came across a lot of good links. We start with Chernobyl, have some WordPress, some freelancing, and some more WordPress. :-)
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