I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving! One of the things I am thankful for is laughter.
While this is actually a Mr. Bean Christmas video, it’s the best video involving a turkey out there.
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I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving! One of the things I am thankful for is laughter.
While this is actually a Mr. Bean Christmas video, it’s the best video involving a turkey out there.
My daughter is really sweet and funny. I know, I know … I’m sure I sound like a biased parent but everyone tells me the same thing so I’m confident that is just her personality.
Recently she totally cracked me up over a conversation she had with her Dad about some dental work he needed done and how she related part of the conversation to Star Wars.
One thing that you should know is that for better or for worse, Star Wars has been a huge influence in part of our lives. I was married to a Star Wars fanatic.
And another week has already gone by. I can’t even keep tracking of them anymore. Is it 1989 or 2010? ;-)
This week I have Facebook, twitter, WordPress, Earth Day and more.
We are now in that mid holiday week limbo period. Christmas is over and New Years isn’t quite here. The kids are off from school and without childcare it is very difficult (almost impossible) to work.
This week I have WordPress, Twitter, Morgan Freeman, coconuts and much much more.
It’s December?? It’s true that the older you get, the faster time goes by. I wonder why that is.
This week I have some freelancing, Facebook, Star Wars, and Bohemian Rhapsody.
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