Happy Last Day of May!! It would seem that I’ve been in a WordPress frame of mind – almost all of my links this week are about WordPress. Now if I can just find a video of a WordPress kitty ;-)
(Anti) Social Lists 2/8/09
This week I’ve got some WordPress, some job and freelancing information, and a couple of green tips. I don’t have any photos or video clips for you this week. I’ve been working more than surfing and reading this week.
(Anti) Social-Lists 1/25/09
I think I’ve got some good links for you this week as well as a couple of fun ones. Topics include freelancing, WordPress, Twitter, Feedburner, Inauguration Photos, Cats, and Calendars. Enjoy!
(Anti) Social-Lists 1/18/09
Well, finally. Here is the first installment of (Anti) Social Lists in 2009. I’ve meant to do one the last two weeks but I wasn’t online enough to have enough interesting links to include. This week I have information about html 5, WordPress tutorials, the WordPress 2.7 interface, PSD to HTML tutorials, freelancing, cleaning a coffeemaker and Jeff Starr’s thoughts on Twitter. I posted some of these links on Twitter, so you may have already seen them, but they are worth repeating.
Stuff This in Your RSS – 12/9/08 – Freelance Folder
Yesterday I published my guide to finding freelance work with Twitter. Since freelancing seems to be a popular topic, I’ve decided to make it the theme for this week. In keeping with the freelancing theme, I’ve made Freelance Folder my RSS recommendation of the week.
Freelance Folder provides articles and resources for entrepreneurs and freelancers. There is also a lot of good practical advice.
In their own words: