I am adding a new weekly feature called ‘Stuff This in Your RSS” where I will highlight some of the most useful and fun RSS feeds in my feed reader. This will will post every Tuesday. If, for some reason, you don’t use RSS, most of the sites will have email subscriptions or you can simply bookmark the featured site and make sure to check it frequently.
Today’s feed is Giveaway of the Day. Every day Giveaway of the Day offers a free version of licensed Windows software that normally you would have to purchase. The software is hit or miss; some are really great and others not so much. But you never know what is going to be featured, so I keep this feed in my daily folder and it is one of the first RSS feeds I check every day.
Today’s featured download is Edraw Max, which is a flow chart and diagramming program. It is similar to a lite and free version of Visio.
Of course, with the software being free there must be catch. Right? Well, there is but it isn’t so bad. The software must be downloaded and installed within the 24 hour time period that it is offered. The registration code is only valid for 24 hours. This isn’t such a big deal but if you reformat, break, or buy new computers frequently, you will lose the software. If the download were something you really found useful, used all the time, and fell in love with, you would then purchase it. My guess is that is the very reason the developers offer it for free in the first place.
The software can be rated by the users. Take the negatives with a grain of salt and scan through the comments to determine why the software is being rated poorly. I’ve found that a number of the free offers are given a bad review because they aren’t compatible with Vista.
RSS Feed: http://www.giveawayoftheday.com/feed/
photo credit: slambo_42
“I am adding a new weekly feature called ‘Stuff This in Your RSS” where I will highlight some of the most useful and fun RSS feeds in my feed reader.”
Great idea… posting around regular themes on regular days of the week is always a good idea AND fun for the blogger, and for the readers. Thanks!
Vereds last blog post – Top 10 Fashion Mistakes To Avoid At All Costs
Thanks Vered! I subscribe to WAY too many feeds so I shouldn’t have a hard time keeping up.
I’m still laughing about my typo in your comments yesterday :-)
It WAS a funny typo!
Highly appropriate.
Vereds last blog post – Thank You For Smoking
That car reminds me of a similar car I spotted in my downtown and uploaded to Flickr.
Gives a whole new meaning to auto flair.
Ari Herzogs last blog post – U.S. Bans Social Networking
@Ari – Thanks for the link to the photo. I can’t believe you saw a car like that where you live – I might need to use that photo for next week’s RSS article. :-)
There is a car in my neighborhood that is completely covered in bumper stickers but it doesn’t compare to the ‘stuff’ cars.