This week I’ve selected Blogging Without A Blog by Barbara Swafford. She discusses blogging and provides information based on what she’s learned through her own blogging experience. Not only has she created a strong community but she highlights them in her posts and pages. Last Friday she asked what we would be doing if we weren’t blogging and she then integrated our answers into today’s article and linked back to our sites. I was surprised to be listed because I had just visited her site and commented for the first time last week.
Barbara ends each article with questions that make you think about why you are blogging, how in enhances or detracts from your life, and what we can all learn from each other.
And for me, at least, she compels me to open myself up more and tell somewhat personal stories about why I blog and what it has done for me.
In Barbara’s own words her site is about;
“Follow me down the path of blog creation. I’ll share lessons I’ve learned, hints and tips to make blogging easier, and links to great sites that both inspire and teach you more about blogging. “
If you are interested in blogging, want to become part of a supportive community and learn more about yourself, I highly recommend adding this feed to your feed reader.
RSS Feed:
photo credit: tifotter
Great choice, for new AND experienced bloggers.
Vered – MomGrind’s last blog post – A Weekend In Napa: 3 Days, No Internet, No Problem
I have been a regular reader there for a couple of months now :) Barbara has this uncanny knack of making every single visitor very comfortable there… Love her blog and style…
Oh my gosh Kim, what a pleasant surprise. You’ve got me all chocked up. In fact, I’m speechless.
I’m touched by your kind words and am honored to be the subject of your post. I love having you as part of the BWAB community, and it’s a joy being a part of yours, as well. Thank you so very much!
@ Vered and Ajith – Thank you for your kindness and support.
Barbara Swafford’s last blog post – Blogging – Filling A Void In Our Lives
I have been reading Barbara’s blog for quite a while. An excellent choice.
Avani-Mehta’s last blog post – How To Pick Your First Anger Management Area – Anger Management Series Part IV
@Vered – Thanks to you I found Barbara’s site :-)
@Ajith – So true … Barbara really knows how to welcome all of her visitors.
@Barbara – You’re welcome. And thank you! :-)
@Avani-Mehta – Hi! Thanks for stopping by. It’s always great to see someone new :-)