My portfolio page is created using posts and is not a static page like the About page. I did this to easily add and remove entries and so that the page didn’t become too large. It will display a set number of entries like any other blog post page.
The portfolio entries are in the category, portfolio. The code on the portfolio is set to only display that category.
I also use the Ultimate Category Excluder plugin so that the category does not display in my archives or in my rss feed. I’m hoping to spend some time on code based solution for that as well.
I realized that the Portfolio category was still showing up in the list of categories in the sidebar. I was using the Category Widget, because it’s easy, even though I’m not a big fan of widgets. The only way I could determine to exclude the category from the widget was by editing wp-includes/widget.php. For a brief moment that seemed like a really good idea. But every time I upgrade WordPress I would overwrite that file or I would have to save and redo my edits. So, not such a great idea after all.
Instead I used the list categories function and excluded the category that I didn’t want displayed. Here’s what I did:
- In Manage > Categories I hovered over the name of the category and got the id number that I wanted to exclude in the browser status bar. In this instance the number is 276.
- In Design > Widgets I removed the Category Widget and added a Text one.
- In the new text widget, I gave it the title Categories and added the following code:
<?php wp_list_categories('orderby=name&exclude=276&title_li='); ?>
- If you want to exclude multiple categories, put a comma between each ID number.
- If you don’t have a widgetized sidebar, you can add the code to your sidebar where your current archive code is located.
That’s all there is to it. I don’t know why it took me so long to notice it was in the list. I also don’t know why I was being a dunce about the solution; it’s very similar to excluding a page from the navigation bar.
Useful? Do you have a need for this? Do you think you will use it?
photo credit: felinebird
Hey Kim, thanks for this tip. I always wondered and wished I could eliminate certain categories on different pages, felt like so much repetition. I knew there must be a way. Glad you did the work for me!
Dee Langdon – BloggerNewbie´s last blog post – The Elusive Comment
The best way to do id:
Apperance> Widgets
drag one one widget to the ‘Sidebar Widget’ .
you can chose custom menu as well.
If you dont drag something and leave the sidebar widget empty , by default all of them will show up.
Hope it helps
Hi Kim – I wish I’d known about this before I changed my blog theme. I wanted to have more categories, but they wouldn’t all fit in the category section above my header. I would definitely try your suggestion when I have more time, as it will take me forever to re-categorise over 500 posts.
can’t think of a place in my blog where this can be useful, but your detailed step-by-step procedure will surely be useful some day!
Raju´s last blog post – Send Free SMS to India, UK and Other Countries
Is there a way to arrange the categories in the order you choose rather than abc?
Dee Langdon – BloggerNewbie´s last blog post – 8 Writing Tips
@Dee – Great! I’m always happy when I write about something someone actually wants to know :-)
There are three parameters for orderby
name – alphabetical
ID – the categories ID number
count – the number of posts in that category
Not sure if any of those will do what you need but there the only ones that can be used.
@Cath – Bummer. Categories can be bulk edited via the database but that takes some knowledge of mysql. I had a site where I converted all the categories to tags not knowing that would wipe out all of the categories. It was about 3000 posts at the time – wasn’t pretty.
@Raju – File it away :-)
Thanks Kim. Useful, as always.
Grrr. This is something that I really needed to know about 3 months ago. I hate it when things like this happen.
Great information though.
Wesley´s last blog post – It rained today.
@Vered – Thank you :-)
@Wesley – Sorry :( I didn’t know you 3 months ago.
I just got to know that your blog is listed on Awesome Kim!!
Raju´s last blog post – Send Free SMS to India, UK and Other Countries
@Raju – Thank you. It’s only been listed for about 5 days.
to me this is not useful since i don’t have many categories… as for the ordering the only thing i can think of is a small code snippet that would allow you to list which categories you want to show…
stratosg´s last blog post – Delete post revisions without any plugin
@Stratos – Normally I wouldn’t need this either but I didn’t want my portfolio category listed on the front page. Some people’s themes list categories as navigation in the header – in that instance excluding categories could be really useful.
These tips really help especially somebody like me who go into the code and hack to hide or display stuff. I did it with the page hiding until I read your tip the other day.
One of the other issues (in fact a limitation with WP, at least till 2.5.2) I have is the ordering of the pages. Is it already improved in WP latest versions. I have about 9 pages (off which some are hidden) and everytime I want to sequence it, I have to edit all of them to change a priority number.
Another pain with sequencing is that of the categories which WP defaults to alphabettic order.
I guess, they are least bothered about this aspect, release after release :lol:
Ajith Edassery´s last blog post – Free blogging platforms – Blogger v/s Comparison
I remembered your post and implemented this category exclusion logic after referring this post again :) Right now, I am hiding as many as 5 categories from the sidebar widget to make room for the AdSense block that follows
Hi Ajith – Great! I’m so glad the article was helpful.
Now don’t go calling yourself a Dunce, at least you were able to work it out. A lot of people would have given up. Good on you for persevering and getting the job done.
Sire´s last blog post – ProBlogger Plea To Amazon Associates Program
@Ajith – I’m glad the tip helped you out. The ordering of pages and categories is very limiting. Oh – and I know what you mean about the sequencing of pages – that little box where you put 0,1,2 etc. I worked on one theme where that wouldn’t work – it was very annoying,
@Sire – I don’t really think I’m a dunce ;-) I’m just a big fan of self-deprecation.
Nice tip Kim. Do you know any plugins for managing the categories on a blog. I am thinking of deleting and modifying some categories on my blog.
Madhur Kapoor´s last blog post – Manage Bookmarks Visually with Tidy Favorites
@Madhur – Thanks! I don’t know of a plugin for that – that topic seems to be coming up a lot lately too.
Can you go to Manage > Categories click on the name of the category and then rename it? I did that with some of mine recently. If you don’t have too many categories it shouldn’t take too long. You can also bulk delete from
Manage > Categories too.
Thanks Kim!
I was have problems with Categories not showing up correctly in arthemia theme and this solved on how to display the 5 categories in the browse categories and i the order I choose
thanks again!
@holybagel – Thank you for visiting and commenting. I’m glad the code worked for you :-)
Thank you so much for this,
I was searching for hours only to find useless and waaaaaay to complicated instructions, figures it would be this easy so I’m glad I found this. Keep up the good work!!
@Jason – Thank you for visiting and commenting.
Sorry you spent so much time searching – I’ve done the same thing. When I suddenly get that aha moment and have a mental breakthrough I write it up and share it with others.
Thank you very much for this! I’m having to use wordpress for a client in a way I haven’t done before, which means a lot of hard coding in order to be able to edit specific styled regions of the homepage, I’m using posts so that the client can change the text without touching the code. Because those posts aren’t part of the blog I needed to exclude them from the sidebars.
Your tutorial was a big help!
@Michelle – Thank you for visiting and commenting. I’m really glad that this article is helping you exclude the content :-)
I’ve just upgraded to 2.7.1, and it broke my hide-categories plugin. I couldn’t get your tip to work. The php included in a text widget would not execute. I found this Sidebar PHP Code Widget Plugin that did the trick.
Robert Reed´s last blog post – Vero Beach
Hi Robert – You need a plugin like exec-php to run php code in posts, pages and text widgets. I should have mentioned it in the article – I often forget to mention it because I use that plugin on all my sites.
I’m glad you found a plugin that worked for you.
Thanks for the tip! The php code widget did the trick to make this work.
Mark Powell´s last blog post – Geo & Real Estate Domain Sales Report – April 2009
Hi Mark – Great! I’m glad it worked out for you.
Thank you very much! I added the code: hierarchical=0& before your code so my list would be flat and not show the hierarchy. Full code is:
Now that’s I’ve done that, it looks like I have to manually exclude all my child categories along with the parent.
So, I was wondering, is there a way to exclude all child categories from a certain parent? For example, now I can exclude category 16 (parent) but category 17 (child) still shows up. I don’t want to manually update the code everytime a child category is added . . .
Hi Jill – I don’t know an easy way to do that without having to edit the code
manually each time. Any plugin solutions are going to exclude a category from the entire page not just in one section.
Okay, thanks for your reply. And, thanks again for your post!
Im from Brasil an i need some help.
I need exclude a category post (Destaque) from my list of posts. See exemples:
Last post is repeated
PS: Sorry…my english is not so good.
Oh…sorry, i forgot the code:
<div class="post" id="post-">
<a href="" rel="bookmark" title="Link permanente para ">
Postado por | Categoria: | Postado em
<a href="">Continue lendo
Hi Dorival – Do you need to exclude an entire category or just one post?
Hi Kim. Just “Destaque” category
Hi – It looks like you are using the Categories widget under
Appearance >Widgets. You can’t exclude a category with the widget. You would want to remove it and then add a text widget with code like the following in it.
Of course, you would also need to install a plugin like Exec-Php in order to use php code in a text widget.
Thanks for the tip Kim. That was a smart idea. Side stepping the upgrade process is a great suggestion. I try to avoid code WordPress hacks whenever possible. The text widget didn’t work for me, so I used the PHP Code Widget plugin to put in the php code you suggested and then excluded the categories from there. I also use the Widget Logic plugin to exclude the categories list from specific pages. It works like a charm. Thanks again for sharing.
.-= Charles @ Simple Daily Recipes´s last blog ..Interview with Jeff Hertzberg and Zoe Francois =-.
Hi Charles – I’m glad it’s working. I’m going to take a look at the plugins that you mentioned. While I try to avoid plugins as much as possible, I do use them more frequently on sites I develop.
Oh Kim! Plugins are your friend :)
It is absolutely amazing how many great plugins are out there. To me WordPress truly delivers on the promise of open source and reusable blocks of code. It is the super hero of website development and plugins are the cool hooks and levers that hang off the utility belt to make the online adventure exciting.
.-= Charles @ Open Source Marketer´s last blog ..Video: What Does Your Facebook Status Say About You =-.
Hi Charles – I agree. But with each plugin there is another chance of their being plugin conflicts or issues with the plugins when WordPress is upgraded. In most instances, I prefer to use a code solution.
Hi Kim,
Thanks very much for the solution, and the further advice on exec-PHP. Worked a treat, I was trying to remember how I did it on a site I built almost two years ago so having this post as a reference to promopt my memory was great. Thank you.
However, just one thing, obviously, in the default “Categories” widget, you have the ability to show ‘post count’ next to each link. Any ideas on how I do that with your code in my new text widget?
Also, is there any way we could contribute a working widget for category exclusion to the wordpress community? I’m sure lots of people would find this useful. I’d be happy to help if anyone else thinks it’s a good idea!
Many thanks for your efforts and time.
Hi Jonathan – I thought there was a plugin or widget to do this but while looking this morning didn’t locate anything. Something like page mash but for categories would be useful. If you know how to make a plugin, you can and add it to the directory.
list categories has a parameter called show count, which by default is turned off. You could add &show_count=1
php wp_list_categories(‘orderby=name&show_count=1&exclude=276&title_li=’);
Kim, I cannot thank you enough for your super quick response. Worked a treat and I’m all done with my design now, thank you! :)
I have never built a plugin before, but would like to give it a go. I’ll let you know how I get on should I ever get the time to do it! :)
Thanks again and all the best!
Hi Jonathan – Great! And you just happened to leave a comment during my morning check of comments to answer :-)
Thanks! Looked at two articles on the wordpress site and didn’t find much on this topic. Took 5 seconds to do this after reading your post.
Hi Kris – Great! I’m glad it helped.
Just wanted to say thank you.. Your post saved my life/time with a client!
.-= James´s last blog ..Commented on “TechBurgh” =-.
Hi James – Great! I found a post yesterday about the Thesis theme that did the same thing for me.
Thank you, thank you, thank you :)
This worked like a charm. And after reading all the comments it worked in less than 5 minutes. This will save me more headache than you can know.
I do have one question. :)
My widgets have some style to them. If you go to the blog ( you will see the Topics list on the sidebar. Notice it is just a straight list. If you click on the archives tab you will see a very similar list but it is bulleted and there is a smidgen of space between each item. Do you know of anything I can add to the php line that will pull in the style for the sidebar lists?
I will also do some searching and if I find the answer I will come back and post it. But you have been so awesome with your help so far I thought maybe you would know the answer to this question too :)
Thank you again. This is a wonderful bit of information.
.-= Cindy´s last blog ..Test Post =-.
Hi Cindy – It looks like your sidebar list is using an ID called #feature in the style sheet. This could be added to the code for Topics.
<div id=feature>
This is from a quick look so you may need to adjust it – but it’s definitely a styling issue.
thanks for this post! i was in need for it desperately after i wanted to exclude a category posts on front page!
Hi Faizan – I’m glad the article helped :-)
I had a question that I was hoping that you can help me, If my categories are structured like:
– Laptops
– Desktops
– Software
– Cameras
– Audio/Video
ex. If a somebody is viewing posts in the Computers category I would like the categories widget in the side bar to only display Laptops, Desktops & Software..
Is there a way to get this done? Are you familiar how to change the code or use a plugin that maybe do that?
Cheers! :)
Hi Ash – It won’t work with the widget – you would need custom code. These two forum posts might help.
Thanks I was able to do it by doing this:
I like this question, oh, believe me, I do.
I see what you mean, and I too have been struggling for a solution. And I am actually getting it, but that’s probably not the way you are thinking of ?
For each of the Parent folders you are speaking of, I create a separate folder with a separate WordPress installation, and I may also add a sub-domain.
Then I just list all those sub site links in a Text widget of the main site.
See from here: let’s call a site “Laptop Accessories”, and a few of the categories listed here might be “Backpacks”, “Skins”, “Keyboard replacements” etc. When a visitor clicks a link “Backpack”, they arrive to the Backpack site, where there are only backpack types listed.
There might be a few challenges involved as how to quickly build new wordpress sites, preferably using the same settings as a “seed” site.
Hope this serves at least as a kick-off for a better idea?
Hi Egil – That seems like too much. You shouldn’t need a separate WordPress installation for each subcategory.
Hi Kim,
Thanks for the code but unfortunately it doesn’t seem to work. I know this was written a while ago before WP3.0 was released, but do you have any suggestions on how to fix it?
When I tried the current code, the Categories heading was there, of course, but nothing was listed underneath so it’s not getting the categories list at all.
Anyway, I do appreciate the article, really wish that WP would just add something to the Categories section (or Widgets) that allows you to exclude it from the sidebar.
Embarassing, but I realized that it should still be supported with the current WP version. I will keep playing around with it and see if it works, but if you have any tips, I would appreciate it.
Hi Brian – I was going to say that I’m using the current version of WordPress and it still works. Is it just blank or are you getting an error message? You can try retyping the single quotes – if you copied the code block directly from the post that might be causing the problem.
Hi Kim,
I retyped the single quotes as suggested but still the same. Under the heading it’s just blank, no errors.
PHP code won’t run in widgets by default. You may need to install a plugin like Exec-PHP in order for this to work.
And, of course, make sure there is a post in the category that you are using – when a category is blank, it won’t be displayed.
Ah, of course. I will give it a try.
Well, your code works but the “Executable PHP widget” plugin I have isn’t playing well with my page as the categories I want excluded are but inside that box are a bunch of blue circles.
I will try and find another plugin but thanks for your quick replies, really appreciate it.
Yeah, unfortunately the code works but I’ve tried 2 different php plugins with the same results. Thanks anyways, though. I’ll see if the theme creator has any ideas, maybe the blue circles are a result of a code they put in.
Hi Brian – It sounds like the blue circles are being added for sidebar list items in the stylesheet.
Yeah, probably. I will see if I can find it in there. Thanks for the help, Kim. :)
Hi Kim (again),
Interestingly, the blue circles look to be the same as the bullets used for my “Site Map” that I have on top while the other is just repeating it.
Here’s my site:
You can find the category widget with your code on the bottom of the sidebar.
– Brian
Try putting <ul> </ul> around the code.
That did the trick. Thanks!
nice simplistic and logical approach – for various reasons, i took a slightly different route. I displayed only the child categories of my main ‘blog’ category. Any categories that need to be created for a blog post will simply be created with ‘blog’ as it’s parent category.
here’s my little snippet:
<?php wp_list_categories('child_of=5&title_li=Categories'); ?>
Hi Brad – Thanks for sharing your method!
I like both the exclude and include, but when I do Kim’s main idea, the listing are nice, but the main category is formatted different than the subs, I can handle the main category being listed, but I would like them all formatted the same… anyway I can do this easily within this widget space? I assume it has to do with a nested list?
When I do Brads idea (to list only the children)
I get a ugly not so formatted “Category” from the title function
I can change the name, but how can I reformat it inline?
Have you tried putting <ul> </ul> around it?
Hi Kim,
Nice post and first time I am on your site. But I am still not able to do this. I exactly did what you said. I just started my site/blog and I used arthemia theme. This theme requires to create two categories called “headline and featured”. I want to hide these two under the “categories” on my sidebar but your tip did not work..not sure if i am making a mistake!!
Hi Jay,
Did it not hide the categories or did you get an error message? Are the categories being listed in a widget? You could use this widget
Also, I don’t recall how Arthemia is set up but if any of the code for this is in a function my instructions will not work.
Hi Kim,
I am trying to use Advanced Category Excluder but i am uinable to see the results in the website.
I want to accomplish 2 things:
I want to remove few Categories from the Home Page.
I want to remove some other Categories in Sidebar which i have added as a Widget in the Sidebar. Sidebar wasn’t there in the theme which i was using. So i have added manually as a Widget.
Is this ACE Compatible upto WordPress 2.7.1 Version only? My WordPress Version is 3.1.1
I don’t want to edit the Widgets.php file as WordPress Verion is updated often.
Can you please help me in achieving this 2 things?
I believe that plugin is still compatible. You could use it with widget logic, which allows you to specify which pages widgets show up on.
Hallo Kim, first sorry OOT, im beginner in wordpress and php coding, the simple question is, what code to show Category list Without using widget/plugin? i look forward for answer :D please email me.
Best Regards
Hi Joey – This page of the codex should help.
Thank you very much for this great article. It worked wonders! Although I beg you one thing: please find a moment to edit the post in order to add the essential requirement of the installation of the Exec-PHP plugin. It took me quite a while until I found it in the comments section.
Hi Kim,
This is a great and helpful article. Thank you so much :)
I have a question:
Can you think of a similar solution for excluding the same categories and posts in that category from Archives list as well? Also from Recent Posts list.
One more question:
When using your method, the “Number of posts” in each category doesn’t show. Is it possible to add a piece of code for that too?
You are a so smart :) thanks
Hi Helen – If you need to exclude a category for a number of locations, you may want to take a look at the Advanced Category Excluder plugin
Thank you very much. This is exactly the solution I was hoping for.
You post is almost what I am looking for. I only want to include a few categories in my list. Can I use the same code and just put include instead of exclude?
My bright idea is to use the WYSIWYG widget to put an image on the left and my 4 categories on the right but I am not having much luck
It’s not going to work because I can’t display php without a plugin and then I have to use their widget which means I can’t do what I want :(
Hi There,
I’ve developed a plugin that may help non coders doing it:
All the best