I, as well as others, found that our new iframe app for Facebook tabs was not showing up in the list of applications for the page.
This was a big pain because I couldn’t easily add and remove the tab, edit the tab, or do much of anything without going back to the application page.
Well, I discovered, thanks to a super helpful commentator, that one of the fields that I left blank on the Facebook integration tab needed to be filled out in order for the tab to appear in the list of applications.
Here’s the field
Under the Facebook Integration tab for you Application settings, you need to fill out the Canvas Page field, which I left blank when I first created my tab and wrote up the instructions. I didn’t know what it was for and it didn’t occur to me to fill it out when the iframe app didn’t show up in my list of applications.
There are some restrictions on what it can be named – it can’t be over 7 characters, contain numbers, etc., but otherwise you can pretty much name if whatever you want. And when it shows up in your list of apps, the name of the Canvas Page field doesn’t matter – it will show up with the same name as your tab.
So, that’s all it is – user error and confusing Facebook instructions.
Does anyone know what the Bookmark URL is?
Thanks for the helpful tips! For what it’s worth, there may very well still be a bug in adding applications to pages – I was able to add one, once, with no problems, but have created 3 more since, following the same steps, and they won’t show up in the list on the side. They show as being added to the page, just no tab on the side. I’ve been poking around the forums and bug reports but haven’t found much more info on it… but if anyone else is having the same issue, know you’re not alone!
Hi Eric – Thanks! I haven’t tried adding more than one to a page yet so I guess I will see what happens.
hwo did you name your canvas page as “asd_kim”
can any name be given
please advise.
I just picked that name for the name of my site and my name. It can be almost anything but Facebook does have some restrictions.
“There are some restrictions on what it can be named – it can’t be over 7 characters, contain numbers, etc., but otherwise you can pretty much name if whatever you want. “
Hi Kim,
I’m totally illiterate about facebook applications, that’s why I usually come here to know about facebook. But you have asked a question at the end of the post it’s like you’re kidding with me. ;)
Hi Sam – No, is it to make it easy for the page to be bookmarked? I’m really not clear on what that field is for.
The connection with https does not allow application iframe non configured https to appear on the fan pages.
iframe.apps allows to create an iframe without being facebook developer and avoid to purchase and configure the SSL certificate.
The application iframe.apps (http://www.facebook.com/iframe.apps) proposes to:
– add in an iframe tab an existing web page by simply inserting the URL
– or create a new iframe tab with the HTML editor integrated
(same as what was managed Static FBML)
Your comments and remarks are welcome. They can help us evolve.
Bruno B.
Hi – The https issue is one that needs to be resolved. I am probably going to purchase a certificate.
Thanks for the info about the app – I’ll check it out.
Hello Kim,
Try iframe.apps.
With this application, you don’t need to purchase any SSL certificate.
It is very easy to install and free.
Hi Bruno – I understand that but a number of my clients want to develop their own tabs. Since I am hosting many of them, it makes sense for me to get a certificate.
You are right! In your case, buying a certificate is the only solution for hosting clients.
That is what we have done for iframe.apps
Hello Kim!
Great tut! But I have some problems. I made simple htm/html file, add css called this file must_visit.htm/html (tried both format). I have put file and css into directory domain.org/fb/travel/must_visit.htm
Wrote in Canvas URL: domain.org/fb/travel/
Wrote in Page Tab URL: domain.org/fb/travel/must_visit.htm
But when I’m loking in app, there is nothing to display. Can you say what I did wrong?
Make sure that the subdirectories are not protected – check the permissions on them. You can also try saving the .html file as a .php file – sometimes that resolves the issue.
Thx Kim, I’ll try your way. I found that f8 lookin’ for index file, for now I had to make subdirectory and put in it index file. It helps me. Might someone helps my note.