Last Friday was the first day of school in Philly. Don’t even get me started on how stupid it is to have the first day be on a Friday and be a half day – who comes up with these schedules?
I can’t believe that I have a 5th grader! It seems like she was just a 2 year old singing “Up above the world so high …” over and over again. Just that one line of Twinkle Twinkle Little Star rather than the entire song ;-)
The kid grew so much this summer and got a lot taller – she actually moved above the 10 percentile in height! But, rather than thinking she has a chance for height even with such shrimpy parents, it’s more likely that she will stop growing in 2-3 years and be about the same height as me. (5’2″)
I’ve been learning that I can’t do as much as I think I can in a day and am trying to create more reasonable daily schedules for myself. The move and fixing up the new house has taken much more of my time than I anticipated and because the new place is so nice I find I want to spend more time on the household than I used to. Hopefully I will get it together soon and have a regular posting schedule again.
Anyway … here is the first day of 5th grade photo. It’s a smarmy, smart-alecky expression but I guess it’s to prepare me for the teenage years that aren’t all that far away.
Hope you all had a wonderful summer. I did but I’m glad it’s over – I am ready for cooler temperatures and things to get back to “normal”.
photo credit: stewdean
Hi Kim,
The best way to prepare for the children to be teenagers and what will happen, is to sit down and think about how you yourself was as a teenager. What made our parents for right and wrong with us.