I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving! One of the things I am thankful for is laughter.
While this is actually a Mr. Bean Christmas video, it’s the best video involving a turkey out there.
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I hope everyone is having a wonderful Thanksgiving! One of the things I am thankful for is laughter.
While this is actually a Mr. Bean Christmas video, it’s the best video involving a turkey out there.
My daughter is really sweet and funny. I know, I know … I’m sure I sound like a biased parent but everyone tells me the same thing so I’m confident that is just her personality.
Recently she totally cracked me up over a conversation she had with her Dad about some dental work he needed done and how she related part of the conversation to Star Wars.
One thing that you should know is that for better or for worse, Star Wars has been a huge influence in part of our lives. I was married to a Star Wars fanatic.
Happy Memorial Day in the US. It’s nice to have a three day weekend and Memorial Day is the unofficial start of Summer.
Of course, it’s also a commemoration for soldiers who have died while in service but I wonder how many people even thing about that when planning their barbecues?
I’ve decided to celebrate the holiday with some patriotism done up Muppet Style.
I spent too much of my life being shy and missed out on things that would have been fun because I was too inhibited to give new experiences a chance.
As I’ve grown older, I’ve become less shy and don’t really care so much what other people think. I do wish, however, that I had learned this at a younger age.
Some of you may know that I used to work in tech support. I actually really liked the work but had numerous issues with management.
Before I had a face to face interview I had a phone interview. I was asked questions like, “what web browser do you use?” and “what is a firewall?”. I thought it was odd but must have been their first level screening process.
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