Just 5 links this week but they are all quality ones. I collected more during the week but then pulled some of them. A commenter noticed that I was being especially negative lately and I decided to remove some of the snark. This week I’ve got Gimp tutorials, information about WordPress 2.7, using the WordPress visual text editor, free eBooks, and an article about blogging from Copyblogger.
5 Ugly WordPress Themes
I’ve been collecting all sorts of WordPress themes lately. I started this week with 5 New(ish) WordPress themes and am ending it with 5 Ugly WordPress Themes.
As a note of kindness, I’m sure that the theme authors were learning how to make themes and decided to try something different. For example, while the Retro Mac one is ugly, it probably wasn’t that easy to make.
And if I ever get around to making a theme, I’m sure someone will think it is ugly too. Actually, I have designed sites that I thought were ugly, but made what the client wanted. There’s no accounting for taste.
Psychic Search WordPress Plugin – There Must Be a Better Way to Track Site Searches
The other day when I was looking for new WordPress information, I came across the Psychic Search Plugin. Intrigued as to what this could be, I looked into it further.
Basically, you will be able to read the minds of your site visitors. How? Well, the plugin records all of the searches in your WordPress search box. By knowing what your visitors are looking for you will know what topics you should be writing about. And in order to do that, you’d first need to take the help of the best link building service to lure traffic in. Not a bad idea but …
If You Could Have Any WordPress Plugin, What Would You Want?
Last week I wrote an article called 5 Annoying WordPress plugins. One of the plugins included was lolcats by Stratos. In the comments, Mike Nichols mentioned that he wanted a good footnotes plugin. Then, Stratos commented and said that he made the lolcats plugin to practice making a plugin and that he really wanted ideas for plugins that people wanted. As a result of that discussion Mike and Stratos worked together to create the YAFootnotes plugin for WordPress. You can see how awesome the plugin is on Mike’s site, Anxiety, Panic & Health.
Tweetdeck Article at TwiTip
My regular ‘Stuff This in Your RSS’ article has been preempted by my guest post about Tweetdeck at Darren Rowse’s new site about Twitter, TwiTip.
I wrote an article about Tweetdeck, when it was first released last July, called All Hands on Tweetdeck. I had been thinking about updating the article because many of my cons of using it had been corrected. When Darren asked for contributors for his new site, I emailed him and offered to write a review of Tweetdeck and he graciously accepted my offer.