It seems that Spring may finally be on the way. At the beginning of this week it was 15 degrees and snowing. Now at the end, it is sunny and 60. Seems a bit extreme. Anyway, this week I have information about twitter, fun with photos, threaded comments in Thesis, content theft, and happiness.
3 WordPress 2.7 Auto-Upgrade Issues
WordPress 2.7 comes with an auto-upgrade feature, which makes upgrading much easier but is not without it’s potential problems. So far, I have come across three issues that seem to be the ones most frequently encountered.
The three issues are related to losing theme customizations, the upgrade won’t occur because of a plugin incompatibility, and lack of core support from your webhost.
WordPress Plugin: Insights – For Images, Video and More
Recently I read about the WordPress Plugin, Insights, which is designed to make it easy to insert images, video, wikipedia, blog and book information to your blog posts.
I tend to be wary of plugins like this because while they can make posting easier, they tend to slow down the WordPress workspace. And, of course, we tend to be on a quest to use as few plugins as possible.
But this one intrigued me so I decided to install it and test it out. And, surprisingly, I’ve been pleased with the results.
How to Disable Post Revisions in WordPress
Since WordPress 2.6 post revisions have been included, which means every save of a draft is saved as a revision of that post. This is a great feature for those working in a collaborative environment with multiple editors and is a way of tracking changes, but for those of us who blog alone, it is an unnecessary feature that adds a lot of additional data that will really increase the size of the WordPress database.
There are two ways to turn off this feature so that post revisions are no longer used nor stored in the database. One is a simple change to your wp-config.php file and the other is a plugin.
(Anti) Social-List 3/1/09
Happy March! Just three more weeks until it’s officially Spring. I like Spring but actually prefer Winter to Summer. It seems as though I did some research this week because I have quite a few WordPress articles. I also have information about browsers, a sad story about a baby sloth, eco reasons for renting an apartment in the city rather than buying a house in the burbs and insult sword-fighting.