Although I didn’t have my posts planned out this past week like I normally do, I did manage to keep track of the awesome links that I found. This week I have a WordPress User Guide, WordPress hacks, SEO information, a list of Twitter resources, my article at Environmental Graffiti, information about helping a loved one with a mental illness, and more information on Train for Humanity and Darfur. Hopefully you will find something useful or inspirational.
Writing: First Article at Environmental Graffiti
I’ve been so busy this week that I really don’t have a proper post planned. I suppose I could just not post but I’ve developed a posting schedule and I really don’t want to deviate from it. Of course, it would help if I wrote posts up in advance for times like this but I’ve never managed to get more than three posts ahead
Being busy is good. I’ve started getting some freelancing work. Not enough to leave my job yet but it’s a start. What I’ve lost is time. I’m a little overwhelmed. What do you do when you feel this way? What do you write about when you don’t have a post prepared?
How to Upgrade WordPress Manually
Anyone who’s been visiting for awhile knows that I’m not a big fan of the Auto-Upgrade plugin for WordPress and that I prefer upgrading manually. I’m not against the plugin. I think it’s made it possible for more people to upgrade their own WordPress installations. I prefer manually upgrading because I have more control (and I’m not a control freak, just a scheduling freak) and I am better able to troubleshoot the problem when something goes wrong with the upgrade.
And things do go wrong. Frequently. That being said, the Auto-Upgrade Plugin works fine when the upgrade is minor, such as from a .1 to a .2 version. But if you are upgrading from WordPress 2.0 to 2.6.2, I highly recommend you do it manually. If you aren’t familiar with the process, I recommend someone do the upgrade for you.
Social Media Marketing Best Practice – Article Round-Up
A couple of weeks ago I participated in Mitch Joel’s Social Media Marketing Best Practice Meme and wrote about reflect. I thought it was time to gather all of the entries that I have found so far and share them will all of you. If I was more motivated I would work them all into an awesome essay, but I just don’t have it in me right now. Please, if you know of any that I have missed, let me know and I will add them to the list.
The articles are in no particular order other than how I located them in my online bookmarks.
Stuff This in Your RSS – 10/7/08 – The Good Human
This week I thought we would go a little green and add The Good Human as our RSS feed of the week.
The Good Human, run by Dave who is an awesome guy, encourages us to be better at being human whether it’s through caring for the environment or just being better people. Plus Dave grew up near my cousins (though he didn’t know them) so I’ve got to highlight him here.
This morning I didn’t know what the RSS feed of the week was going to be. [Read more…]