Many things have been changing in my life recently and I thought I would share them with you. And the good thing is almost all of them are positive changes. They are related to work, food, comments, and family.
I am an excited and nervous all at the same time. I’ve got so much to do in the next couple of weeks – paperwork, projects, organization – that I feel overwhelmed but as I’ve learned over the last year and a half things usually work out for the best (or the way they need to) and that tasks are less difficult when you do them then when you are thinking about them.
Full Time Freelancing
Even though I haven’t fully resolved my computer problems, I have decided to take a chance and freelance full time. I gave notice at my day job and May 1st is my last day! I was going to leave at the beginning of the year but my ex got laid off and I didn’t know what would happen to our child support and my daughter lost her health insurance. The support amount didn’t get reduced by much but I decided that I would not rely on it as part of our income – I would earn it and then if we did receive the support I would save it. And I got my daughter health insurance through the state – it’s expensive but necessary. I also delayed leaving my day job because of my Mom passing away – I was too stunned to do much of anything.
Recently I’ve been getting so much work that I’ve had to turn it down or have too long of a turnaround time on the project. Between my day job, freelancing, and my family I have been working non-stop and getting very little rest. I can’t maintain this schedule for much longer, which also influenced my decision.
I also love the freelancing work – I can’t say this about many day jobs I’ve had. My current day job is also mindless and I feel like I’m just wasting my time when I am there. I took the job to replace one that was causing too much stress in my life and was not family friendly, but it was only supposed to be a temporary position and I’ve been there a year and a half! Of course, shortly after I started working there a number of things in my life fell apart so I was lucky to have a mindless position.
I’m not a 100% certain that this will work out but I figure that worst case scenario will be failing miserably and having to move to Vermont to live with my brothers, which certainly isn’t so bad. I feel confident though and at peace with my decision so I don’t think it will come to that. :-) I still need to get health and disability insurance for myself (how would I earn money if I injured my hands) but will easily be able to pay for it with the money that I will save in not paying for childcare.
I am leaving my daughter in after school care for the rest of the year and will still be sending her to full time day camp. I’ve already saved up for it and will give me the time to really get started with this without going directly from working full time to being with my daughter full time. Ultimately though, I will have a lot more time with her and will be able to be more involved in her life.
Freelancing will also work out better for me with the type of personality I have. I swing between high energy and focus and none at all. One day I will be incredibly focused and inspired and can work 18 hours and be incredibly productive. And on other days I am distracted and less creative. On those days I can focus more on research and home related issues. I can work around this rather than just try to force all of my work into a couple of hours a day.
Community Supported Agriculture
I finally purchased a share in a local farm and will be getting a food box once a week between June and November. I’ve been wanting to do this for a long time but finally did it. I bought a half vegetarian share, which includes maple granola, cheese, eggs, and produce. Everything is organic and is grown locally. The one thing that was keeping me from reducing my carbon footprint even further was purchasing food locally. Our footprint is currently 18 while the worldwide average is 11. The average U.S. one is about 54 so I’m doing really good but I want it to be even lower. Since I don’t own a car, getting food could be a chore and now I will only have to go to the park 3 blocks away once a week to get our staples for the week.
I can purchase bread at the farmer’s market at the same park. Another staple of mine is tofu. The market one block away sells tofu unpackaged and I discovered that it is made right here in Philadelphia so it only travels 37 blocks to reach me.
To round this out I am trying to join the food co-op that is also right up the street. They have, however, run into space and increased membership issues and have a waiting list. An exclusive co-op seems like an oxymoron to me. But, I am trying to find a way about the limitations.
Family Issues
Since my Mom lived in Northern Vermont and passed away in the winter, she could not be buried until the Spring. The ground is too frozen to dig up. This is a little frustrating as it prolongs the grief and mourning period. I don’t think I will ever stop missing her so much but I don’t feel like I can’t function like I did when it first happened. I will be going to Vermont next month for the burial and am hoping it doesn’t upset me too much.
Fortunately, my brother and I resolved our differences. We had a big fight about various house and financial issues and didn’t speak for 2 months – we are both so stubborn. I was upset because I felt like I had no family left so I’m glad we worked it out. Going up for the burial would have been really awkward too if we still weren’t speaking to each other. I think, however, that stressful times often cause these types of issues between family members.
I have been terrible at keeping up with all of your sites and I’m surprised sometimes that you all continue to be supportive and are visiting mine. I have just been SO busy that something had to give and that was one of them. I apologize for this and hope to begin visiting again in the next couple of weeks. I just appreciate all of you so much and I am really thankful for your ongoing support.
That’s All
Well, I think that’s all for now. Wish me luck and send people who need help with WordPress my way :-)
photo credit: 2-Dog-Farm
You’ve already heard my comments on Twitter, but I’ll repeat them here. You’re making a good decision and you’ll make a great full-time freelancer.
Oh, and I’m still jealous…
Dave´s last blog post – How to become a successful blogger in 3 easy steps
Hi Dave – Thanks! You also have more family responsibilities than I do :-)
Wow, Kim, that’s a heaping lot of change! Congratulations on your career move. I know you’ll do great – you have such a passion for your work and meaning will make it seem like it’s not work at all. I’m glad your family issues have resolved and that a bit of closure will occur with your mom’s burial. The CSA is something I’ve wanted to do for a long time, myself, but with our travel schedule, I was concerned it wouldn’t fit and our delivery might go to waste. So, I am back-burnering that one. You’ve done some great “spring cleaning” with your life. I’m still in process, but hope to report soon once the current whirlwind subsides.
Betsy Wuebker´s last blog post – HE IS RISEN
Hi Betsy,
Thanks! I enjoy it so much more that it probably won’t feel like work.
The CSA I joined said that if you are going to be away that you can have someone else pick it up for you. Or they can just not deliver it that week. One of my main concerns is having a bunch of food that I don’t feel like cooking because it’s too hot. :-)
I’m so proud of you, Kim. This is definitely the right decision for you at this point in your life. I don’t think you’ll regret taking this chance. You’re going to do awesomely. Freelancing is going to be much friendlier to your personality And know that I’m going to be jealous of your office/troll free life. ;-)
I’m excited about your food find! Sounds yummy.
And as usual, I love the picture you picked for the article. :-)
Hi Jim – Thanks! I like playing RPG’s but really don’t want to live one anymore. ;-)
The picture makes me laugh every time I look at it – “Careful! That’s way too personal.”
It all sounds very exciting (not including the burial). I hope it all works out well for you and for your daughter. it’s great that you can get organic staples so easily. I belonged to a food coop years ago, but it was difficult to find time to work there (a requirement). Maybe I’ll look into that again.
As for sending you work, I can do that and I’ll email you about it. :-)
Dot´s last blog post – Comment on Spring Has Sprung by Barbara Swafford
Hi Dot – Thanks! I got your email and will reply later :-)
I just want to get the burial over with and am hoping it isn’t too difficult. Everything else is really exciting – I have, however been swinging between I can’t wait and oh my goodness, what have I done.
Good luck on your new freelance journey. Think positive, stay happy, and everything will workout as it should. Many are looking forward to the day when they can give their day job the pink slip. It has to be an awesome feeling.
Don’t worry about not commenting on my blog, it has been as while since I have posted anything… :-) I need to get it together. I’m really in a transitional period currently. I have so many ideas and projects I’m either working on or thinking about working on that it’s hard to focus on one thing. My main goal is to, like you, make a living doing something I enjoy versus just working a force fed job to pay the bills.
Congrats again, and may God bless you on your new journey. I hope to make this type of announcement one day myself.
Michael Anderson | emdoozie´s last blog post – Turn off the News and Live your Life
Hi Michael – Thanks! I know you found a job quickly so that things often work out for the best. I appreciate your supportive comments.
All the best for your freelancing job, it seems you are working too hard these days, try to take some time for rest as well. By the way what kind of freelance jobs do you do?
Chinese Girl´s last blog post – Photo Hohhot Zhaojun Tomb15
Hi – Thanks! I do WordPress consulting – design themes, customize them, upgrades, fix problems … stuff like that.
I’m hoping that once my day job ends I can actually take weekends off – but I’ve been working so hard out of necessity more than choice ;-)
It’s always exciting to hit life’s reset button. Stressful too, but freelancing will give lots of independence. Glad everything else is working out too.
Gennaro´s last blog post – The Uros Of Lake Titicaca
Hi Gennaro – Reset – that’s a great way to look at it. When my daughter and I start arguing she will say, “rewind, rewind” and then we start laughing and stop being mad at each other.
So many changes in a short period of time.
I wish you much success in your full-time career as a freelancer!
Again, I’m sorry to hear of the passing of your mother.
carla´s last blog post – Havent figured it out yet…
Hi Carla – My life has changed SO much in the last year and half … if someone had said that I would no longer be married and that I would be working for myself I would have laughed and thought it was ridiculous.
Thanks – it gets easier thinking about my Mom but the strangest things upset me sometimes. Last week I designed a site and I really wanted to show it to her – I was so bummed out that I couldn’t do that.
Kim, these all sound like excellent decisions – even if they are made in a stressful time, sometimes I’ve found that it’s just those times that highlight what needs to change.
My condolences on the loss of your mom. When my grandmother died (we were very close) I up and moved across the province and cut off all my hair. I’d do it again too, it was a good move.
I’ve always been at home, working on and off, and Ron has been freelancing or contract work or a “real” job overall.
We definitely like the freelancing the best.
And the veggies! Out here in the country, we have to grow ’em ourselves. ;) If it gets too hot to cook them, just eat them raw. Although if you have enough to can, then it’s still gong to be hot… hmmm…
Andrea_R´s last blog post – Donncha’s Domain Mapping plugin
Hi Andrea – Thanks! Some of the decisions were made before my Mom died – they just got delayed a little bit. The real catalyst was my marriage falling apart.
I was very close to my grandmother too – she passed away 20 years ago and I still think about her every day.
We have a small patch of land right in front of the house – I think I’m going to ask the landlord if we can try growing some veggies there. I don’t see why he would mind. Just need to get some decent dirt.
Kim i wish you all the best from the bottom of my heart. I really really wish you succeed on this turning point of your life. I am here in case you need something, anything at all. And i am really happy to see a fellow blogger/programmer putting her skills to action. All the best Kim!!
stratosg´s last blog post – Make your #FollowFriday easy!
Hi Stratos – Thanks! I really appreciate it. :-)
Wow, so many changes. Best of luck on these new ventures Kim. I know you will be successful.
Madhur Kapoor´s last blog post – Unlock Files/Folders which are Locked by Processes using UnlockMe
Hi Madhur – Thanks! I sure hope so :-)
I’m running out the door but wanted to say WOOHOOO!!!!!!! Congratulations!
Tracy´s last blog post – A List of 10 Randoms and a Blog Reader Appreciation Day Prize
Hi Tracy – I didn’t do a Proud Mary stickin’ it to the man type of thing but it sure feels good to be leaving ;-)
Congratulations on your new career! I wish you all the best.
I was a freelancer for many years in my past life and loved the freedom and sense of purpose that I had. I found that not only was I more satisfied with my life, but I actually was far more productive than I had ever been working for someone else.
I can empathize with your needing to get closure on your Mother. And especially, having a cooled relationship with your brother. After my Mother died a decade ago, my brother and sister’s relationship with me suffered greatly, and is just now beginning to get back to what it should be.
Again, congratulations! You know that I am always here for you, so if there is anything I can do, please don’t hesitate to ask!
Mike Nichols´s last blog post – Seven Myths About Stress That You Really Need to Know About
Hi Mike – Thanks! :-) I know I’m a lot more productive on my own.
I think a lot of family problems arise after a death. My mother and her younger sister never spoke again after my grandfather died. My mother made up even promise that she wouldn’t be invited to her funeral – now, that was not fun. Fortunately, my brother doesn’t really stay mad.
wow changes …congratz on the good and congratz on the bad…I’m also a big believer in everything happens for a reason and all reasons are good…..(some consider it odd as I’m good at discrediting cases and the such but nyah).
My changes are slow and pending … Though hopefully in a few months going to revolutionize as well!
Good luck with it all! Got your email saved so you’ll be on the list for freelance work which I have a HUGE pending list that I will get t in a few months!
Good luck and keep us all updated
Donace | TheNexus´s last blog post – Adgitize – Dropping Script
Hi! Thanks! I still have your email too :-)
I will keep everyone updated. I should get some good post material on the ups and downs of working for myself ;-)
Sometimes it just takes awhile to see the change as being good but a lot of good has come out of some of the worst moments in my life.
Forgot to add will you be increasing the services you provide now or sticking to the ones you have?
A good CopyWriter and SEO Person is also one you need
Donace | TheNexus´s last blog post – Adgitize – Dropping Script
Hi – I will be increasing my services because I already do a lot of things that aren’t listed there. It’s one of those things that I haven’t had a chance to work on recently.
Do you mean I should add copywriting and SEO or that I need a good copywriter and SEO?
If you think you have enough experience I would suggest adding it on ! Good writers like I mentioned are hard to come by! and SEO blackmagic…who really understands it? yet many sell it!
Donace | TheNexus´s last blog post – Free SEO Tools
Interesting ideas – I think I’m going to stick to what I’m actually good at ;-)
Congrats! V. happy for you — It actually doesn’t seem like v. long ago when you started freelancing seriously — You move fast! :)
Siel´s last blog post – Eco Trip: Sundance shows you where your stuff comes from
Hi Siel – Thanks! You deserve a lot of credit for me deciding to freelance and finally join the CSA :-)
Best of luck to you on your freedom as a freelancer! I just started following you on Twitter; just discovered your blog.
Will keep my ear out for folks who need WordPress help! (Maybe I’ll join them soon myself…) :D
Hi Chris – Thanks! I got your follow notification and I followed back :-)
And definitely tell anyone who needs help about me :-)
GOOD LUCK! You know that I’m one of your biggest supporters – and a very happy client too. :) I actually don’t think you need luck – your talent and dedication will make sure you succeed.
I am SO happy for you, Kim.
Vered – MomGrind´s last blog post – Cabo San Lucas
Hi Vered – Thank you :-) You always have been so supportive and I really appreciate it.
Hi Kim. Good for you! The adventure is beginning. The music plays… and now you’re dancing! :-) Enjoy the adventure Kim. And, I didn’t realize you had lost your mother last year. My thoughts and prayers to you and your family for closure.
Davina´s last blog post – Morning Muse — Flock of Thoughts
Hi Davina – Thanks!
I don’t think I knew you as well when my mother passed away – it’s only been 4 months.
Thanks for sharing your immediate future plans :) I am sure, with your skillset, you will do really good with your freelancing.
I feel good to see the positive spirit and energy that you bring in during the times of crisis. I usually sulk over things for longer time… I am sure that you will sort things out one by one and manage your finances, health and child’s education better.
It’s really amazing that you are really concerned about the carbon and green house gas emissions that the modern world produces. Being a vegan, a supporter of organic farming and somebody who doesn’t use a car, you have really made yourself special. Thinking and going green is never easy. Kudos to you.
(Now I know why all your themes are green – like your blog theme, twitter homepage :P )
Cheers, Ajith
Ajith Edassery´s last blog post – Latest innovation from Google Labs – News Timeline
Hi Ajith – Thanks! I lean toward pessimism too and am trying harder to not be that way. Things have been so difficult over the last year and a half that I figure they can’t really get much worse than that.
LOL on the green. I never even thought about the color connection – it’s just always been my favorite color. “Going green” has been a long term process but for me has not been that hard. I’ve only owned a car for 6 months my entire life and I never liked meat much to begin with. I can be without a car because I live in an urban area. In many parts of this country it really isn’t possible. Even though I use a lot less than many Americans we would still need 1.5 planets if everyone lived the way that I did. I need to buy more food locally and reduce my electricity usage – I have to admit that I’m addicted to electricity.
Mashable had a good post on the ‘Go green’ move…
Also check out these carbon footprint calculators.
(Though I am not that green I am trying to understand the impact of the carbon footprint of businesses as we are building a bunch of Sustainability and Green apps in our organization now)
Ajith Edassery´s last blog post – Latest innovation from Google Labs – News Timeline
Hi Ajith – Thanks for the links :-) Businesses have a much larger impact than individuals so it’s great that you are looking into sustainable practices.
Way to go Kim. It’s good that you have made the final leap to freelancing as now you will be able to concentrate on the thing you love. It’s also good that you and your brother have resolved your differences as family is so important, especially in times of need.
All the best with your future goals.
Sire´s last blog post – The SEO Importance Of Permalinks
Hi Sire – Thanks! I don’t think “work” will seem so much like work anymore.
My brother and I always have differences (we are completely opposite in most ways) but we have resolved the current one. A lot of it was from the stress of dealing with losing Mom and our inexperience with dealing with the financial and legal issues.
Congrats on the full time freelancing gig. That’s perfect!
Such a full plate for you. Oh my goodness. Absolutely I’m sending good thoughts your way, and yes – you are the go to person for WP stuff.
Let me know if there’s anything I can do!
Tumblemoose´s last blog post – Vanity Plate E-Book
Hi George – Thanks! I’m hoping to become less busy but there are a lot of things I’ve been putting off at home because I just haven’t had the time.
Big changes are hard to make, but it sounds like you’re doing what you really need and want to do. I wish you all the best.
I used to be a member of a CSA in Royal Oak, MI, and we loved it. Half the fun was figuring out what to do with veggies and fruits we’d never cooked before. And it feels so good to support the local movement.
So maybe you can help me out, now that you’re back in the saddle. I think I need to migrate my blog to my hosted site, but I’m worried about losing followers, etc. Please send me an email if your freelance schedule permits you the time to consult with me.
All the best to you!
Lara Galloway´s last blog post – Effective Mompreneurs Have Effective Business Plans (and you can, too)
Hi Lara – Thank you!
The CSA is also supposed to provide recipes – hopefully that will help with the things I’ve never cooked before :-)
I will send an email to you soon.
wow, you do have a lot going on and for the better. congrats on making the move to resign from your job. i know exactly what you mean by mindless. i live it EVERYDAY at work. it’s so unfulfilling, but it is paying the bills, so i won’t complain. i will have to uproot my life in order to bring about the change i want – it just going to take some planning.
i too would love to be at home more and spend that time with my kid. working on it.
glad you and your brother made up and are back speaking.
again, sorry about the death of your mom. with not being able to bury her, it’s hard to have that closure. hope you find peace and calm soon
Natural´s last blog post – My Two Left Feet
Hi Valerie – Thanks! I wish you could come work with me – I know you don’t like what you’re doing right now.
Hopefully my brother and I will continue speaking – we’ll see what happens. Fortunately my youngest brother is a slacker punk who never gets mad so at least I will have him to not reply on ;-)
I’ve also publicly commented before on your prowess as an awesome communicator and that will be a HUGE step in making you a successful freelancer!
I do have to ask, however, with all the traffic you get here, why don’t you throw some Google Ads on it?
Rick´s last blog post – How to print the contents of any folder in Windows – Video Tip
Hi Rick! Thanks!
I don’t get as much traffic as you might think. Sometimes a lot of comments through.
It’s funny that you asked about the ads because I briefly had them and have a draft of an article about ads that I never posted. Basically I decided that I didn’t want to sell other products/services, if I was trying to sell myself. They also bothered me aesthetically. And as I am anti-social, anti-car, and anti-lots of stuff, I tend to be anti-advertising – for me though, others can do whatever they want. :-)
I understand…but your traffic looks pretty good, but we always want more traffic right?
Rick´s last blog post – Microsoft Fix it Solution Center
Hi Rick – It’s slowly increasing. More traffic is definitely better ;-)
Kim, all the best and I hope you achieve every success!
Hi Manshu – Thanks! I like the new avatar ;-)
Don’t worry…. God is with us. He will help you.
Hope you have a good work in freelancing.
All the best for the your future!
Nihar´s last blog post – Find Friends on Social Networking sites using Identity
Hi Nihar – Thanks! I try not to worry because worry doesn’t accomplish anything. I think it will all work out for the best.
Wow, only 2 months not speaking to your brother? My hubby hasn’t spoken to his younger in one in over 5 years over the estate handling.
Congrats, Kim on your free-lancing and the food co-op. Good on you , Mate!
Jannie Funster´s last blog post – Jannie’s Fine!!
Hi Jannie – My brother had to call me and we talked about it – he made it out like he was never mad and that I’m the one with the issue …
My Mom and her sister didn’t speak for 10 years after my grandfather died and my Mom insisted that her sister not be at her funeral. I know death and estate issues can cause huge family problems.
Bravo! I am so proud of you. You’ve offered me so much support and encouragement that I can do the same for you. It must be scary but exciting. Just continue to believe in yourself and your talents and your friends will continue to recommend you like crazy. You’re so good at what you do. More work will come your way and you’ll have to hire an assistant! LOL! It’s only the beginning. Congrats on your decision.
Sommer´s last blog post – What do you Know about Energy Circle?
Thanks Sommer – One day I’m excited and confident and the next I’m scared and thinking “what have I done”.
Before hiring an assistant I would hire someone to clean the house ;-)