My (Anti) Social-List is shorter this week. I’ve been doing a lot of week in WordPress and have not had much time to read articles. So readers, maybe you can help me out. If you read something this week that you think I would enjoy, please add the link in the commments.
- Enable Chrome’s Best Features in Firefox Google releases an early version of the Chrome web browser this week. Some of us were less then impressed, didn’t care for the Eula, and unwilling to give up our Firefox extensions and didn’t like way data was sent back to Google. Lifehacker wrote a great guide on how to get the best Chrome features in Firefox.
- 10 WordPress Hacks to Make Your Life Easy – BlogOH!Blog lists 10 hacks to use on WordPress. You need to be familiar with editing your theme files to implement these but they are fully explained and work great. I added the ‘Adding a “Subscribe to feed” message after every post’ hack, which you can see at the bottom of this article.
- Why I Don’t Want to be Added to Your LinkedIn Network and (What I Do Want) – Ari Herzog discusses the ways to not use LinkedIn, as well as the best usage of that social network.
- Why Doesn’t Anyone Comment on Your Blog? – Maddie Grant and Lindy Dreyer wrote an informative and helpful article about getting comments on your blog.
- Oosah – Would you like 1TB of free storage space? Head over to Oosah and sign up for a free account.
Hi Kim! Thank you for the link love. Your WordPress work is paying off. I love your template.
Lindy Dreyer’s last blog post – Your members draw the line on social media.
Hi Lindy! Thanks for visiting. I really enjoyed the article about comments. I love it when I do get comments and am always thinking about ways to get more participation from my visitors.
And thank you SO much about your comment about my site. I’ve been working on it really hard and it is so good to hear that someone likes the template. I’ve said before that I enjoy customizing the template and learning new hacks much more that I enjoy writing about them :-)