Happy Independence Day in the USA!!
This week I have a couple of articles about my neighborhood, the Grateful Dead and marketing, bike/car crashes and more.
Have a great day and enjoy.
- West Philadelphia Community Garden Provides Fresh Food and Jobs – I recently bought broccoli that was grown at this garden. It was delicious and I was so excited to purchase produce that was grown just a couple of blocks away. If I get anything to grown in my own “garden” it would be a couple of steps away but that’s a whole different issue.
- How to Prevent Your Computer From Overheating and Why It’s Important – I try to avoid using the air conditioning unless it’s really super hot. The only thing I worry about other than my own discomfort it the heat of my computer. The monitoring tool mentioned in the article is a great resource. If you catch an overheating problem, you can avert more serious problems. And since everything breaks eventually, please do regular backups of your important data.
- How to Take a Vacation–Even If You’re Too Busy Or Too Broke – I take short little breaks quite often but rarely an entire week or two off. For example, the last couple of days have been perfect here – about 80 and no humidity. My daughter was also back after spending a week with her Dad. I took the afternoon off for two days to spend time with her. The work will still be there but perfect weather when we are together is very rare.
- Common Car-Bicycle Crashes – Bikes are legal street vehicles and people driving cars should be more aware of that. Here are some of the most common type of crashes – important for bikers and drivers to read. Personally, I’m terrified of the car door opening one – and am overly cautious about it.
- The Grateful Dead 4-Step Guide to the Magical Influence of Content Marketing – How to make content marketing interesting? Use examples with Jerry Garcia and The Grateful Dead.
- West Philadelphia: A Suburb in a City – This site is a great historical archive of Philadelphia. This article is about my neighborhood. I know that it used to be the suburbs and farmland but it’s really hard to imagine it.
- Taiwan Company Debuts Word’s First Solar Powered Soccer Ball – The solar power will activate sensors allowing people with bad vision to play soccer.
- 21 Things You Should Never Buy New – I would agree with most of the items on this list. And I can say maternity clothes have a high resale value – I sold all of mine and almost made my money back on them. It’s silly to spend so much on clothes you wear such a short time – unless you are going to have 10 kids ;-)
- The Hipster Fashion Cycle – Funny and so very true.
- Light fantastic: Stunning pictures show Northern Lights over erupting Icelandic volcano – Gorgeous photos of the Northern Lights and the Icelandic volcano eruption.
A collection of some of the best goal celebrations in soccer.
When my kids start to miss me (and yes, I work at home…) I take a morning or an afternoon off, even just a couple hours, and take them to one of the local tourist places.
Locals usually don’t visit these things anyway, so we learn more about where we are and we spend time together. ;)
.-= Andrea_R´s last blog ..BuddyPress Author Link =-.
Hi Andrea – That sounds like fun. Alex isn’t actually home too much so I’m taking to advantage of it when she is – especially when the weather is perfect like it was at the end of last week.
In Germany it isn’t legal to turn right on red. I’m not sure why they don’t allow it, but I bet it’s to keep pedestrians and cyclists safe. Drivers here don’t seem to realize when your light is red, the pedestrian crossing the street has the right of way.
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..Saturday Night Link Up =-.
Oh yeah people here also don’t seem to realize that right on red requires you to completely stop, just like a stop sign. Instead they just roll right on through and could easily miss a bike or pedestrian.
.-= Tracy´s last blog ..Saturday Night Link Up =-.
Hi Tracy – That one is pretty common. Drivers here were complaining that bikers never come to a full stop so a biker when out to a couple of corners and filmed the cars – not even the school but that went by came to a complete stop.
Hi Tracy – That would be great to have no right on red. Near me is a corner where you aren’t allowed to between 6am-6pm. Of course, since it isn’t consistent, people still do it or pull way out into the crosswalk.
Happy July 4th Kim. And the goal celebration video is awesome. I have seen something similar to this on Youtube recently..
.-= Ajith Edassery´s last blog ..WP Robot Review and 50 OFF Discount Coupon Code =-.
Hi Ajith – Thanks! That video is a lot of fun – makes me smile every time I watch it.
Just wanted to say, Happy 4th to you and yours!
.-= Dennis Edell | Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..Aweber Affiliate Link Contest Update – WINNER- =-.
Hi Dennis – Thanks! Happy 4th to you too.
Great list and happy 4th to you too. Love the great celebration video. The list of articles is quite an assortment and variety. I checked out the bicycle crash and staycation articles. Nice!
.-= Colleen´s last blog ..Tri Cities Washington Independence Day and 4th of July Festivities =-.
Hi Colleen – Thanks! It seems I mostly stayed away from WordPress and Facebook articles this week :-)