Busy, busy, busy. I decided to celebrate my birthday by ignoring the computer for a day. Of course, if you do that on a weekday, you spend the rest of the week playing catch-up.
This week I seem to have a lot of gardening and green stuff as well as some Facebook and WordPress.
- Start Planning for Your Fall Garden Now – What you can plant in certain climates to have a second batch of veggies in the Fall. If it ever gets below 100F here, maybe I’ll do some more planting.
- Air-Conditioning Is Terrible for the Earth — Here’s How to Live Without It – I’ve been trying to use as little air conditioning as possible this summer. Of course, this summer has been really hot and I live on the 3rd floor so it’s been difficult. When it gets too hot, I use AC in just one room and keep the door closed. I end up camping out in that one room.
- Tips on How to Reduce Food Packaging Waste – Packaging makes up a lot of our garbage. I get so annoyed by individually wrapped pieces of fruit like in the article’s photo. It’s so wasteful.
- Theories on Ancient Wooden Ship Found at Ground Zero – When I first read this headline, I thought of the show Lost ;-) Here are some ideas about how the ship got there.
- Optimizing WordPress Permalinks – A very detailed article about WordPress permalinks from Digging Into WordPress.
- July Can Jam: Cucumber Pepper Relish – A cucumber pepper relish canning recipe from Food in Jars.
- How do you know if your Facebook Page fans like what you’re posting? – How to use your stats to see if your posts are bringing in new Facebook fans or causing you to lose them.
- Close Calls. The very last one makes me laugh.
- Star Wars Subway Car – Nothing fun like this ever happens when I ride the subway ;-)
Whoooooa! on the lucky day people and YEAH! That last one made me laugh! The tree one made me giggle too! But man, single fruit packaging? That just plain SUX!!
.-= Lisa Marie Mary´s last blog ..Silly Bear- Cars Are For Kids =-.
Hi – I found that video at the last minute because a friend posted it on Facebook. Talk about close calls.
Those cops did not have a good day.
.-= Dennis Edell | Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..Last Post and Current To-Do List =-.
Hi Dennis – LOL :-) The guys jumped in the car and then stopped because they thought they had been caught and the cops ran right past them ;-)