Happy Mid July! I’ve got some WordPress, moon landing, designs, guinea pigs and more.
- 45 Unusual Layout Website Designs – Over 45 websites with different or unusual layouts. These are “traditional” sites – not WordPress ;-)
- The Acrobatic Balance of Price and Quality on Freelancers – Stratos discusses the issues related in getting paid adequately for high quality work when freelancing.
- Manhattenhenge – Twice a year the sun aligns with the East/West streets in Manhattan, which creates a Stonehenge-like effect. Here are series of photos of the recent occurrence on Flickr.
- Free Vintage WordPress Themes – I question the “vintage” look of some of these themes but overall this is a nice collection of free WordPress themes.
- CMS Your WordPress with these 10 Plugins – ThinkDave, A.K.A. Dave Wilkinson, has listed 10 great plugins that will assist in using WordPress as a Content Management System.
- We Choose the Moon – Tomorrow, July 20th, is the 40th anniversary of the Apollo Moon landing. This site will help you recreate the experience of the lunar mission.
- I Feel Like a Child – I’ve been listening to Devendra Banhart all week. This sound isn’t great in this video but I love the energy of it.
- Guinea Pigs Eating Watermelon
- Close Encounters of the Giant Kind
Hey Kim thanks for the mention. I really liked the pics about Manhattenhenge it’s pretty spectacular! Videos are as always nice. And hey! One more day to go ;)
.-= stratosg´s last blog ..Efficient or non-efficient? =-.
Hi Stratos – I didn’t even know about Manhattenhenge until this week – it’s really cool :-)
Awesome list!
Manhattanenge was pretty awesome.
I would have been terrified if I was that guy standing that close to the whale! I’m terrified for him looking at it.
And thanks for introducing me to Devandra.
Hi Jim – They kept insisting that the whale was just curious but how do you know – I don’t think, however, that whales typically hurt people – except for killer whales.
Manhattanhenge was awesome! All in all, a fun post to read. I’d have been terrified of the whale, too. I am reading Leviathan and evidently Jonah wasn’t the only one! Oy!
.-= Betsy Wuebker´s last blog ..CHANGE DOESN’T COME FROM THE TOP =-.
Hi Betsy – I keep thinking that I wouldn’t have been scared of the whale and then I realize that is ridiculous – I don’t even have the guts to go scuba diving ;-)