Happy Father’s Day! None of the links have anything to do with Fathers but I thought I would give it a mention :-) I’ve got some WordPress, some twitter, and some fun videos.
- WordPress 2.8.1 Beta by end of the Week WordPress 2.8.1 will be released very soon. This is to correct the problem with the auto upgrade that many are experiencing. WordPress 2.9 is targeted for October 31st.
- 10 Reasons to Not Work With a Freelance Client – This is a guest post I did for Donace over at The Nexus while he’s vacationing away somewhere ;-) These example are true and some are a little funny.
- 10 Irrational Behaviors on Twitter that’d Make You Look Crazy in Real Life – A funny look at standard behavior on twitter that would be extremely odd in another context.
- 10 Things You Can Do With WordPress Besides Blogging – A list of sites you can create with WordPress that includes the plugins that will assist in creating them. The article includes a link directory, portfolio, and classifieds.
- Subscriber Counts Now Mean Nothing – Did you notice a big jump in your RSS subscriptions last week? Well, then you must use Feedburner and Friendfeed. Feedburner now includes people who have subscribed to your friendfeed, if your blog is one of the services that you include in friendfeed. I disagree with this and thinks it make the number of subscribers even more meaningless that they were before. When I subscribe to someone on friendfeed I am subscribing to that person, not necessarily that person’s blog. And now all I need to do to get more subscribers is get more people to subscribe to my friendfeed. And that is a lot easier to do than getting RSS subscriptions.
- New User Features in WordPress 2.8 – A look at some of the new features in WordPress 2.8
- Tweetpsych – Put in your twitter username and get a psychological profile based on your tweets. Apparently all I talk about it myself ;-)
Food Catching Kitty
Sleepy Kitty
The Conference Bike – for 7 people!
Thanks for the links Kim. WordPress 2.8.1 beta was released to the public last night :)
Jeffro´s last blog post – WPWeekly Episode 59 – Roundtable Featuring Peter Westwood
Hi Jeff – Thanks for the info!
Thank you for posting “10 Things You Can Do With WordPress Besides Blogging”. I recently created a website for my partner’s business from WordPress and I can use all the help I can get with it, especially since its not a blog.
carla | green and chic´s last blog post – Father’s Day: A moment of reflection
Hi Carla – WordPress also has a list of cites using WordPress as a CMS and not a blog that might give you some inspiration.
Hi Kim,
I had never heard of Tweetpsych before so checked it out. I’m not sure what the numbers mean, but it was interesting to see how I was “evaluated”.
Barbara Swafford´s last blog post – When The Conversation Moves Off Of Your Blog
Hi Barbara – The first time I tried it it also provided a description. That’s too bad – the numbers alone don’t really have much meaning.
I have never heard Tweetpsych, it looks really interesting, those numbers are not easy to comprehend and not sure whether it useful or not, but surely one thing really interesting is it shows people acts similar to me maybe it is good to find like minded friends.
I found some useful tips in this post , never thought wordpress can be extended to that level, I know wordpress is very powerful and flexible but inspiring posts like this are very helpful to getting out of the box “10 Things You Can Do With WordPress Besides Blogging”
Many thanks.
Hi – Like I mentioned to Barbara the site used to also have a description – I’m not sure what happened.
The 10 things to do with WordPress is a really useful one – it has a lot
of plugin ideas too.
Glad that I found another Cat Lover :)
If only we can make our conferences on this “Conference Bike”; life would be more easir though it seems that in this case all the effort will be spend in driving!
Don’t even mention “Tweetpsych” because it’s amazing 8)
Hicham´s last blog post – To Tweet or not to Tweet?
Hi Hicham – They are thinking of using the conference bikes here in Philadelphia for trips to the zoo I think. I would really like to see some people out riding them.
i read about Tweetpsych somewhere and I meant to go there to see if I was crazy or not, but I forgot, thanks for the reminder.
i’m not sure it can do my private tweet account, nothing really comes up, but i have another twitter account name i popped in and i’m not crazy on that one. whew.
Natural´s last blog post – Why Wait, Buy Now!
Hi Valerie – What a relief! I am so glad you aren’t crazy ;-)
As always a great list Kim! And i really liked your guest post over at Donace ;)
stratosg´s last blog post – Member Of The Month: May
Hi Stratos – Thanks for checking it out – I had fun writing it. I think it’s
only the 2nd guest post I’ve done. Donace must have caught me a good day because I usually say no ;-)
Was a great post Kim thanks for that ;) had to read it through my rss as my site is not working here in Dubai :( … though will be back in a week and fix it! (btw did it seem slow to you backend / frontend?).
Some other great links will be perusing them soon….
tried tweet psych though made no sense to me!
Donace´s last blog post – 10 Reasons to Not Work With a Freelance Client
Did you notice the funny thing here? You are replying to Kim’s blog, and on the bottom of your reply the commentluv thing says “Donace´s last blog post – 10 Reasons to Not Work With a Freelance Client” which is on your blog, but it’s Kim’s post! Go figure :D
stratosg´s last blog post – Member Of The Month: May
yep I did notice that! though its a great article it should get publicity! Its good to know I was lucky enough to get an elusive guest post from Kim!!!
So I can sit here on the beach with my laptop and just relax…(no I dont really take my laptop to the beach!)
Donace´s last blog post – 10 Reasons to Not Work With a Freelance Client
Hi Donance – Thanks! I hope you’re having a good vacation.
The first time I logged into write the article I had a lot of trouble – it was really slow and timing out. I then wrote the draft on my computer instead – when I went back to post it the site was working fine. I saw in your comments on Jeff’s article that you were working on something with the site so you must have fixed it in between my visits.
It seemed to be another site on the server that I let a friend host; some plugins are causing sql haywire. can’t do much till I get back due to not knowing any passwords (damn secure passwords) so hopefully it will be full blast later.
Glad to know though that the small bandaid I applied helped.
Donace´s last blog post – 10 Reasons to Not Work With a Freelance Client
Hi Donace – It did help. I was a little worried at first – I thought – “oh
no – I waited to the last minute and now I can’t post it” :-)
Awesome list, Kim!
I like your Tweetpsych profile. At least you have interesting stories. A lot of people who talk about themselves are way too boring to be doing so.
I love the sleepy kitty making biscuits. :-)
And I think even I can handle riding a conference bike.
Funny thing with this bike is that anyone can ride it in a way that you can just sit there and let others do the job ;)
stratosg´s last blog post – Member Of The Month: May
Hi Jim – Thanks! I try to be interesting, I guess.
Yeah – you can make me and Alex do all the pedaling ;-)
That guest post was great Kim :)
Hi Manshu – Thanks! Some people are very difficult. Others are wonderful :-)
Great list yet again Kim. I completely agree with your views on feedburner-friendfeed.
Raju´s last blog post – FREE Mobile Phone Tracking
Hi Raju – Yeah – I’m still annoyed about it. The subscriptions are two completely different things. Why not also include my twitter followers, my facebook friends, etc …?
“WordPress 2.8.1 will be released very soon. This is to correct the problem with the auto upgrade that many are experiencing” This is sounding ilke Microsoft. :-)
Dot´s last blog post – Life and Mad Lib-eration Answers
Hi Dot – LOL – The only issue has been with the auto-upgrade. I manually upgraded my elephant site over the weekend and didn’t have
any problems.
Part of the problem is that there aren’t enough beta testers. I’ve also
learned to just wait for the .1 release. ;-)
Hi Kim! Maybe if you know and you have a minute, you can explain this to me. I accidently had my RSS button linked to the URL of my basic feed, not my feedburner feed.
So, I have no idea how many subscribers I have! I fixed it, but Feedburner is still only showing the number of email subscribers I have + 3. I know how many subscribers I have using Google reader, but that’s it. For all I know, I could have 10K subscribers using other readers! (okay, probably an exaggeration).
Is there anyway for this to be fixed or will I have to live without knowing?
Also, the friendfeed thing increase never happened for me. I don’t care for it, I want to know how many people are really interested enough in my blog to subscribe, not anything else.
Tracy´s last blog post – Men’s Pocky
Hi Tracy – I sent you a DM. I think you should install the feedburner feedsmith plugin, which will redirect the old feed to the feedburner one. I think after a day or so the numbers should become more accurate.
Once you start using the feedburner feed you will see friendfeed subscribers – there isn’t way around it.