While freelancing and working from home gives me more flexibility with my schedule, it still takes quite a bit of organization and discipline to do everything I need to do each day. Being a divorced single parent makes it a little harder than if I had someone else here to help but I am also cynical enough to think that the 2nd “helper” would cause a different set of problems for me. ;-)
While some days are a little different because my daughter might have been at her Dad’s the night before so I don’t need to take her to school in the morning or she might have an art class in the afternoon, which gives me a longer work day, this is what a typical weekday is like in my house.
5:45am – 6:30am – I have my alarm set for 6:20am. I usually wake up before it goes off, especially this time of year when it’s already so bright outside.
6:30am – 7:00am – Make and drink coffee (#1 priority) and check email. I don’t usually answer emails but I organize it – delete things I don’t need, file to do’s for later, see what has come in that might change my schedule for the day. Sometimes I answer blog comments at this time. And since I got a smartphone sometimes I organize my email via the phone while drinking coffee in the kitchen rather than doing it at the computer.
7:00am – 8:00am – Wake up the kid, make school lunch, make breakfast, nag kid to get up and get ready, make beds, various chores, get dressed. The kid doesn’t need a full hour to get ready to go but I start trying to wake her up at 7am because sometimes it’s really hard to get her up. On other days she wakes up super early and starts chatting with me before I’ve had enough coffee ;-)
8:00am – 9:00am – Walk the kid to school. Sometimes I drop her off at a friend’s house and they take her with their kids and sometimes I walk those same kids to school. So, depending on the day I am either home at 8:20 or 8:45. And we walk no matter what the weather. Well, our friends have a car so once in a great while he will drive them if there is a big thunderstorm or something. When I walk the entire way I usually stop at a cafe near school on the way home and chat with the woman who works there.
9:00am – 12:00pm – Work. I try to do the hardest task first. This isn’t necessarily the one that will take the longest but the one that will take the most thought. As you can probably tell by this schedule so far, I am definitely a morning person. So, I try to do the most difficult work when my brain is working properly ;-) I try not to schedule calls during this time and I don’t check email too frequently unless I’m not that busy. I don’t answer unscheduled calls either. When I am really focused, which is 3 or 4 of the 5 workdays, I get A LOT done in 3 hours.
12:00pm – 1:00pm – Eat something. I usually eat at my desk. I know it’s a bad habit but since I usually have 6-7 solid work hours per day I need this time. Check emails. Check Facebook and Twitter. Some days I use social media earlier in the day – it depends on how busy I am and if I have anything interesting to post or say. This is also the time of day where I will test new WP plugins or other code, take screenshots and notes and read other informative articles. I guess it’s the eat, email, research hour.
1:00pm – 2:00pm – More work. This is when I will do things that take less thought – things I can do in my sleep like backing up a site, upgrades, fixing CSS issues. If I have paperwork, such as proposals, contracts to sign, etc. I will also work on those during this time.
2:00 – 3:00 – By this point in the day no brilliant thoughts, code or solutions are going to come out of me. It’s the time by body usually wants to nap but I don’t. I will continue working on the same types of tasks I did the previous hour. If I have a post to write, like this one, I will often work on it at this time. That doesn’t mean that I’m such a great writer that I can write when I’m pooped but I usually have it planned out from the research I’ve done and it’s just a matter of putting it together.
3:00pm – 4:00pm – Walk to school, pick up the kid, and run errands. This can be going to the park, the library or the co-op. It depends on the day and on the weather. On days my kid has an art class or is going to her Dad’s house I usually stop working at 3:00pm unless I am super busy or have something I have to get done. I used to always work til 5 or 5:30 but I learned that’s it just not productive time because my brain stops working well around 2pm. I’m better off running errands, doing chores, going to appointments, or doing nothing. Also, now that is getting warmer it’s usually pretty hot in the house by this time of the day and I am always trying to not use air conditioning because I haven’t gotten information about the Start and Run HVAC Capacitors yet, we actually need it to better its quality.
4:00pm – 5:00pm – This is when the kid does most of her homework. I check emails again and do any tasks that either won’t take too long or can handle interruptions. I’ve repeatedly asked the kid that if she gets stuck on something to move on to the next problem and then we will check it together later. But, I can’t seem to train her to do this – she has a hard time leaving it and moving on to the next problem. I get it. I can be stubborn that way too even though I do know that walking away for a bit can be the best way to solve one of these issues.
5:00pm – 8:00pm – Family / chore time. Dinner, more homework, cleaning up the kitchen, laundry, baths, hanging out together, playing cards, etc. Around 7:30pm the kid usually calls her Dad and then I read aloud to her for 30 minutes or so. Currently we are reading The Golden Compass, which has been a little slow going. The kid also gets annoyed when the book differs from the movie even though I keep insisting that the book came first and they are always going to change or leave things out in a two hour film.
8:00pm – 11:00pm – The kid goes to bed between 8 – 8:30. She usually reads in bed for 30 minutes or so before she goes to sleep. Some think her bedtime is early but she is usually exhausted and she’s a sleeper – I think she is still making up for not sleeping at all the first year or so of her life. Very very very rarely do I do any work at this point in the day. I will if I am unusually busy and want to clear some things off my to do list before the next day or if I am being paid extra for a rush job but this isn’t the norm. I’m just too tired by this point in the day to get much done. I can get more done for three hours in the morning than I can for 7 hours after 2pm. Sometimes I play a video game or watch a movie but I usually read until I fall asleep, which tends to be between 10-11pm.
Rinse and repeat. Of course, there are some variations to this. For example, on Friday nights there isn’t homework so that is movie night and when the weather is super nice we will go to the park for longer after school. And this schedule is different in the summer because the kid is home more (and that’s a whole separate issue in trying to get work done).
I have to be really organized to manage this schedule but it’s working out really well. I manage to get a lot of work done in as little time as possible and I have plenty of time to spend with my daughter.
How about you? Is your schedule anything like mine?
This is why I am not earning as much as I could, I need to start putting my working schedule into some kind of a routine.
Hi Dean – I have to – it’s just me and the kid and if I don’t stay organized things fall apart and money doesn’t get made.
My days are similar, minus the kid. I am more of a morning person also, and do a few household things while waking up. I try to avoid sitting on couch as that sucks up too much time. Dishes, throw a load of laundry in, or sweep/vacuum. Brain-dead stuff. Then work. I like that you do deep tasks first, and I am going to try that. If sunny out, I try to take a 5-10 min. break sitting outside every 2 hrs. Occasionally a walk with another at-home person and her dog. I do get to nap 20 min. – 1 hr. once or twice a week. I try to limit it as naps don’t happen in a “real job!” Trying to add 3x at gym as part of my “job.” And with summer comes my gardening, not a lot but I have to be careful as it is fun and outside… time can fly. Oh, and I am able to do 4 hrs. during the week at organic farm in exchange for food. A benefit of freelance for sure!
Hi Sandra – The only reason I don’t take naps is that I usually wake up feeling worse – and at 2 I just don’t have enough time before I have to go pick up the kid. On days she isn’t here I might take a nap and then do some more work later on. This summer when the kid is home more I may adjust my schedule again – work early in the morning and then in the evening so we can do things together during the day.
That is quite a tight schedule but a well planned and repetitive one I would say. I particularly liked the read aloud part, wish I could do some of it. Your good reading habits have definitely influenced the kid positively :)
Hi Ajith – She enjoys the reading part of the night. When I don’t feel well, she reads to me ;-) The other night, however, I caught her reading a comic book while I was reading to her. I was SO annoyed – I told her it’s fine if she would rather read the comic book than read with me but it was rude to do it at the same time.
Sounds very familiar – sometimes I feel like I’m the only one with my days planned down to the hour- this made me feel energized- thanks :)
Hi Tanya – I’m a little overly obsessed with schedules but it’s the only way everything will get done.
I perfectly agree with the “deadly” hour 2PM – my brain totally stops, is pretty much as having a good nap but with my eyes wide open (not really wide hahaaa).
Great post, thanks for sharing! :)
Cheers from Toronto!
:-) Yep. right now I want to go to sleep but I don’t have enough time before I need to go pick up the kid.
Now that was a strange movie, very cool though.
I’d love a schedule like that. my pain medication is making it very difficult to schedule at all.
I didn’t really like the movie – the book is so much better and I’m not a fan of Nicole Kidman. There’s just too much in that story for a 2 hour film.
Sounds familiar. I used to think I could get more done at night. Recently though I am much more productive in the morning and am useless after dinner everyday. Thanks :)
Hi Lynda,
Me too – I rarely even try anymore – when I work at night it’s just mindless clicking around when I could be doing something more relaxing.
Hi Kim,
Geez, which packed schedule you have, I don’t go up before 8:00 in the morning. starting with lots of coffee, and then I’m planning the working schedule for the day. Of course I have routines for customers, showing properties, etc. I try not to have set schedule, and take the day as it comes.
Hi Marbella – I can’t even sleep in even when I don’t need to get up – I wish I could. Even without an alarm I rarely sleep later than 7am.
Like yourself, I have the most creatvie thoughts early in the morning and nothing in the afternoon. An optimal workday for me would be to scribble whatever i can down on paper after I awake (5-6am, prayer and Bible reading, 6am – onwards) for as long as possible and then type that up and perform the repetitive tasks in the afternoon.
You sound very busy – how ‘typical’ is this day – do you often feel burnout?
Hi Neil – This is a standard workday during the school year. I rarely feel burned out but I do get really tired. Occasionally, I take off a Friday or an afternoon when I need some time to relax. And I tend to really look forward to my vacations.
I love reading about other people’s private life :)
I should say that my day is quite similar to yours, except I wake up at about 8am and don’t have any kids yet.
And by the way, it seems that your kid goes to bed quite early – not so many kids go to bed so early and that’s why the next day when they need go to school they absolutely don’t want to go there.
I was the same when I was a kid…
She has started staying up later this summer. It’s been a little difficult – I’m a morning person and it seems like she is a night owl now :-)