Earlier this week The Blog Herald published an article about strange blogging habits. The article discusses writing out html rather than using the visual text editor, typing out full url’s rather than using shortcuts, and writing posts in a text editor rather than in the WordPress Write Post area. There is also a lengthy intro about a journalist who continued to use a typewriter even after the advent of word processing and laptops and had someone in his office transcribe his work.
None of these habits seemed that strange to me. It seems that they are instead learned behaviors. For example, I use the html editor and type in almost all of the code because that is how I learned how to do it 13 years ago. Perhaps using a visual editor with all of the buttons would be faster but this is how I prefer to work. (I also have an issue with the code produced with visual editors).
And I also write most of my posts in Notepad++. I do this because I think the workspace in WordPress is too small, although this should improve in 2.7, and because I don’t always work on the same computer. I attach the text file to a saved draft in gmail, work on it wherever I am and then paste it into WordPress when I am ready to publish.
Maybe these habits are strange to others but they aren’t too me.
I’ve been trying to think of other habits that I have that might seem bizarre to others. Here are a couple that I came up with.
- I have to select an image before I start writing. I frequently get distracted while looking at the images and waste too much time.
- I can’t write with music on or when my daughter is around (home or awake).
- I like to have a cup of coffee on the desk next to me, no matter what time of day it is, but rarely drink any of it while I am writing.
- As mentioned, I have to type out almost all of the html tags.
How about you? Do you think any of these habits are strange or just learned behaviors? Do you think it is worth changing to a more efficient system if we are comfortable with the way we write? Do YOU have any blogging habits that others might think are strange?
photo credit: jody_art
Typing HTML? That’s me :) I do not first write the content and format but do formating on the fly…
Programmer habits may be…
Hi Kim – I often type my own html in because the linking tool on WordPress just stops working. I don’t know if anyone else has noticed that problems. I hate doing it, because I’m always missing out bits of code and having to go back again.
I think a lot of habits are learned though. Before I had a computer, it took me a long time to type directly onto the typewriter – I had to write everything out by hand first.
One of my most annoying blogging habits is probably editing after I’ve posted – making one change at a time. If I’ve linked to folk and they keep getting a heap of the same trackbacks that must be annoying. But I find it almost impossible to edit from the workspace.
Ditto to the editing after posting, one change at a time. I must be the most annoying person in the world to follow. This is how I found my way to this discussion in search of a way to have a larger space to type the blog entry! I see this is a very old discussion.. I read somewhere else about ‘expanding’ the space in wordpress, but I haven’t found a way to make that happen.
Hi Janet – You’re almost in the right place – I have an article on how to do that.
I, too, cannot write in the WP workspace. I write all my posts in an editor and save them, then copy and paste. This has the virtue of having a separate copy of the post if something goes wrong — and I find that Murphy is always ready to make a new correlate to his law if I let my guard down!
I don’t have many quirky ways about writing, aside from when I hit a writer’s block. I’ve kept a journal and written essays, etc for 45+ years and many times I find the on-the-computer block to disappear when I’m writing longhand. So many posts are started longhand, then transferred over.
I, too, will often go looking for an image for a post in the middle of writing. It kind of pulls the post together somehow in my mind.
Mike Nichols’s last blog post – Barriers to the Treatment of Social Phobia
I think it’s more so falling into a rhythm which works best for you. I for instance also have to find images for every post I write and I too get distracted trying to find that perfect image. I was one of those kids who only liked to read books with pictures (don’t laugh). :-)
I write all my posts in wordpress and only write out the html when needed. One thing I would say that I do that maybe strange is I preview my posts like 30 times before I publish it. Almost like my wife in the car just before we are going to an event. She looks in the mirror 15 times checking her make up when nothing has changed since the last 12 times she checked it…lol
I’m all about typing HTML and using a text editor over the WordPress site. If the internet connection goes down while saving, at least I haven’t lost my entire post. I don’t think any habits are strange really. If they help you write, then that is all that counts.
~ Kristi
Kikolani | Poetry, Photography, Blogging Tips’s last blog post – Old House in Mt. Olive, Mississippi
Oh, yes, I have some weird habits too. AND. I’ve worked alongside a fellow science writer who lugged a great typewriter into the press room at a conference, while everyone else struggled to find an RJ45 socket for their laptops (this was pre-wifi days, but not *that* long ago)
David Bradley’s last blog post – Scientists Socializing Online
Sometimes my WP has a small bug and I cant add links (like Cath mentioned!), so I am forced to use the HTML editor with it or I wouldn’t be able to link to anything. That’s the worst part because it takes me so long to finish a post especially when I’m linking to a lot of blogs/websites, etc. Fortunately, it’s not doing that now.
I also write in MS Word (especially when I’m offline on my laptop) so that I won’t have the distractions of email or wanting to browse other sites. Like you mentioned, the workspace on WP is too small for me, even when I expand the box.
Carla’s last blog post – Holiday gift ideas | Use your hands | Part I
@Ajith – Yep – that’s me too – I do all the formatting as I type along.
@Cath – Carla is also reporting the same problem with the linking tool. This is in the visual editor, right? Curiosity is probably going to compel me to look in this. I will proofread and proofread and not notice certain errors until after I’ve posted. I don’t edit too much after that but I know what you mean.
@Mike – I don’t think I’ve ever written a post in longhand but will jot down an idea if it comes to me when I’m on the subway or something. I don’t usually have a notebook with me though so I have a backpack filled with random bits of paper. I do, however, have a packet of graham crackers in my jacket ;-)
@Michael – I guess it depends on the age of the kid ;-) We started reading a chapter book last night and my daughter was annoyed that there wasn’t a picture on every page.
I don’t think I preview 30 times but when I finally paste in the post and preview I then preview after each edit I make. It’s like I think that new comma is going to change the entire look of the article.
@Kristi – I don’t think any of the habits discussed in the original article or over here are that strange either. Does you Internet go out often? I have to say that mine is very stable, well, at least at home. Work is another matter.
@David – Well, scientists are supposed to be eccentric ;-) You didn’t mention any of YOUR strange habits.
@Carla – That’s annoying. I wonder what causes that problem. That’s a really good idea to write the articles away from the browser so you can focus and not get distracted by email and other things online.
I can’t work to music at all!! its distracting oddly though I usually have something on media player.. a video / film / missed episode / BBC iPlayer etc. and without these I cannot work (well I can but subside to distractions faster) though with it on I can work for hours.
My internet doesn’t completely go out, but just blips on and off during peak hours. So it may go off for just a few seconds, but it seems to conveniently do so when I am in the middle of posting, either on my site, or even comments on other sites. So I copy almost everything to a text document, just in case.
~ Kristi
Kikolani | Poetry, Photography, Blogging Tips’s last blog post – Haiku Poems: How to Guide, Examples, and a Contest
I definitely think unlearning behaviors and learning new ones are worth the time if the efficiencies are apparent. I have unlearned quite a few things myself, and in the long run am better off for it.
“I have to select an image before I start writing. I frequently get distracted while looking at the images and waste too much time.” Me too. :) On the other hand, I often find awesome ideas for new posts while browsing Flickr.
Other than that, I think I’m pretty normal!
Vered – MomGrind’s last blog post – And The Winner Is…
Don’t laugh at Notepad. I use that for composing long pieces before cutting and pasting thoughts together. Although I recently downloaded ScribeFire to use with Firefox, as I hear it works better and syncs with WP.
As for the WP dashboard post editor screen, you know you can increase the number of lines that appear, right? (Settings->Writing)
Ari Herzog’s last blog post – How Social Networking is Like Nerds, Not Skittles
biggest quirk, and this one goes back to several years, i cannot stop once is start writing. have to write the whole thing at once. if i stop, gotta go back to re-start. takes me long time to think through, sometimes in notes sometimes in my head. when ready, just sit down and write the whole thing, review once, out it goes…
Esteban Kolsky’s last blog post – Customer Service is Dead — Long Live Community Service!
@Donace – Thanks for visiting and commenting. Even right now I’m finding it difficult to respond to comments while listening to music.
I’ve heard many people say they are watching something while writing. I can’t do that at all – either the program distracts me too much or I miss it.
@Kristi – Aahhh … that’s annoying. About 10-12 years ago I was in grad school and had a little apartment with terrible wiring. This was still in the days of dial-up and everytime the refrigerator started running my connection would drop. Since downloads could take forever and they couldn’t be resumed, I would unplug the fridge. Good times.
@Manshu – Thank you for visiting and commenting. Do you have any examples of blogging or computer behaviors that you have unlearned? I’ve been trying to teach myself more keyboard shortcuts so I am less dependent on the mouse but I have not been very successful. I know if I spent more time with, I would get better but I’m having a hard time breaking the mouse habit.
@Vered – Hmm … ideas from Flickr. I find some stuff for my links on Sunday but never found an idea for a post. I’m going to think about that a little.
@Ari – I’m not laughing at Notepad. Well, a little. I use Notepad++ which is far superior :-) I use Scribefire for my elephant site because I’m just collection the link and a bit of text. I’m not sure that I could write my posts in it any better than in WordPress.
@Esteban – Thank you for visiting and commenting. I wish I had a prize – that is the strangest behavior mentioned so far :-) So, if you are interrupted, you have have to start over again? I like to write them all at one time but am not always able to. I do find though that the tone or something will change from the first part to the second when I don’t write all at one time.
“Programmer habits may be…”
Programmer habits may be what?
May be Ajith? Programmer habits may be you?
Eh, just kidding. If I had a penny for every time I made a stupid typo like that.
Wesley’s last blog post – There were some themes I thought I might like, but they didn’t have a demo or preview so I wasn’t entirely sure if I’d like them or not, so no new theme yet.
Since the local phone company took it upon themselves to disconnect me from the Internet just as I was about to publish an 800+ word post I’d written in the WordPress WYSIWYG editor, I’ve started preparing my posts in Word, on a mac (that statement should annoy a few purists…)
When I’m done, I copy/paste from Word to MarsEdit to create the final post and apply any HTML formatting. It’s a bit drawn out, but it works.
I don’t think I’ve used the WordPress editor in months.
Dave’s last blog post – WordPress 2.7 is about to become the only CMS you’ll ever need
I had the same problem, sounding different, which is why i have to start again. not that bad, since i mostly remember what i was saying… that is why i said i have it ready in my head before i sit down.
ps – nice blog, been prodding around, like it.
Esteban Kolsky’s last blog post – Customer Service is Dead — Long Live Community Service!
Even i prefer not to use the Visual Editor of WordPress . Winows Live Writer has been a bog help to me. When i am writing long blog posts like game reviews, i prefer using minimalist word processor like Q10. Sometime i dont feel like writing anything when i am not listening to any music. Most of the these depend on my mood.
Madhur Kapoor’s last blog post – Search and Download Subtitles with Sublight
Strange habits, I guess that’s all relative! I work on at least 3 posts at a time, I carry a notebook with me along with a little hand recorder (in case I’m driving) I think I can write a post from every conversation I have.
Dee Langdon – BloggerNewbie’s last blog post – Check This Out!
@Dave – Er … Word > MarsEdit > WordPress. That’s a lot of steps. Connection problems are a really good reason to not write the posts directly in WordPress. Do you frequently have connection problems? Will it improve once you move?
@Esteban – Thank you :-) I find that what I compose in my head doesn’t come out quite the same when I write it.
@Madhur – I haven’t heard of Q10 – I just looked it up and it looks like a good text editor. I remember a while back when we discussed Live Writer. I like it but I didn’t like what it did to the formatting.
@Dee – LOL, about every conversation. I don’t think people would want to read posts based on most of my conversations ;-) It’s true, though, that ideas are everywhere.
Hi Kim,
Okay, I’m trying out the Notepad++ – I too find the WordPress area small. And, as for your 1 – 4 list , I completely relate to all of these! Other strange blogging habits? A lack of sleep, if that qualifies! Seeing your list makes me feel normal…er…or maybe strange, but with company!
Lance’s last blog post – Thanks For The Cookie
@Lance – Thanks for visiting and commenting. I don’t any of our habits are that strange. :-) Lack of sleep is more of a bad habit than a strange one ;-) Hope you like Notepad++
I hope you don’t mind me saying that it really agitates me that my comments on your blog automatically lump together. I’m trying to separate my thoughts here and the blog keeps throwing them back together. Give me a bit of space to catch my breath and refocus! :)
Wesley’s last blog post – I want an online bookstore.
Wesley – I’m not sure what you mean by “lump together”.
I cannot imagine doing all that which to me seems “the long way” but then again, if I did know HTML I wouldn’t be having all those and CSS questions about my fonts, etc.
However, all shall be revealed in the fullness of time.
Jannie’s last blog post – And “The Real Jannie” is…?
Jannie – Thank you for visiting and commenting. It probably does seem like the long way but since that’s the way that I learned it doesn’t take that long for me. And you’re right – if you know some html and css and makes customization a snap.
Hmm … what will be revealed? I’m intrigued.
When you comment, you get
I get…
no space.
Wesley’s last blog post – Testing time stamp.
@Cath @ Carla
I located this information about the problem you are having with visual text editor. Maybe it will help.
If TinyMCE loads properly but the “Add Link” or “Edit Image” pop-up doesn’t work or show only empty frame, right-click in it and select Refresh while holding down Ctrl in IE, or This Frame -> Reload while holding down Shift in Firefox.
I’m a bit of a lazy blogger so I prefer to use the linking tool, and have even installed one to the comment form so that commentators can utilize it as well. Funny habits? I take shortcuts wherever possible, if that means I have to change my blogging patterns or behavior, then so be it. Perhaps it’s my business upbringing, but for me it’s all about streamlining production.
Sire´s last blog post – Wassup’s Bloggers Forum Adding To The Blogging Experience
@Sire – What is the linking tool? Streamlining probably means you are efficient, not lazy.
It’s called ‘quicktags. You will see it just above the comment form on any of my blogs. It lets people add links, smileys, quotes etc.
Sire´s last blog post – Can You See The Human Apparition In This Splash Of Water
Sire – Thanks! I noticed that on your site but didn’t know what it was called.
There you go Kim, it seems that even an intelligent woman such as yourself can learn a thing or two from an Aussie bloke ;)
Sire´s last blog post – Blogging! It’s All About Presentation
Oh – but I have a lot to learn :-)
strange habits but funny!! earlier i ll type in text editors.now i use straight away in WP workspace..
Arun | BE Folks´s last blog post – How to avoid get rich scam sites
Hi Arun – I usually use a text editor but sometimes work directly
within WordPress.