Today is the full moon for November.
In honor of this event I gathered 12 free WordPress themes that contain the moon.
It’s interesting that we name the moons for other planets but we just call ours ‘Moon’. Maybe we should come up with a name for it. ;-)
photo credit: jah~ trying to catch up
I love all the themes, I’m not sure which one I would chose!
I saw the full moon this evening when I was walking to our neighborhood co-op. It was a breathtaking sight since it was clear for the first time in days!
.-= Carla´s last blog ..Guest Post: 7 Reasons You Ought to Bike to Work =-.
Hi Carla – It was really cloudy here last night but it has cleared a little today – I’m hoping to see it tonight.
Really like 3 column moon!
Some of these could also double as Halloween themes. :-)
Hi Jim – I didn’t even think of that – full moons would work really well for Halloween :-)
I’m with Jim, 3 column moon looks fantastic! I also love the last one, because I’m a big fan of clean, uncluttered layouts – this achieves that well, but also manages to look stylish and appealing, something that can be tricky to do!
Hi Pete – I’m glad you like one of the themes. I like that one too.
“Under the Moon” is pretty cool…
.-= vered | blogger for hire´s last blog ..Ten Stupid Fashion Trends =-.
Hi Vered – I like that one too but I think it we used it, it would be very hard to read.
I have been surfing a lot today and for some reason this is the 4th blog I am coming across that has a new post on blog themes :)
I am sure these themes are great but I have seen so many themes today I cant approciate them anymore :(
I guess I have surfing overload – need to stop surfing.
.-= Ravi Kuwadia´s last blog ..Never Give Up Even When Goals Fail? =-.
Hi Ravi – LOL – It must have been theme day. And, yep, too much surfing. Time to walk away from the computer.
Dang KIm, I gotta say, you’ve become a better source for WP themes, then most WP theme sites. LOL
If it’s not a secret, where do ya find ’em all?
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..Only 4 Ad Spots Left – Meet The First Advertiser! And The Pot Just Got Sweeter. ;) =-.
Hi Dennis – I just patiently search for them and weed through a lot of nonsense. I frequently do the searches when I’m working on something else like backups and upgrades.