I was surprised to discover that I hadn’t posted anything in over 10 days. That has never happened before unless I have been on vacation and usually I schedule posts in advance so there isn’t a long gap without any new articles.
But, I didn’t have any posts scheduled and real life became so busy that I wasn’t able to get caught up. Well, it’s actually been a combination of busy / lazy / lack of inspiration.
My father came for an unexpected visit two weekends ago and I’ve been thrown off ever since. Well, mostly unexpected. Over a month ago he mentioned that he was doing a cross-country trip and might stop in Philadelphia (my father lives in Texas). Since he didn’t say anything about it again, the possible visit slipped my mind and I was really surprised when he called on a Friday and asked if it was better if he came on Saturday or Sunday.
Of course I was really glad my Dad was coming but I like to have everything scheduled and planned. It took me half a day to adjust myself for a different weekend. And, then realized I would need to clean up a little and get some groceries.
My Dad and I love each other but we aren’t super close – I mean we don’t see each other that often (I’m not that inclined to go to Texas). We hadn’t seen each other in 7 years – the kid was only 2 the last time she saw him and didn’t really remember him. She was a little nervous but took to him right away, thought he was really funny and didn’t want him to leave. And I remembered how easy my Dad is compared to other relatives – he’s happy doing anything – you can take him to a museum, out to eat, a comic book convention or the roller derby. My Mom was not that easy to entertain.
We went to the Da Vinci exhibit at the Franklin Institute – the kid has wanted to go so having a guest increased my motivation. It was wonderful and I learned that Da Vinci had the same birthday as my Dad. I also saw a Planetarium show about Black Holes, which I thought was really interesting but the kid was a little scared and my Dad was dozing ;-)
I’ve also been a lazier than I usually am. When I’m not working or doing family stuff, I haven’t felt like writing posts – I’ve mostly been reading and am actually way ahead of my goal of a book per week for this year. I think I’ve been a little worn out and have bit of spring fever, which I don’t remember really having since high school. Lazy probably isn’t the right work – I’ve just been working a little less and doing non computer related activities in my down time.
Normally, I have SO many ideas for posts that I don’t even manage to write them all. Lately, I haven’t been. I think that means it’s time to take a bit of break and recharge a little. Even this post is one about why I haven’t posted anything.
Thanks for sticking with me and for your support. I’ll leave you with the kid enjoying Fatboy Slim. ;-) I think I need some of that energy.
Wow, a visit from your Dad what a nice surprise. I would have forgot too, if he hadn’t mentioned it in a long time. Happy to hear you had such a great visit. As for being “lazy”, you have a child so I doubt lazy is actually an option for you. You’re right a little hiatus and you’ll be back on here writing posts like you never left. Enjoy the break :)
Thanks Lynda – Once I got over the surprise of my Dad coming, we had a great time. And I’m already starting to get back into writing posts again.
Sounds like a good visit with your dad and he sounds like a great guest as far as entertaining goes – that’s definitely cool. The planetarium black hole thing sounds really cool! I can imagine your being kind of disappointed to not have someone else there with you that was really into it, too. LOL
The kid. Oh, the kid. Three minutes of go, go, go. And that’s just three minutes of her day! As I watched her and wished for a little tiny bit of that energy, I wondered why we are like we are. All that energy as kids, that we almost don’t even know WHAT to do with. And now ….I turned 41 on Sunday and the kindle and my recliner are my very best friends. Along with my uber lazy dog. (So lucky hubby accidentally brought home a part St. Bernard! Ha!)
The black hole show was awesome – I can’t believe they didn’t like it – plus it was narrated by Liam Neeson ;-)
I’m always looking at the kid and wishing for some of that energy – I stopped the video after 3 minutes but she kept going for a long time after that ;-)
Good to hear that you and kid got to spend some time with after sooo many years.
And what an exciting video clip! :)
Hi Ajith – We had a great visit! And I really wish I had some of the kid’s energy. :-)
This post sounds like it could have been written by me!
I slipped off the internet for a while and one of the people who publishes guest posts on my blog even posted a post asking readers if they had heard fro me. :)
Hi Dean – Nobody asked me where I was – maybe I wasn’t gone long enough ;-)