Merry Christmas, Happy Holidays, and Happy New Year from (Anti) Social Development.
Hope you have a wonderful 2014!
Are you tired of worrying about routine WordPress maintenance? Would you like to spend more time growing your business rather than troubleshooting site issues or searching for the right plugin? If so, you are in luck!
I currently have some open slots in my maintenance plan schedule and get started with your site needs immediately.
While it is important to keep WordPress updated to the current version there may be times when you want to control when the updates occur.
For example, if you do site maintenance for clients, you may want to do the updates on your own schedule after making a full back-up and not run the risk of the client clicking the update button before you are ready. You may also want to do some research about plugin compatibility before upgrading. Some people see the update button and are compelled to click the button – they just can’t resist.
In the WordPress plugin, Contact Form 7, you can select to insert a blank line as the first option when you create a dropdown field.
In many instances, this is better than having the first option be the first choice, unless you want to default to a particular country but what if you want the first line to say something specific?
A couple of months ago I wrote an article on how to change the author of a WordPress post.
Did you know that you can also bulk edit the author for multiple posts? I learned how to do this when I was importing posts from one site to another and accidentally assigned them to the wrong author. I was determined to not fix them one by one and I found out that bulk editing is easy once you know where to look.
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