Happy holiday weekend in the US. Hopefully you are celebrating labor day by not doing any labor or not being in labor (thanks Ari). School starts here next week – Alex is looking forward to it but I’m not. I haven’t had to set my alarm in almost a month.
This week I have zombies, WordPress, carrots, Deathspank and more.
- 7 Scientific Reasons a Zombie Outbreak Would Fail (Quickly) – Finally! Some good news. A zombie outbreak would fail! I’ve had zombies on the brain lately – I blame John Haydon and a book I read while on vacation called Feed.
- Farm 51 – I just found about this full urban farm just a few blocks away from me. It’s not on my usual path so I haven’t seen it yet. I am definitely going to go check it out.
- Process and Scope for 3.1, Part I – Information about WordPress 3.1 due to be released in December.
- Baby Carrots: The New Junk Food – I guess it’s good if it gets people to eat carrots rather than chips but I just don’t get why people need to have something marketed and packaged like junk food to want to eat it.
- Vox is closing on September 30, 2010 – I’ve only known of one person who had a blog on Vox but if you are using it, you will want to export your data and get it into WordPress before the end of the month.
- Reduce, Reuse and Recycle Your Work – I’ve been trying to get better about this. I do write blog posts for questions that I am frequently asked and then refer people to the post and for things that I am always looking up. Once I write a post I tend to remember how to do it.
How could I not want to play a game called Deathspank? It’s like Diablo meets Monkey Island, which might not mean anything to you ;-)
Isn’t Vox new?
Hi Dennis – No, it’s been around for awhile – at least a couple of years. I don’t think it really ever took off.
I’ve been around a while too, lol, I think I first heard of it the beginning of this year.
“How could I not want to play a game called Deathspank?”
Hmm, your tweat stated you slept in until 9:15. Are you playing too many video games Kim? :)
Hi Colleen – LOL – I wasn’t even up that late that’s why it’s so odd that I slept so late. I don’t usually play videogames late at night because they keep me from sleeping – they get me all wound up ;-)
Hi Kim,
Many good and interesting thing at the post; Process and Scope for 3.1, Part I. I’m still try to learn all the new thing on WP 3.0. Thanks for the post Kim.
Hi Marbella – Those are the very early plans but I think it’s interesting to follow along and see what’s planned.
Hi Kim, I agree with you on the carrot thing – I like eating vegetables, but I don’t think it makes a difference to those who don’t like to eat veggies if they see these carrots packaged just like their favorite junk food.
Just watched the DeathSpank trailer, sure looks like a lot of fun!
Hi Emily – I’m glad you enjoyed the video – it looks like it’s going to be a funny game. :-)