This was an umm… interesting week. With the holiday, school starting, and my mid-week 24 hour stomach bug things didn’t go quite as I had planned. One of my foibles is being obsessive about schedules and I’ve been trying to be better at going with the flow – something always seems to throw a kink in it.
This week I have WordPress, Facebook, William Gibson, school supplies, and more.
- How to Add Custom Post Types to Your Main WordPress RSS Feed – Custom post types is one of the new features in WordPress 3.0 but the posts do not go into the RSS feed by default. This tutorial explains how to add them.
- Old cell phones: How many have you recycled? – I’ve sold or given my old ones away – I don’t know if they were recycled after that. But I don’t leave them in a drawer and I don’t throw them away.
- Why You Need to Know HTML/CSS – I certainly don’t think everyone needs to be an expert but knowing the basics can make managing your site a lot easier.
- ProofPress – A photo proofing system built with WordPress. This is coming in October.
- What version of WordPress is behind that website? – This article discusses why hiding the version of WordPress for security reasons is a waste of time
- A Simple Guide to Running a Facebook Page – It may be simple but it’s also excellent.
- William Gibson Talks Zero History, Paranoia and the Awesome Power of Twitter – I’m eager to read Gibson’s new book, Zero History. Here’s an interesting interview with this great author.
- 2 Billion Pencils* and A School Supply Quandary – I’ve been ranting about the list of required school supplies and was glad to see this article. I can’t stand buying items I consider wasteful, like paper towels, that I never purchase for my home. I was so tempted to send in a couple of washable rags. ;-)
I’ve been obsessed with Farscape recently and don’t know how I missed this sci-fi series when it was on between 1999-2003. It’s dark but has some really funny moments.
Farscape was friggin awesome, you buying the DVD’S?
Hi Dennis – I’ve been thinking about it but I’ve found that when I buy the DVD set for a show I rarely watch it. My brother owns it – he got me interested in the show – so I could just borrow his.
Hi Kim,
Thanks for the morning reading to the coffee in the sun. I did like the post about Old cell phones and A.K.Streeter article about 2 billion Pencils
Hi Marbella – Glad you found some good morning reading :-)
Hi Kim,
I just found your site and I guess I’m going to need more time to explore.
But I had to write because you mentioned Farscape…and like you I never heard about it until I was looking for a new sci-fi series to watch and I bought the whole package on ebay…and I loved it.
I was sad when I finished watching it…
Will be back
Hi Lise – At first I didn’t want to watch it. I thought because it had puppets that it would be for kids. But it’s not for kids at all and it’s such a great show. I’m halfway through season 4.