Happy June! June is usually one of my busiest months personally. The kid has her annual birthday bash and school lets out, which causes a scramble for time. I usually send her to day camp for the summer but this year she is only going for part of it. We’ll see how well things work out with her at home ;-)
This week I have freelancing rates, Greensumption, infographics, commments and more.
- Why You Should Never Charge Hourly – This article gave me something to think about. On small one off projects I do bill hourly. On larger projects, however, I do bill by the project.
- Why BP Isn’t Fretting Over Its Twitter Impostor – I try to see the humor in most situations – it helps to get through them sometimes. I have not, however, been able to see anything funny about the BP oil leak in the Gulf of Mexico. Well, until I encountered this fake BP twitter account. The humor is dark and is on the target for giving BP shit.
Questions for Annie Leonard, Part 1: The Problem with Greensumption – I’m not really a fan of the Discovery Network but I am a fan of Annie Leonard, who wrote the incredible bookThe Story of Stuff: How Our Obsession with Stuff Is Trashing the Planet, Our Communities, and Our Health-and a Vision for Change
. I’m also a fan of the word Greensumption. Often we think it’s so great that we bought a green version of a product instead of questioning whether we actually need the product. Even if something is “green” we are still consuming, which is, at heart, the larger problem.
- Make Your Own Infographic – A great list of resources to help you get started in making your picture that speaks one thousand words.
- Sneaky Hate Spiral – A look at all the little annoyances that happen to us that eventually lead to a major freak out in comic strip style. Really funny.
- Leaving Comments on Blogs Still a Valuable Technique – As blogs are nofollow by default the author wonders if leaving comments is still a useful way to get traffic. He found that if you leave useful and valuable comments that it definitely is.
Rue McClanahan, who played Blanche on The Golden Girls, passed away this week. I remember watching the show with my Mom when it was first on – very funny.
This cat reacts to the mirror much the same way I do first thing in the morning.
The Story of Stuff is an affiliate link. I believe it’s a must read for everyone.
I remember watching the Golden Girls too — loved it; was sad to hear of Rue’s passing this week. Only Betty White is left from that show now.
.-= Davina´s last blog ..Guest Post: A Muse for My Dreams =-.
Hi Davina – I remember watching the show with my Mom when it was first on the air – really funny.
Love the cat video. Kittens are great for mirror antics.
Enjoyed the hourly rate article. We’ve been self-employed for the better part of 25 years and when the client know exactly what you are making, problems can arise. We would just assume charging by the job and let the chips fall where they may.
.-= Colleen´s last blog ..Utter Disappointment And The Classiest Acts That Followed, Armando Galarraga, Detroit Tigers, Jim Joyce =-.
Hi Colleen – A lot of jobs I do are quick one or two hour things so I’ve had an hourly rate but am going to rethink that.
My cats never pay any attention to the mirror – I would love it if they did something like that.
Looks like you are reading a lot… I wish I could find more time to (read and) share such variety of topics. I am somehow single-minded with MMO and blogging lol
.-= Ajith Edassery´s last blog ..MaxBlogPress Ninja Affiliate Plugin Review & $30 Discount Coupon =-.
Hi Ajith – I just have too many different interests. Lately I haven’t been reading enough of what I *should* be reading :-)
The article on charging hourly or by the project was interesting. I tend to charge by the project, but I do have an hourly rate as the basis for that.
.-= vered – blogger for hire´s last blog ..Am I Putting Ideas Into My Kids’ Heads? =-.
Hi Vered – I have to rethink it. I tend to do hourly because a lot of the jobs I do are quick.
That hourly article is something i need to pass to my designer, thanks!
.-= Dennis Edell | Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..Less is More – Here’s My Current To-Do List =-.
Hi Dennis – Cool :-)