Projects, end of the school year, World Cup 2010 … there is just so much going on for me right now. I seem to get ahead with my posts and then suddenly have no posts and am scrambling to stay on schedule. Well, I don’t usually schedule the Sunday links in advance even though I do tend to have a number of bookmarks ready to go.
This week I have slow living, freelancing, facebook, Dana Carvey and Ralph Macchio.
- Support Details – Send your client to this page and then have them email your the results. You will get details about their Operating System, browser and more to assist with troubleshooting and development.
- Slow and sweet: Living with the reality of time – Slowing down and enjoying the very short lives that we have.
- Is that client legit or just a tire kicker? – A lot of time can be spent with potential clients who have no intention of ever purchasing services and may be fishing for free information. This might help spot them.
- 11 ways to promote your Facebook Page outside Facebook – A great article about promoting your Facebook fan page.
- Fracking: America’s next drilling disaster? – Many people think Natural Gas is a good alternative to oil for our energy needs. There are, however, numerous problems due to the technique called fracking. Toxic chemicals are used but we don’t know what they are and fracking is exempt from the Clean Water Act. The potential for toxic materials getting in our water supplies is very high. Recently, there was an evacuation in Pennsylvania due to an accident and spilling of the chemicals (and we don’t know what those chemicals are).
- Guatemala Sinkhole Created by Humans, Not Nature – It did look a little too perfectly round to be a natural occurrence.
- 5 Ways to Fire a Client – Maybe Paul Simon could write a song to the tune of 50 Ways to Leave Your Lover.
- How to Customize Your Facebook Fan Page Using Static FBML – A lot of great FBML tips for custom Facebook tabs.
Classic Dana Carvey and Choppin’ Broccoli
Really funny Ralph Macchio Spoof Trailer
The tire kicker article may come in very handy as I haven’t opened my paid consulting yet.
.-= Dennis Edell | Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..Noticing Comment Replies – Part Two – The Flip Side =-.
Hi Dennis – I’ve encountered a lot of them. If you aren’t careful, you can use up a lot of time on them because it seems like they are going to hire you.