Happy Post Earth Day and end of April. This week I have twitter, Facebook, bus stops, WordPress security and more.
- Essential Tools Featuring Kim Woodbridge – In today’s hubris special is an article about me and the software I like to use in to help me get my work done. ;-)
- 10 Sites to Get a Custom Twitter Background – Just what it says it is ;-)
- Eleven Killer Facebook Page Applications For Your Nonprofit – The awesome John Haydon lists 11 great facebook applications for your fan page.
- How Not to Ask For Help – If you are a consultant or work in customer service, you will come across requests that make this much sense.
- Crazy Bus Stops From Around the World – Some of these are really unique. In Philly, I would be happy for a bench or some sort of shelter – I think they only have them in Center City.
- Mom Foodhacks: 7 Low-effort, balanced meals – Quick and nutritious meals when you are too tired or too busy to make something more elaborate. One that we sometimes do is oatmeal with fruit. The kid loves oatmeal.
- Dealing with Clients Who Refuse to Pay – There are some interesting ideas in this article and in the comments about clients who won’t pay. Some solutions seen extreme but in how many businesses do you get the product before you’ve paid for it?
- Time to Audit Your Facebook Privacy Settings, Here’s How – Facebook has made changes this week that can definitely affect the your information that is being seen by others. This article goes over the settings that you should check.
- WordPress Security – A Comprehensive Guide – There have been a number of WordPress hacks lately, even in the most current version. This has mostly been an issue with the web host more than with WordPress but I can’t stress enough how important WordPress security is.
Johnny Cash on Sesame Street.
Too Drunk to Put on Flip Flops
Kim, I just made what should have been 6 adult sized servings of steel cut oats for my husband and the 4 younger boys.
Not a single oat was left.
Since I started freelancing, build your own sandwich night has been very popular. The only effort is washing lettuce & vegetables and cutting them up – but then I have leftovers for the week’s lunchboxes ready to go! My kids are crazy about raw cut up veg like carrots, baby spinach and bell pepper strips, much more so than cooked vegetables so this winds up being a pretty healthy meal, too.
Hi Tracy – Somehow I thought you were going to comment about the guy trying to put his flip flops on ;-)
Alex and I are fairly flexible about what we eat when – mac & cheese for breakfast, oatmeal for lunch, etc … she just doesn’t like eating the same dinner two days in a row but is getting better about that. Mostly because I’ve become such a nag about not wasting anything …
Hey Kim,
I am one of those guys who wait for this list desperately. And again you have posted some cool links.
Thanks for them.
Hi Rick – I’m glad you like the lists :-) I keep thinking about stopping them so it’s good to hear that people enjoy them.
Awesome ET write-up!
How well do you know TweetDeck? Did I already ask you if you’d like to do a guest post on it?
Check out commentluv
.-= Dennis Edell | Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..Comment Contest: 5 Days Left! =-.
Oops, now check out commentluv, sorry.
.-= Dennis Edell | Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..WANTED: HootSuite vs. TweetDeck Comparison Guest Post! =-.
Hi Dennis – I haven’t had a chance to answer. I know it pretty well but haven’t kept up with the new features very well. I don’t think I have time to write anything extra right now though…
Not a problem, let me know if you change your mind. ;)
.-= Dennis Edell | Direct Sales Marketing´s last blog ..Ari Answered Your Questions; Intriguing Post =-.
My solution to Facebook’s “privacy” issues is just not to give them any information I don’t want to share with the world.
Hi Dot – That’s probably the best plan of all with Facebook :-)