Well, with my computer problems and being behind on all of my work, I didn’t have much time to surf or even visit many of my usual sites. So, I don’t have a long list today. But being how it is Easter weekend, except for the Orthodox church, well, and other religions, there probably aren’t many people visiting my site anyway ;-) And now I’m finding more links to add while writing this.
- Comprehensive Guide to RSS – Kristi, aka Kikolani, has written a great getting started guide for those of you who are new to RSS.
- 6 Things I Secretly Hope Are Included In Life Coaching – The always funny Tracy O’Connor is getting some help with life, I guess, and here is her list of things she hopes are included. To be perfectly honest, I didn’t even know that life coaching was a profession until I started using Twitter – seriously. I think I could have used some 10-15 years ago but I’m beyond repair at this point (much like my computer) ;-)
- Extraordinary Twitter Updates – It pains me to link to Mashable but I actually liked this article. I won’t go into my aversion to Mashable here but – ha! I’ll make the link nofollow – that will show them. ;-) Included are marriage proposal tweets and updates from the Mars Rover. But Mashable failed to include the infamous vag-quake tweet from last July. Ok – I just increased her 15 minutes of fame to 17 minutes.
- My Two Left Feet – Valerie Morrison, another super funny person, ran into a little trouble when she quickly grabbed the shoes she was going to bring to work with her.
- 10 Tricks to Make Your WordPress Theme Stick Out – Two tips of particular interest are SEO your title tag and display related posts. I’m running into more people having trouble with slow sites due to related posts plugins. This article provides a code based solution.
- Coffee Lowers Risk of Death – Here is an interesting article with a really illogical headline. I’m pretty sure the risk of death is always 100%. Considering the amount of coffee that I drink I should end up being immortal.
Tap Dancing Seagulls Are Always Fun – this is similar to what my cat does in my lap.
And my daughter when she was 2 years old (yikes, almost 5 years ago). This may seem cute but keep in mind she sang this ALL the time. I’m still trying to recover. ;-)
We don’t just dye easter eggs – they also need faces and hats.
i’m visiting. i’m on vacation all week, so i’ll be keeping up. yay. glad your computer problems are behind you. i should probably spend some time cleaning my up and running my virus program.
anywho, thanks for the mention KW. make me wanna write you a check. since i haven’t danced yet, i’m off to check out the crazy seagulls dancing.
don’t kids grow up so fast? don’t blink, they’ll be driving you around.
Natural´s last blog post – My Two Left Feet
Hi Valerie – Have fun on vacation :-) I’d like to see that dance.
It wouldn’t seem like she was growing up so fast if I had a better memory.
“Enhance and auto complete search” in “10 Tricks to Make Your WordPress Theme Stick Out” sounds very attractive to me.
Kim, do you use any special plugin or hack for the search?, I feel the search results are much better / relevant.
Chinese Girl´s last blog post – Photo Jinan Quancheng Square18
Hi – I use a plugin called Search Reloaded that was tweaked by Stratos to also search comments. Apparently the author has decided to no longer offer it for free.
Email me if you want me to send it to you – my email is to the right.
I also use the search excerpts plugin so the search results show the part of the article that contains the search term.
Well you were right. Your daughter’s song is sweet but i can only imagine having her singing it all day long :D Happy Easter Kim and everyone!
stratosg´s last blog post – Code efficiency and Javascript in WordPress
Hi Stratos – Happy Easter! My daughter loves watching that video – she can’t believe that it’s her.
Hi Kim,
Thanks for the list!
That’s a cute video of Alex. Her songs have really improved in 4 years. She was really wailing on that drum too. :-)
And I wish I had those egg decorations when I was growing up. I would have had so much fun with them.
Hi Jim – They are just stickers and hats – I thought the eggs looked better without them ;-)
OMG, Kim life coaching is awesome. Maybe not a really hokey life coach but Tim is a great one. I don’t think it’s too late for you! Thanks for the link!
That Mommy song cracks me up every time. I love the way her little friend in the background is such a happy audience. I really enjoy hearing stories about your daughter, she seems like she’s extraordinary. Love the eggs, too!
I think I love Valerie Morrison.
Tracy´s last blog post – 6 Things I secretly hope are included in life coaching
Hi Tracy – I was teasing a little. I think Tim is probably great at it – plus he’s really funny.
I love Valerie too ;-)
Thanks for the list — really enjoyable and informative despite your recent computer cataclysms!
Valerie’s 2 left feet was a hoot! I haven’t done exactly that, but some things related. It’s so easy to do when you’re preoccupied and not living in the present!
Your daughter is precious, but I can see how her “Mommie” song could start wearing you down with repetition.
I am not a close observer of seagulls. It didn’t look like the video was jiggered to have them dancing — do they really do that?
Mike Nichols´s last blog post – Beyond Zits: Acne and Anxiety Disorders Part 2
Hi Mike – Valerie is frequently very funny :-)
I’m not sure about the seagulls – whenever I see them they are flying or just standing still. I think the video might have been sped up a little.
A nice round up of links! loved the ‘mommy song’ unfortunately my son is just hitting the age where he discovered the pots and pans make a nice noise!
– Liz :D
Liz @ Potty Training Tips´s last blog post – Potty Training Tips – are they ready?
Hi Liz – LOL – The Mommy song combined with pots and pans might push you over the edge temporarily. Fortunately, in a couple of years you will laugh about it :-)
Great post all around, although the eggs reak a little much of super-mom’ism LOL
Dennis Edell´s last blog post – Blog Readers or Twitter Followers – What’s YOUR Preferance?
Hi Dennis – You have to dye eggs with your kids. But I am about as far from super mom as they come ;-) Domestic stuff and arts and crafts don’t interest me at all.
It’s not just the dying but the whole hat thing and all the extras. My SIL is (or at least was) like that with all 5 of hers. ;)
Dennis Edell´s last blog post – Blog Readers or Twitter Followers – What’s YOUR Preference?
When I read my email subscripiton of your site I thought you made those Easter eggs…Ha! Ha! Too many cocktails at brunch I guess. LOL! I haven’t been over here to leave a comment like I should but rest assured I’m reading!!!
Sommer-Green&Clean Mom´s last blog post – Under Construction
You know, my daughter keeps asking to see your daughter sing now! So now your daughter is a performing artist and she’s talented at the Easter egg decorating.
Sommer-Green&Clean Mom´s last blog post – Under Construction
Hi Sommer – No worries – I am so behind on leaving comments on other sites ;-) I dyed and eggs and helped put the stickers on.
I have other silly videos if your daughter would like to watch them ;-)
I’d say you got a real singer on your hands there! Such a precious video memory.
Happy Easter!
Jannie Funster´s last blog post – Trio
Hi Jannie – Happy Easter!
I hope she ends up singing better than I do. She usually asks me to stop.
Thanks for including my RSS guide in your list. And that is a cute video. I couldn’t imagine what it would be like hearing it all the time, but I’m sure the memory of it is funny now that she’s older. :)
~ Kristi
Kikolani´s last blog post – Twitter Lingo & Tips For New Twitter & Facebook Users
Hi Kristi – It’s a good thing I have the video – I remember very little from the first two years of her life ;-) I was just too overtired.
Never knew seagulls had such great moves. Too funny.
Gennaro´s last blog post – Best Newspaper Travel Sections
Hi Gennaro – Who knew there was anything likable about seagulls ;-)