Well, the calendar says spring is finally here but the weather seems to feel differently about that.
This week I have information about web design freebies, freelancing, twitter, changes in websites over time, 12 for 12K Tina Turner, and M.C. Hammer.
- 50+ Freebies Every Web Designer/Developer should have – Even if you aren’t a Web whatever, this list has a lot of great free stuff; fonts, Photoshop brushes, and social icons. I don’t even especially like using photoshop and still downloaded some of the brushes. Took me forever to figure out how to load them.
- 28 Must Read Articles For Growing Your Freelance Design Business – Any list that contains more than 10 things I must do starts to overwhelm me. But this is a great resource for all freelancers, not just ones who are designers.
- Top 237 Twitter Users Who Will Follow You Back – This article made the twitter rounds this week. And I guarantee that it’s true. I tested following some randomly and they all followed me back. I’m sure it’s because they thought my tweets were awesome. I did not, however, follow Karl Rove and am extrememly disturbed that he is on this list.
- A Decade Of Web Design In Pictures – 1997 to 2009 – This site shows the design changes in well known websites, such as yahoo, the whitehouse, digg and BBC, over time. It’s interesting to see how much things have changed and how much cleaner the design looks now.
- 12 for 12K – This is a charity set-up by Danny Brown that is trying to raise 12,000 a month for one charity for 12 months. Each month they attempt to raise money for a different charity. This week they had a Tweet-A-Thon and raised almost 13,000 dollars – almost all of it through Twitter. I don’t have a lot right now but I try to give a little extra from my paypal balance. It is definitely worth following @dannybrown on twitter.
You Can’t Touch This – The always funny Tracy O’Connor discovers that new fashions in catalogs arriving at her home are very reminiscent of M.C. Hammer. And as much as I like to make fun of these clothes I also have to admit that I think Hammer was an amazing entertainer and that I am old enough to remember the performance in the video below.
And speaking of entertainers, this is one of my favorite videos on YouTube. Tina Turner invites her biggest fan, who’s been to 17 shows on that tour, up on stage. Donovan knows all the steps and is so fun to watch. And Tina Turner is amazing – she has an amazing level of energy and in this clip she is already over 60 years old! It is long but at least watch part of to see Donavan’s moves. And I bet if you start watching, that you will watch the whole thing.
I find the link the “50+ Freebies Every Web Designer/Developer should have” is very useful for me and “A Decade Of Web Design In Pictures – 1997 to 2009” as well, which shows how the designing has changed over the years what is the trend now.
Chinese Girl´s last blog post – Photo Shanghai Yuyuan Garden9
Hi – I’m glad you found something useful in the links. That freebies list has a lot of great stuff.
okay kim thanks for posting that MC Hammer video. i danced through the whole thing now i have to go back and read your post. i always start my day with a dance. man, i miss arsenio hall’s show.
i’ll go check out the link of 237 followers that will follow you back. i don’t want a lot of followers, but if i follow you i guess i like the follow back – who wants to have a one sided conversation…you can talk to me and get my updates, but i won’t talk to you back?
Natural´s last blog post – E is for Episode
Hi Natural – I can’t stop watching that video. I don’t remember watching Arsenio too much – I’m not even sure I had a tv in 1989… but I do remember the show.
Twitter why I follow rules are starting to get a little annoying. I follow a couple of people who don’t follow back but not many.
Hi Kim,
Thanks for the list!
Thanks again for pointing me to 12 for 12k. Its a really awesome idea. I’m definitely going to help the charity each month.
And watching MC Hammer brings back so many memories of my childhood.
Jim´s last blog post – Awareness Test
Hi JIm – Did you watch Arsenio when you were a kid or Hammer videos? Do people in S. Jersey still wear Hammer pants? I think they do. ;-)
Thanks for participating in 12 for 12K!
You’re right—once you start watching the Tina video, you won’t stop! I was at a club once and they ended w/that song and I went wild. How can you not? Really impressed that Donovan had ALL the moves down! It’s quite a workout!
Tweetplate´s last blog post – Tweetspray
Hi – I love that video. The energy in it and watching Donovan is amazing. I’m so glad to find someone else who likes it.
great set of links Kim! Freebies never cease to make me happy :D
Raju´s last blog post – New Contest @ TechPP – $400 Worth Gadgets to be Won
Hi Raju – Then you should come visit Philly – I’m giving away an attics worth of crap. ;-)
EEEEE!!!! I’m famous now! Would you like to be in my entourage?
I love Tina Turner, that video is awesome. And that’s my favorite part about living in Memphis – I can always find an occasion to sing Proud Mary. Probably I’d do the same if I lived elsewhere, but it makes more sense in Memphis than say, Gary Indiana.
Tracy´s last blog post – Shangri-La Diet Week 2.5
Hi Tracy – Cleaned a lot of dishes in Memphis …
Twitter gives me a headache. I don’t want to be a social media snob, so part of me wants to just follow everyone back, but I can’t stand the spammers – those who follow then immediately unfollow once you follow them back, and those who have “make money online” sleazy type websites.
Do you follow everyone back?
Vered – MomGrind´s last blog post – Lipo Dissolve Nightmare: A Cosmetic Procedure Gone Wrong
Hi Vered,
I do follow almost everyone who follows me back. Unless the person is an obvious spammer I will follow. I can not keep up on everything being said by everyone anymore. I tend to dip in and out of Twitter. And I use tweetdeck’s group feature to make it a little easier.
Sigh.. maybe I should just follow everyone back too.
Vered – MomGrind´s last blog post – Stay At Home Mom? Protect Yourself Financially
Only if you want to. If you don’t really like twitter, I don’t think you should bother with it. I don’t spend time with things I don’t HAVE to do that I don’t enjoy. Plus, I use twitter as a way to find work. If I didn’t do that I wouldn’t follow so many people back. I have a hard enough time keeping track of the people I actually “know”.
And I just got mass-unfollowed tonight. Either people didn’t like my daughter thinking junk was a curse word or I’m not buying anything from the internet marketers ;-)
A Decade Of Web Design In Pictures – 1997 to 2009 and 12 for 12K caught my eye the most. Thank you for posting these fun and very useful links!
Carla´s last blog post – Eco Fashion: The Cost of Eco Fashion
Hi Carla – Those are both great links. 12 for 12K did a great job raising money for hunger last week. If you’re interested follow @dannybrown on twitter.
Hi Kim,
Great list. I checked out the twitter followers. I followed a couple, I’ll let you know. I see Barak must be busy, he hasn’t updated since inauguration!
Dee Langdon – BloggerNewbie´s last blog post – Whoever Is Happy
Hi Dee – I bet they will follow back :-) Barack should have kept up the account – or whoever was doing it for him. It’s kind of lame that it stopped.
That twitter article is the best pick this week Kim. Useful for alot of people looking to increase some followers.
Ben Pei´s last blog post – Ben Pei’s No Brainer Blog Contest
Hi Ben – It’s a great list to locate people who will follow you back. Each one I tested did follow me back and most of them were not auto-follows.
I’m on my way to see this top 237 list. :) A great collection as always.
~ Kristi
Kikolani´s last blog post – Fetching Friday – Motivation and Inspiration
Hi Kristi – Thanks! There are some good ones on that list.