The Mid-February List includes Ebook Readers, Page Hacks for WordPress comments, 2.7.1 auto upgrade woes, social icons, and OMG Joaquin.
- Will the Kindle Save the Rain Forests – greenLAgirl discusses the new Kindle and whether digital readers are more environmentally friendly.
- 30 Most Wanted WordPress Comments Hacks – Here is a list of 30 ways to modify your WordPress comments form. Now you can muck around with the code and do all sorts of things that you never even knew you wanted to do.
Troubleshooting the WordPress 2.7.1 Upgrade – I haven’t mentioned this yet but 2.7.1 was released this week. If you are already running 2.7, you now have access to the built in auto-upgrade feature. This, however, has not been smooth sailing for everyone and this article assists in troubleshooting the most frequent problems. I will stand by my position that manually upgrading is still the best way to upgrade.- Free Dark Beveled Social Icons I came across this free pack of Social Icons this week and thought they looked pretty cool. Won’t go with everyone’s site but with some they would like great.
- Create Your Own Popular Posts Page – Another WordPress tutorial with instructions on how to create your own popular posts page.
And I’m a little concerned about Joaquin Phoenix … do you think he’s totally messed up or that this is just a joke?
The Juaqin video is not available on my country but i found another one that is complete here in case anyone wants to check it out. This video made my day Kim. Thanks i needed it!
Stratos – Oh sorry it wasn’t available – I forget about things like that. I’m glad you found another version of it. I’m glad you enjoyed it too :-)
Thanks for the list Kim. :-)
I think Joaquin is in character. I’m not quite sure what the character is supposed to be but I think its an act. At least I hope its an act.
Thanks for the Kindle article too. I’m intrigued by the kindle but the price and fact that I don’t really read multiple books at a time don’t really justify it for me.
Jim´s last blog post – Awareness Test
Hi Jim – I’m really hoping that Joaquin is putting on an act – I thought that clip got almost as uncomfortable as Crispin Glover.
There’s a lot I like about the kindle but I’m not ready to give up on printed books. I don’t feel too guilty about the waste either because I pretty much only by used books.
LOL brilliant made me crack up…if he was high or mucking about…either way the film is now known about!
Donace´s last blog post – Free SEO Tools
Hi Donace – I thought it was really awkward although I did think it was funny when Joaquin called Paul Schaeffer “Mr. Maniacal Laughter”.
Creating popular posts is a wonderful tutorial, some really nice links as always!!
Raju´s last blog post – [Twitter Tip] 2 Ways to Add Twitter Counter to Your Blog
Hi Raju – Thanks! I’m going to try that tutorial to see how it works out.
Great links Kim. I haven’t heard of the Tutorial9 website and they seem to have some other great things like free photoshop brushes. :-) Nice pick.
Shirley´s last blog post – Is Your Search Engine Optimization Expert Legit?
Hi Shirley – Thanks! I wasn’t familiar with that site either until I came across that tutorial either.
Hi Kim,
I’m going to give the Kindle a try. I still will not release my tight grasp on books, but it may help in terms of magazines and newspapers.
Tumblemoose´s last blog post – Amazon releasing Kindle 2
Hi George – Let me know what you think of it. The price of the new version is much better than the first one.
I so hope that was a joke. If not, I’m worried.
Carla´s last blog post – Save water, time and money in your yards
Hi Carla – I really hope it was a joke too. Part of me thinks so because Casey Affleck has been filming everything he has been doing lately since he said he was giving up his acting career.
Even more disturbing is Joaquin rapping – you can find videos of it on youtube.
Thanks Kim! You always have the best links.
Can I ask you a stupid question? The big green thing at the bottom of your page with the links and tags and readers? What is that called? I like it and am thinking of including one in my blog redesign but I don’t know what to look for!
I might just copy your design but make it pink instead of green so you won’t be mad at me.
Tracy´s last blog post – One can’t very well blog when one is sick, can one?
Hi Tracy – It’s the footer – footer.php The entire thing is wrapped in a class that is pulling an image, which is the green part, and each block has another class that defines it’s size.
And thanks for liking the design! I don’t think the footer is helpful from an SEO perspective but I like the way that it looks.
I like the way that it looks, too and it seems to be a very handy way to show what you have on offer without cluttering up the sidebar too much.
Ha! Footer – I knew the very bottom was the footer, but I thought because this kind is so big it must have a special, technical name like “fiddlebar”
Tracy´s last blog post – One can’t very well blog when one is sick, can one?
LOL – “fiddlebar”
Kim, Thanks for the links. Will check them.
I need your opinion. I made some changes to my sidebar. Do check it.
Nihar´s last blog post – Do you like the new look in sidebar?
Hi Nihar – I’ll take a look as soon as I get a chance. Thanks.
“Creating popular pages ” is a good tutorial, I have been using a plugin which counts each posts read and show most viewed posts only problem of that plugin is it enters huge information to the database I believe one day it will increase loading time of the site, counting comments seems better option.
Chinese Girl´s last blog post – Wuyi Ramada Hotel
I’m really concerned that there are times I just can’t get sound out of Youtube videos. I can hear my iTunes and other sites, just not Youtube, and it’s only sometimes.
Back to the point, I think it is supposedly an act, something to do with an upcoming movie project. That or he is having an early mid-life crisis, which would be sad.
~ Kristi
Kikolani | Blogging, Poetry, Photography´s last blog post – The Return of Sleep Paralysis
Hi Kristi – I occassionally have the same problem with
youtube videos. I don’t know the exact cause but I think
there may be a conflict with another audio program. If I’m using
the other program and then youtube, the youtube sound doesn’t work.
I usually have to reboot for the problem to be corrected.
I do hope that what Joaquin is doing is just an act.
I think many of here are having problem with You tube. Thank fully I am not having any problem yet. Everything is fine with me n the videos i watch on any of the site.
Hi – I occasionally have trouble with youtube videos but I think
it is a conflict with something else on my computer. Usually,
though, it works just fine.