I have quite a few links for you today. I’m not sure why I have more than usual – perhaps I’ve been spending too much time surfing. Topics include; life balance, why you shouldn’t clean, how to get more blog comments, and interview with Mark Hayward, listening to music while working, and photos of election day. Enjoy!
- What is Life Balance: Is it Achievable for Everyone? – Kelly at She-Power talks about life balance and questions if it is even possible for everyone.
- Oh My Gosh What Happened to Chris Brogan – Wesley jokes about Chris Brogan’s current avatar on Twitter.
- Why Cleaning Your Toilet Could Be Bad for Your Children’s Health – Dave Fowler has a unique perspective on parenting. Read why you shouldn’t bother cleaning.
- Commercialism, Children and Toys – My friend Sommer over at Green & Clean Mom discusses what she found in her son’s backpack and how pervasive advertising is in our children’s lives. Read the article and then watch the video.
- A 7 Step Guide to Getting More Comments – Joost de Valk discusses how to get more blog comments over at Shoe Money.
- Library Squeezed in Nutter’s Budget Cuts – This is of more local interest but affects everyone who lives somewhere where the local budget is being cut. In Philadelphia, the proposed 2009 budget plans to permanently close 11 branch libraries. Many of these branches are in areas where the schools do not have libraries. Where are the kids supposed to get books? I believe the public library is a cornerstone of democracy and that they should never be closed.
- US Election 08 Photo Pool Flickr’s group photos of election day. These are photos of voting locations and of people photo, not of the candidates.
- Should We Listen to Music While Working? Designer Daily discusses the pros and cons of listening to music while working. For me, it depends on what I’m working on. If I really need to concentrate, I prefer silence.
- Using Twitter to Enhance Your Social Network A comprehensive guide to getting started with Twitter. It even discusses how to customize your twitter background.
- Interview-Train for Humanity – Mark Hayward Amy Sample Ward interviews Mark Hayward, who is participating in the Miami Man Triathalon today to raise money for Darfur.
Thanks, Kim. A really cool set of links this week. I really liked Sommer’s article on her son’s toys and the article on listening to music while working (an article particularly close to my heart). :-)
Ron Obvious’s last blog post – Charlie Chaplin made this speech in ‘The Great…
Hi Kim – thanks for the great resources. Dave Fowler’s post has a great title. And I loved the one about listening to music.
If I’m writing, I can’t listen to music because I have to speak the words in my head. So if the music has words, I’m being interrupted by the same sort of noise. For doing the ironing music rules thougj.
Too much to read on a Sunday :P will do selective reading (esp on Twitter and social media) this week… Post @ shoes’ I had read earlier this week.
Great list kim.
Ajith Edassery’s last blog post – Understand your blog posts’ visibility via Google Webmaster Tools (and take corrective measures, if necessary)
@Ron – So, can you listen to music while working? For me it depends on the type of work. Like Cath below, I can’t listen to music while writing.
Sommer was SO sad that her son was obsessed with toys. She did a great job with the video.
And I now know you also read Dave Fowler’s article and thought it was very funny ;-)
@Cath – You iron? Wow! I have an iron but I don’t use it. At my day job I have a lot of mindless tasks that I can listen to music to but like you, I can’t listen while writing.
@Ajith – Is Sunday a bad day for reading? Do you think the lists should be shorter and more focused? I like to throw a little bit of everything in so there’s something for everyone.
It really depends on what I’m doing. If I’m doing something that requires me to concentrate, I can usually listen to instrumental music or maybe music with words turned down just so its in the background. If I’m basically doing busy work or something that requires minimal attention, I’ll usually just go nuts. Podcasts are really where it gets tricky. I usually can’t be doing much of anything for me to be able to listen to a podcast. Otherwise I have a word jumble in my brain.
Ron Obvious’s last blog post – Charlie Chaplin made this speech in ‘The Great…
Thanks for the link love Kim and you have some interesting stuff here for me to check out. I haven’t been to Dave’s site this week (or many others truth be told – I’m the opposite of you right now. Almost no surfing), but any article that tells me to clean less is okay by me. I despise cleaning. Truly despise it. I swear until I became a mom I was the most undomesticated woman on the planet. Seriously need to get rich and have a cleaner/housekeeper.
As for music while I work. I love my tunes, but I need silence when copy writing. Blog posts are a bit different – noise is no problem. When planning a scene for my novel I need quiet, but when I am writing I can get so in the zone that a bomb could g off and I’d still be writing. So, I agree, it depends.
Have a good weekend.
Kelly :)
Great post. I especially appreciated the link to A 7 Step Guide to More Comments. I look forward to being a regular reader of your blog.
Some interesting links there, Kim. I particularly liked the second one.
(Thank you!)
@Ron/Jim – Oh, yeah. Podcasts are another matter entirely. I can’t get anything done when I listen to them. They are best when commuting but I have one of the world’s shortest commutes unless I decide to walk.
@Kelly – Hi Well, you can be sure that Dave’s article is very funny ;-) Cleaning is not my thing at all. One of my goals in trying to earn more money is to have someone else come in and do it for me. I like things to be clean – I just don’t want to be bothered.
@Pizza – Thanks for visiting and for commenting. I’m glad you found some of the sites useful.
@Wesley – Ironically enough, right after this article was posted Chris Brogan changed his avatar ;-) Oh – I forgot to mention that I’m glad you got a gravatar.
I’m glad you’re glad. It’s just a shame it doesn’t play like it’s supposed to.
Wesley’s last blog post – Cinderella
How is it supposed to play?
of course i had to read the should we listen to music while we work. my answer is yes. i listen to music to almost everything….sometimes though i can be in deep thought while music is on and tune it out…not hear a thing.
great links kim!
Hi Natural – I’m glad you liked the links :-) I can only tune everything out and not hear a thing when small children are screaming “Mommy” ;-)
Nice and usefull post, thanks, this is one for my bookmarks!
@House Cleaning – Thank you for visiting and commenting. I need someone to come clean my house :-)