Over this long weekend, at least for schools, I have farming in Detroit, WordPress, reading, sleeping without a blanket, restaurant names, and more!
- Can Farming Save Detroit – Reclaiming Detroit’s vacant lots for planting crops
- 10 WordPress Dashboard Hacks – Pieces of code that can be used to do things to the WordPress Dashboard, such as remove the upgrade notification and removing dashboard widgets.
- How to Read a Book a Week in 2010 – Some good advice to help you read a book a week. I don’t agree with all of the advice such as limiting the size of the books or reading first thing in the day but it’s basically whatever works for you. I’ve been doing this for years – sometimes more, sometimes less but I average 50 books/yr. (Although last year I read 39).
- The worst restaurant names in the world. Hungry? Well, after going through this list you probably won’t be.
- 180 Thesis Design Customizations – If you are using the Thesis theme and need some design inspiration, this extensive list should give you some great ideas.
- When a client asks you to do something new – Should you fake it when a client asks you to do something you don’t know how to do? My answer would be no. But, I have made exceptions to this with some of my regular clients. If it’s something I want to learn, I tell them that I don’t know how to do it but have been wanting to learn how. I charge less and don’t charge them for the time that I spend spend studying. I wouldn’t, however, do this with a client that I didn’t already have an established and solid relationship with.
- And now I’ll never sleep again – On Twitter, The Bloggess posts that it’s hot but that she can’t sleep without a blanket. She got some very strange responses in return.
- My favorite American Idol Audition
Pants on the Ground Remix
Love the restaurant names. Probably my potty sense of humor.
I think you should contact the General about creating a website for him. ;-)
Hi Jim – I thought you would like those. There used to be one in West Philly called Ful Goo, which I thought was really funny but it’s nothing like the ones on that list.
And Larry? Well, I have to focus on something fun occasionally ;-)
I remember books. I so loved to read. Then I got a computer of my own…
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..Blog Move Is Immanent! I’m Looking For Launch Partners… =-.
Hi Dennis – I love to read and average a book a week. I also have a notebook that lists every book I’ve read since 1991. I tend to read for an hour or so before I go to bed.
That’s actually what I’m planning to get back into this year, the bed time read.
.-= Dennis Edell´s last blog ..Blog Move Is Imminent ! I’m Looking For Launch Partners… =-.